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Velanya Therys, Urshilaku Camp, Wise Woman's Yurt


Velanya picked up the robe she had tossed aside and followed the wise woman into her yurt with Serra. She watched as Nibani began hurriedly going through her things.


"Yes, Serra. There have been many changes. Some good, some bad. The Urshilaku must learn to adapt," Nibani said, more to herself than to the scout. She took a worn shawl and stuffed it full of dried ingredients, herbs, scraps of linen and leather, a few shells, petty soul gems, and other assorted odds and ends. What she didn't put in the shawl, she raked into the fire in the center of the tent. As the flames burned the scraps, a pungent odor filled the air.


Next, Nibani rolled up her clothes, blankets and furs, tying them with a few lengths of rope. This she set beside her shawl of oddities, and she turned to the walls. From one corner, she retrieved a shalk-shell shield, a chitin spear, and a dreugh staff. She then gestured to Velanya.


"Velanya, come. Take this shield. It has been blessed by Azura, and will protect you from the magics of your foes. And even if you don't want to use it, I would like you to keep it as a token of my trust," the wise woman extended the smooth, black shield towards the legionnaire. Velanya took it gingerly, admiring the craftsmanship. The polish was so high that the average man would have thought it was made of ebony.


"Thank you, Nibani. It is a precious gift," Velanya said as she slung the shield across her shoulders. It rested quite comfortably on her back, its magics humming as they slowly came to life.


"And for you," the wise woman turned to the scout, extending the spear to her, "Serrabinashiah. Please take this. It belonged to my father, and my father's father. I do not have the skill to use it, but you may. As we are leaving all that we cannot use behind, I would like you to have it - I do not wish for it to be burned. It is too precious to me. And if you cannot use it, keep it....in case you are the last of your tribe."

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Serrabinashiah Masseribalit - Urshilaku Camp, Wise Woman's Yurt




Serra took the weapon from Nibani's gnarled hands and ran her eyes over it. It was a predominantly blackish object, being made mostly of hardened, laminated shalk shell with kagouti tusk inserts every few inches to provide added strength. The point was a ground-down kagouti tusk that was sharp enough to draw blood at a mere touch. At the opposite end was a balancing ball made of interwoven hardened netch leather studded with sharpened alit teeth. Overall, the spear stood about seven and a half feet long, a lavish length compared to most other Ashlander spears, which rarely exceeded five feet.



"Thank you, Nibani. Tibavael showed me how to use spears while he was here, and I've tinkered with the ones stashed in Fort Floodate. I will use this, don't you worry." Serra said. "Do you still have a pack guar or two to haul the supplies? I didn't see any when I was out there."

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Velanya Therys, Urshilaku Camp, Wise Woman's Yurt


Velanya rolled up the Zainab robe and stuffed it into a small space in her pack, then replaced it on her back, over the shalk shield. The pack was almost bursting at the seams with all of her stuff. She made a mental note to unload some of it when they returned to the Fort.


The wise woman sighed, leaning on her staff, "Unfortunately, no, Serra. We have no guar at all. Our pack guars were stolen not long after our food and hide herds were taken. We'll have to rely on our own strength to carry our burdens," she looked around the empty yurt with a grim expression and added, "in more ways than one."


Nibani looked at the fire momentarily, as if contemplating putting it out. Then, she shrugged. Velanya understood. It was all going to burn anyway.


"Well then, if you two could help me with these bundles, I would be most appreciative," she gestured to the shawl and roll of skins, "my ill health has rendered me almost incapable of standing for long periods, much less carrying supplies."


Velanya moved almost before she thought, taking the roll of clothes, skins, and furs, and tucking it under her wordlessly arm. Nibani gave her a curious look that made her stop.


"What is it? Did I -"


The wise woman held up a hand to halt her, chuckling, "No. You are fine. You just remind me of..." she trailed, shaking her head, "nevermind. My Ashkhan no longer wishes me to speak of such things."


Nibani gestured to the shawl, "If you would be so kind, Serra?"


Then, the wise woman opened the flap of the yurt, turning back to the two of them with a wry smile.


"We've got a camp to burn."



Faeryn Sethandas, Vivec, High Fane


Faeryn counted out the coins for two bottles of levitation potion and pressed them to Danso Indules's hands.


"Paying your respects to the Shrine to Stop the Moon again?" the priestess asked, a quizzical expression flickering across her face.


He chuckled, pocketing one potion and uncorking the other.


"You could say that."

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Serrabinashiah Masseribalit - Urshilaku Camp, Wise Woman's Yurt




Serra silently took the shawl, rolled it up, and bound it to her back with some strands of cord. She then hoisted the last remaining supply pack onto her shoulder and followed Velanya and Nibani outside. The rest of the people had also exited their tents, carrying what paltry possessions they could afford to bring along. Ashkhan Sul-Matuul stood in the midst of the refugees, sullenly inspecting the bundles of items. After a few moments, he spoke.



"Does everyone have everything they need?" He asked.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Velanya Therys, Urshilaku Camp


The legionnaire looked around at the tribesman, who had gathered what they could together and were now holding their most precious possessions in wrapped skins and furs. They were solemn as they emerged from their tents, some of them with tear-filled eyes, others with expressions of thin-lipped determination. The Ashkhan asked if they had gathered everything, and there were silent nods and murmurs of assent.


He looked to Nibani, "You know what to do."


The wise woman nodded grimly, "I do, Sul-Matuul. Everyone! Follow your Ashkhan, Serrabinashiah, and Velanya - just to the east and clear of this camp. Leave me to my work."


Nibani put a hand to Serra's shoulder, "I'll only be a few moments. Just make sure they are all well clear of the campsite."


Velanya then pursued Sul-Matuul, who had already made his way out of the camp, and the rest of the tribesmen began to follow.



Faeryn Sethandas, Ministry of Truth


"I need you to do something for me."


He had gathered his four most trusted and powerful allies together in a conference room in Baar-Dau: the floating moon of the Ministry of Truth. There was Kareth Athrys, a powerful battlemage; Elam Gols, a Hlaalu knight; Ravos Terilu, a mighty warrior and weapon master; and Ivela Helothren, a highly skilled archer. All four were veterans of Ghostgate, and all four had proven themselves trustworthy friends.


Elam was the first to respond, his arms crossed, "What do you need, Faeryn? You have but to ask."


Faeryn sighed, then recounted Velanya's information. He watched as their faces first bore shock, then grim worry. There was no trace of disbelief, and when he finished his tale, they did not think him a fool.


"So, Faeryn, where do we fit into all of this? How are we to aid you?" asked Kareth, her one purple eye focusing on his. Her other eye was milky white, having been blinded by the strike of a daedroth. Her face still bore the scar from that encounter...a deep and jagged wound that marred an otherwise beautiful countenance.


Faeryn shook his head, "Honestly? I don't really know, yet. I've already sent reinforcements to Ghostgate. I'd like you four to be able to bolster Floodgate, but I'm afraid the legionnaires would object."


"What about Maar Gan?" Ivela replied, her soft, almost ethereal voice belying a rough and tomboyish exterior, "We could always go there. We'd be close enough to help Floodgate if the need arose."


"That's true," Ravos agreed in his growling tone, "it could be under the guise of guarding the shrine there."


Faeryn nodded. It seemed like the best plan, and it was the most he could do. He would have to confer with Nenalaamo on where to go from there.


"Very well. Go to Maar Gan at once. Be ready in case I call for you."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Velanya Therys, Urshilaku Environs


The legionnaire nodded in agreement, "I'd better take point, so they see me clearly. They should know better than to shoot a Dunmer in Legion armor. Might be best for you to walk beside me as well. Send some hand signals or something to the archers on the walls."


Nibani then trudged slowly up the dune, ash trailing from her footsteps in dark wisps. She moved beside the two, leaning heavily on her staff, "It is done."


Flames had consumed the dry yurts like tinder. In a matter of hours, there would be nothing left of the former camp. They all watched for a few moments, silent with solemnity.


Finally, Sul-Matuul broke their trances, "If we are all ready, let us go."


Velanya looked from the Ashkhan to Nibani, then to Serra.


"Right, then. Follow me."



Faeryn Sethandas, Vivec, High Fane


He bowed his head to the Shrine to Stop the Moon, uttering a soft prayer as he offered the other levitation potion.


A strange buoyancy manifested just under his feet. Faeryn stood and smiled. Testing the blessing, he tentatively took a step forward. He was propelled at least fifteen feet, hovering slightly over the balcony.


With that he began to run, flying over the waterways of Vivec with astounding speed, the cantons zooming past. At this rate, he would be back in the Ashlands in just a few hours.

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Serrabinashiah Masseribalit - Outside Fort Floodgate



Over the next few hours, the troupe had slowly ambled their way back to Fort Floodgate. Thankfully, no more ambushes occurred in-transit. As they drew near, Serra began using her hand signals to identify her and the others as friendlies. A few sentries exited the gatehouse and started toward them as an Indoril armor-clad figure appeared above the fort.

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Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate Environs


The Ordinator's spell fizzled just as he crested the tall dune near the Fort. He found himself looking down upon the flat plane in front of Floodgate. There, a legionnaire was leading what appeared to be a ragtag group of Ashlanders towards the gatehouse.


As the group neared, the legionnaire's face became more detailed, and he recognized her at once.





Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate Environs


Velanya watched the Fort warily as they drew near. Even though Serra was giving her signals, she was scared to death that one of the troopers - paranoid after two assaults - would shoot at them. She scanned the towers and the surroundings carefully.


Suddenly, she spied a figure near the fort, clad in Indoril armor, a violet scarf fluttering about his neck.


"Faeryn!" she cried, breaking away from the group and sprinting towards the warrior.

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