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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse


Adrynn watched Edward walk out, his fury under tight control. Where is he going? he thought to himself. Adrynn took one step toward the door, thought better about it, then turned around. He would deal with Edward when he came back. If he came back. Seeing how he had reacted against Azura had put some serious doubt in Adrynn on Edward's effectiveness. It was one thing to attack a mortal. It was by far another story to attack a Daedra Prince. Adrynn had been sure Azura would kill Edward on the spot for such a thing. He had been prepared to take the punishment, though he didn't know now why he did. Adrynn sat down on the nearest bunk, his mind starting to crack under all the questions he had. He rested his head in his hands and breathed slowly, trying to think about something calming. Garila . . . He smiled. She would make sure that he calmed down. She would tell him of his duty now to Morrowind. He had a job to do, and he needed to get it done. As he rose his head, he saw the brand Azura had put into his flesh. It was dark now. But it was very clear what it was. A Moon and Star. He was now bound to the goddess like never before. He could not fail her.


He glanced up to Velanya, who was scribbling away furiously at the parchment. She was writing too hard and too fast for the material to handle. Sure enough, he saw the quill's tip rip through the paper. Her head snapped up and he saw a raging fury consume her. Seeing this brought a huge shock to him. It was how he would probably react under the stress they had been under. Yet he was calm now. Calmer than he had been in a long time. He stood up and quickly moved over to his cousin. He grabbed her hands before she could hurl the inkwell, quill, or parchment at anyone or anything.


"Velanya! Calm yourself cousin, before you do something rash!" Adrynn commanded, his voice hard and low, trying to break through to her. He could still see the anger in her eyes but something else as well. Adrynn held her face in his hands and pressed his forehead against hers.


"Breathe. Just breathe. Let the anger flow away like water in a river bed. Just breathe cousin," he said softly now, taking deep breaths as well.


He could see the tears hiding behind her lashes.

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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse.


After the whole thing had finished, Dar felt a rising exitement well within him. Ashlander armies, and Daedric Princes? This was shaping up to be one hell of of an adventure, and he deffinately wanted in. Dar sat listlessly on the floor, staring at Adrynn and Velanya, one calm and the other hysterical. He thought very hard on what transpired, and almost felt saddened by the fact he wasn't chosen. But no matter, he had his own daedric prince backing him, even if he did try to kill him several times.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Bunk Room


Velanya tried to do as Adrynn told her, taking slow, deep breaths. She could feel the tears of anger and stress burning in her eyes, and she fought to keep them at bay. Why was she, all of a sudden, such an emotional crybaby? It wasn't like her to do this...to get so angry and hysterical. This wasn't the behavior of a veteran legionnaire, it was the actions of an impulsive and immature brat.


She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her cousin, pulling him close and burying her face in his shoulder. Her voice was muffled as she spoke.


"What's happening to us, Adrynn? It's insanity...it's too much...what are we going to do?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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When Azura disappeared Kriak felt a distinct bristling on the back of his neck where, hidden beneath his hair was a similar brand to Adrynn and Velanya's. Rather than a moon and star though it was of a wolf with a spear in the background. A symbol of Hircine, the Daedra prince had smiled fovorably upon him for several years and had wanted to make Kriak one of his champions of the hunt. Kriak had been honored but the timing was horrendous, it came as news had reached him of Moon-Eye's death and his other friends fleeing from their homeland. this was why Kriak had left Cyrodiil and thus was unable to be Hircine's champion tough eh already bore the brand. Kriak often mused over what if Hircine had made his decision sooner. If the prince had made him a champion earlier would he still be loping through the woods of Cyrodiil as silently and softly as he once had? Would he still bring offerings of Unicorn horn, and the pelts of fearsome wild beasts to the shrine of Hircine? Kriak had managed to banish these thoughts a long time ago but they had resurfaced when he saw the brands on Adrynn and Velanya. Kriak had little respect for the Daedra other than Hermaeus Mora and Hircine, the others vied for power too much, played politics and mind games, even Sheogorath played too much chess for his liking. Hircine had caused the werewolf problem of Solstheim years ago but the aim was far from conquest. Mora's intellect and power was too great to be trifled with the foolish whims of man and it took a truelly gifted individual to even become remotely worthy of serving him. To Kriak, these two Daedra, who needed no foothold in the mortal realm, were the only Daedra worth his time and the others were just obnoxious, infighting sibblings. Azura in particular disgusted him with the overly self-righteous air about her and her servants and how she targeted Vampires and the undead among other beings in what very much seemed like a 'holier than thou' crusade. She meddled far too much for Kriak's taste. Kriak couldn't wait to be out of the room and as soon as Cassius left so did he.


As Cassius' steps echoed down the hall Kriak suddenly stepped out from a shadowy outlet and held his arm out, blocking the spymaster's path. "Let's have a chat, Caius." Kriak said, his tone was unthreatening but he couldn't mask all of his disdain for the imperial in his words.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Bunk Room



It all happened quickly. The scent of roses suddenly and rapidly filling the room, the apparition of Azura speaking of grim times ahead, the obviously shaken Adrynn and Velanya, it was like old nightmares he used to have...only the deity was someone other than Azura. He remained stone-faced and motionless in his kneeling position, not even bothering to avoid Edward's wildly flailing blade. He could tell simply by the trajectory that it would miss him and that he'd be too far away afterwards to have another chance at it. When one make's fighting and leading his profession for two decades, he picks up on these things and they eventually become so ingrained into his mind and subconscious that the actions are performed without thought. It is as if the muscles themselves remember the movements and act on their own. The razor-sharp steel passed by his face right at eye level with barely half an inch to spare. Lecuaro didn't flinch though. He'd seen and endured much tougher.



He then watched as Edward stormed out of the room, struggling to keep a lid on his brimming anger. He must have a grudge against the gods. He then listened as Adrynn and Azura conversed about how he and the others in the room were her "Chosen" and about how "her will was her own". Blades induction speech all over again. The next event did slightly surprise him however, and it was a very rare occurrence that surprised him. He could only watch Velanya crumble to the brink of insanity at the sight of the insignia on her hand and as Adrynn, who was also marked, comforted her.



As the Daedric goddess disappeared Lecuaro slowly rose. He could feel his inner magical channels swelling with stress and energy. No...not another one...especially not now. He willed the energy back to stillness and stood for a moment, trying to finish processing what had just happened. Then, he felt a slight burning sensation on his arms. Twenty years ago when his skin was nice, young, soft, and unspoiled, he might've been rolling in pain right now. But his arms were masses of scarred and calloused skin and tissue with strong muscles buried underneath; pain held little power over him anymore. He looked at his right arm first, and nearly had his breath stolen from him by what he saw. Directly in the middle of the forearm's top side was the very dark, very menacing, and very elaborate depiction of the bulbous Daedric Prince named Hermaeus Mora.



Lecuaro nearly fell over from the shock. What in the hell is Hermaeus Mora doing burned into my arm? He then, against his better judgement, reluctantly looked over at his left forearm. On the top, in bold, clear, and beautiful black lettering, were the words "Oghma Infinium". The Breton's head began to whirl and he had to sit back down on the bunk lest he become dizzy and injure himself in a fall. What's Azura doing? How does Hermaeus Mora fit into it? Does everyone here have strange markings all of a sudden? These thoughts, along with thousands of others, swarmed inside the commander's mind. It was all too much...too fast. Mortals weren't meant to withstand this sort of pressure.



After a couple of minutes of sitting dumbly, lost in thought on his bunk, Lecuaro rose and walked over to where Velanya and Adrynn were huddled. He knelt down beside Velanya and placed a hand on her shoulder. He also shot a look at Adrynn...knowing he'd understand the mental message. "The inner demons we've all been trying to keep imprisoned in the deepest darkest parts of our psyches have all suddenly been released."



For a brief moment, he recalled Caius's request for a private talk later, but he pushed it from his mind for the time being. It could definitely wait.



Lecuaro then spoke to Velanya and a soft, fatherly voice as he let his temper cool and the rage fade from his gentle hazel eyes. Adrynn's voice was hard and authoritative, perfectly fine for most cases, but he could tell as both a veteran commander and a father that what the troubled soul on the floor needed right now was mercy. "Velanya...Velanya, look at me."

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Bunk Room


Adrynn wrapped an arm around Velanya and rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. It was a lot to take in these past few days. The attacks on the fort, Azura's message and Choosing of them, and the coming trials they faced as well.


"We will do what we must, because we have to. I don't see any other option, cousin," he said, taking her head in his hands and looking into her eyes. "As for what is happening to us? I don't know that yet. I'm sure we'll find out in time though."


He glanced over as Lecuaro got up and made his way to the pair. His look told him volumes about what he was thinking. Adrynn only nodded back. As Lecuaro crouched next to Velanya, Adrynn scooted over a bit so the Breton could talk to her as well.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Bunk Room


Velanya looked up sadly at her commander. She felt...strange, awkward, fragile. The list went on and on. It was as if she had lost her old self, the Velanya who could weather the strongest storm. She wanted that Velanya back. It was the only way she could survive this.


She swallowed hard, her throat constricted and her eyes still moist with emotion. But somehow, some way, she summoned her strength and steadied her voice, "Yes, sir?"


Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate


Caius almost walked right into Kriak, who stopped him in his tracks with an outstretched arm. There was a hint of contempt in the woodsman's voice as he requested to speak with him, but Caius ignored it.


"Sure thing, Kriak...what do you want to talk about? Walk with me if you will," he replied, moving to continue on his path.

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Kriak was mildly annoyed by the imperial still walking but he realized the added benefit of not having to ask him where he was off to in such a hurry. Kriak joined him, he kept pace with the much shorter imperial taking 2 strides to every 3 of Caius'. "What the Hell is going on. I know you realize some of it. You wanted a private conversation with Lecuaro in anticipation of this. I'm sure of it now. Did you know this would happen and are the two of you branded as well?" Kriak said, he tried to be as cordial as possible but his agitation was boiling over. As they walked Kriak felt a pang in his right arm and looked down to see the likeness of Hermaeus Mora upon his arm, in his bewilderment he closed one eye which surfaced in the stronghold and he saw Lecuaro on the ground staring at the same symbol. What the Hell?! he thought. Hircine's mark had burned slightly but that could have easily been his imagination, but this...this was insanity. Hermaeus Mora? Now Kriak was his chosen? Instinctively he ran his hand over the back of his neck, feeling for the mark of Hircine. It was gone. Rather it had reappeared on his right arm, much larger, but in a slightly different array. The mark of Mora seamed to have shifted. Suddenly black lines traced around them. It resembled a shield divided into thirds. Mora was on the left top side, the wolf on the top right and the spear at the bottom third. "And can you explain this?" Kriak said showing the strange new brand upon his arm to the spymaster.
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Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate


Caius continued walking methodically towards the kitchens of the fort, listening to Kriak's inquiries. When the hunter was quite finished, he stopped and turned to him.


"Kriak, if it's any of your bloody damn business, I want to speak with Lecuaro about what I want Velanya to do today and our possible next moves against Kogoruhn. No, I don't know anything about what happened back there, nor could I foresee it. But I do know this: the Daedra do what they do best - cause trouble through their followers."


He then looked at Kriak's sudden brand, his brow furrowed, "And it looks like they've chosen some of us to be their pawns - you, Velanya, and Adrynn at the very least. I don't know about Lecuaro, but I do know that he's always been somewhat interested in the Daedra...I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up with one of those things, too. No, I don't have one, thank the Nine. Don't ask me why."


He shook his head, "I don't know what's happening. But I'm willing to take a shot in the dark. This is all conjecture, but so far as I can tell, it looks like the Princes are at war - which could prove to be one hell of a problem."


He continued walking, and Kriak followed closely. Caius added without turning his head, "Seems the Daedric Princes are always involved when Imperial crises strike. Mehrunes Dagon in particular. Which brings me to a question I must ask you, woodsman. What kind of nonsense were you and Dar'krinjii talking about back there? Something to do with the Mythic Dawn? An attack on the Emperor and his sons - do you know when it will happen? Can we prevent it? I need more information to work with, if you don't mind."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Bunk Room



"Nobody's expecting you to be a rock wall emotionally, Velanya. It's what separates a person from a machine. I'm not going to lie; these past few days have been taxing on all of us, but as soulless as people, especially commanders, can appear sometimes, there's no embarrassment...no shame...in acting like you're supposed to. May sound odd to hear this from a guy like me, but the few times when I've talked with Nenalaamo or even my wife when I've been able to see her, it really does help."



Lecuaro's voice was soft and understanding with just enough firmness to hold the sobbing girl's attention. As he stared into her watery eyes, he could see much of his own paining and suffering swimming around in her irises. He had to fight to keep tears of his own from flowing forth. He hugged her slightly before continuing.



"And well...I'm a lot like you in the sense that I've never been one to covet power. Honestly, I'd still be a Knight-Errant myself if financial problems hadn't forced me to accept further promotions. Turned down several offers before I was forced to accept."



Lecuaro relaxed and sat criss-cross style on the floor next to Velanya. He could feel his temperament waxing emotional and his eyes glowed with compassion. Even with all the layers of indifference he'd formed around his heart over the years, he'd always cared about those under his command...and it pained him to see his men and women suffer.



"I can sit here and speak to you not just as a leader, Velanya, but also as a father. And while I can tell that you're usually expressive, there's something you're not releasing." He almost didn't want to finish the thought, but he knew that it was times like this when strong bonds between follower and leader formed. "What's eating at you, soldier?"

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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