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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Nenalaamo - Fort Floodgate, Nenalaamo's Office




Nenalaamo rubbed his long chin thoughtfully. "Oh yes, I know the Blackwood Company...I know them very well." He sat back in his seat and crossed his legs. "Heh, I thought I was done with them twenty years ago when I did a very brief stint down in Black Marsh. Guess I was wrong. And Indoranyon...it appears that our enemies know they aren't equipped or trained to fight a proper war against us and so they have to rely on magically-aided guerilla tactics."



He then leaned forward again. "You know, I'm just about convinced that this Ashlander army is just for testing the water...seeing what we've got up our sleeves. At least that spell Adrynn and the other fellow performed during the second assault didn't give them a chance to report back again. Well Serra, continue."



"Yes sir. There's not that much more to tell, actually. We convinced the tribe that it needed to leave its ruined camp. We've brought them back here to the fort." Serra said.



Nenalaamo was in slight surprise...not because of Serra's bringing them back to the fort, but because of the fact that they listened to her and came and the fact that most of the soldiers at the fort are very cool toward their type. He ran his fingers through his almond hair and sighed heavily. His next statement helped to alleviate some of the tension Velanya had been feeling.



"Well...I believe you all were right to bring them back here. The question now is how we're going to house them and keep the legionnaires from harassing them. The few Ashlander scouts we've had here beforehand might also start taking to extra heat."

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Nenalaamo's Office


"That is a good question, sir," Velanya replied. She closed her eyes momentarily. It was a relief to know that she had done the right thing. But how to proceed from here? Nothing would be easy.


"Perhaps a simple exchange of favors would do?" she said finally, "The Fort is in need of maintenance twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Perhaps we could give them the tasks that would free up our soldiers for other duties...and get them out of each other's way. In return, we give them regular meals and shelter. And, perhaps, the ones who aren't able to do physical labor we could use as consultants and advisers."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nenalaamo - Fort Floodgate, Nenalaamo's Office




Nenalaamo pondered Velanya's proposition well. It was, of course, a desirable thing to have actual Ashlander advisers, but the tension at the fort recently bode just as much illness as it did greatness for the notion. The already-acquainted scouts new much, and their knowledge had been helping a lot, but they were always subject to intense scrutiny by the common soldiers. There were some days when they had to always look over their shoulders to make sure no legionnaires were tailing them with large clubs in hand. Now that fresh Ashlanders were brought in...the situation could only escalate.



As Nenalaamo was thinking, a commotion became audible outside the office. A few seconds later, the sentry leader from earlier burst in lugging an unconscious Orc with another guardsman holding a rowdy Nord in binds.



"Commander Nenalaamo, sir, these two were hurling some very bad insults at our new Ashlander arrivals. Had to club the Orc here." The soldier panted.



Nenalaamo glowered at the Orcish and Nordic prisoners. His response was short and curt.



"Take them down and load them up on a cart. They've just become tenants of Blackrose...and not as guards." He said.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Nenalaamo's Office


Velanya could feel her pulse pounding in her neck. Her cheeks were hot, her hands clenched so tightly that her nails were digging trenches in the leather of her gauntlets. Her brand seared with pain as her anger grew.


It wasn't like her to be like this. She had a temper, sure, but such raw emotion was a trait of Adrynn's, not hers...


She glowered at the conscious Nord, her eyes narrowing to ruby slits, "I hope you rot, you son of a -"

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Nenalaamo - Fort Floodgate, Nenalaamo's Office




The two sentries hauled the new prisoners away and kicked the door shut behind them. Nenalaamo then responded to Velanya.



"I think it might take a few days to figure out how to tie our new arrivals in with all of the other people here. So let's save it for later...when we can discuss it specifically." He said. He then turned to Faeryn.



"Well, you've been silent this whole time, Faeryn. What news have you from down south?" He asked.

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Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate, Nenalaamo's Office


Faeryn cast a sideways glance at Velanya's near slip-up. He had never seen her this angry before. She had certainly changed since they had last seen each other.


"Well, Serjo, I think you will be pleased with my report," Faeryn began, sitting up in his chair, "I spoke with Archcanon Saryoni, and he has agreed to let me be a liason between you and Temple officials. He has also agreed that militant action must be taken by the Temple to ensure the safety of this island, and he has granted me the means necessary to do so. The Archcanon is also sending word to Gavis Drin and Fedris Hler of Mournhold, so that the mainland is prepared for whatever may occur on Vvardenfell.


"Five of my colleagues owed me favors in return for my aid in the past...I've sent these men and women to Ghostgate to bolster its defenses. Unfortunately, I only have sway over the Ordinators. The commander of the Tower of Dusk assured me before I came here that he was sending a correspondence to Molag Mar for reinforcements. However, I cannot follow up on that.


"I have also sent four of my most trusted allies to Maar Gan. These soldiers of the Temple are far more experienced than most of Berel Sala's men. They are veterans of Ghostgate, and they have survived many a raid on Daedric holds and Sixth House bases. They should be arriving at the Shrine in Maar Gan within twenty-four hours, and it is these Ordinators that I shall call upon if this Fort should require aid."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Adrynn Indarys, Ashlands


Adrynn's crimson eyes were as hard as rubies as he dug his ebony toed boot into the ribs of the Ashlander warrior.


"I said speak, damn you!" Adrynn spat, his anger rising as he felt the brand Azura had left on his hand burn in response. When the Ashlander did nothing but cower in fear, Adrynn snatched him up by the collar of his chitin armor and threw him at Kriak's feet. The tall hunter was deep in thought, and Adrynn could only guess what he was thinking.


"You have one and only one chance to start talking, Ashlander . . . " Adrynn said, the threat in his voice clear. The Ashlander looked between the hard face of Adrynn and the deep red eyes of Kriak and shuddered. When Adrynn drew his katana, the Ashlander finally spoke.


"Wait! I'll tell you what I know!!! Just don't kill me please," the Ashlander squealed, tears starting to form in his eyes.


Adrynn glanced between Lecuaro, Kriak, and Caius. "Start talking."

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Nenalaamo - Fort Floodgate, Nenalaamo's Office




Nenalaamo nodded thoughtfully. "Good. This fort can use all the assistance it needs."



Nenalaamo then turned toward Velanya and Serra. "Later tonight, you two and I can talk about what we're going to do about the Urshilaku. For now...perhaps it'd be best if you two just stayed with the Ashlanders untli then to help discourage any more mocking." He said.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Nenalaamo's Office


"Of course, sir. I'd be glad to," Velanya replied, rising to leave. She saluted the commander and made for the door.


Faeryn, too, rose from his seat, "By your leave, serjo, if I may accompany Velanya? I believe my presence may help deter anyone from bothering these people further. Besides, she and I have some catching up to do," at this, he raised his eyebrows at the Knight Errant, who returned his gaze with a curious expression.



Caius Cosades, to Kogoruhn


The armored khajiit started snarling and pulling at his binds when he saw the Ashlander squirming under Adrynn and Kriak's gaze. Caius cuffed the 'jiit hard on the head, "Don't even think about it, fuzzy. You're next."

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