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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Kriak, Kogoruhn Exterior


Kriak quickly double checked his gear over one last time. He adjusted his dagger and short sword in their scabbards. He made sure his arrows that had compartments for poison were all primed and ready. He also readied his soulgems for quick use, it would take all the energy he could muster if this went badly.


"Here, take this." He said, offering a particularly jagged and edged soulgem to Adrynn. "If things go badly I'll set a tap in it for you, it's best if it's on your person, that way it feeds directly to you rather than me having to channel it to you after the fact. The soul I filtered to you at the fort was a common thief, this one belongs to one of the most powerful mages I've ever had to fight. If things go poorly you'll have more energy at your disposal than you could possibly imagine. I figure ten, maybe fifteen times more than you had at the fort but these things tend to be more exponential than that. I've noticed from the scant few times I've had to tap souls that if they share experiences with the user the power is significantly amplified." Kriak said this all very grimly, he was loathe to utilize this tactic, it seemed like a waste, a disgrace, to the soul within the gem, to be obliterated completely. But if it was necessary, it was necessary. "Be prepared during the fight too, he may pull some tricks and I may have to tap the soul to keep an even playing field for you, it'll be slower though, just don't let it go to your head when you feel the rush of energy, it'll be like adrenaline, but stronger and unlike adrenaline you can overdo this significantly and get yourself killed. If you try and draw more than it's giving you at a particular time it can rush out and the gem will burst into a supernova. That would be bad for all of us." Kriak got even more grim with these last few words. He prayed he wouldn't have to start tapping the gem at all, let alone during the fight, he had almost killed himself the only time he had tried to tap one gradually, and the only reason he survived was because he could manipulate it more, Adrynn didn't have that ability and Kriak would only have a split second to transfer all the energy to him if something happened.


"Now, when you challenge him, have him declare a second, I'll be yours, that'll explain things nicely. If I do have to tap your gem early and they realize something is different, they'll probably step in, at which point I'll transfer all the energy I can to you and it's time to just light them all up. Unleash everything you have, particularly if it's distracting or keeps them occupied, I'll need some time to warm up if that happens. At least 5 minutes. I can hold them off in groups of up to ten but beyond that it'll take too much concentration from me and I won't be able to get off my spells to cover you and the others." Kriak had mentally already selected his weapon of choice from his magical arsenal, scant though the selection was he still had 3 spells he had never used before, too much energy, but based on the numbers of their opponents and how important this was, it was time to perfect each of those spells and use them on a much grander scale. He figured he needed about 3 souls, preferably shadow mages or illusionists. "If they pull something in the middle of the fight I'll step in as well. And if, Gods forbid, you go down, I'll take up the torch and finish this-" Here, Kriak turned his gaze to Lecuaro and the others, "That means you had better get inside because if Adrynn falls so will I and you won't get another chance before it's too late." Kriak turned back to Adrynn. "Alright, let's go."

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Adrynn Indarys, Outside Kogoruhn


Adrynn listened to Kriak wordlessly. He knew he would need the hunter's help and was silently glad Kriak had shown up when he did. Adrynn took the peculiar soulgem from the hunter and stowed it safely in a small cavity under the breastplate of his cuirass. There it would be safe till he needed it. Adrynn took one last look over his equipment and nodded. This was it.


"Very well, let's get this over with," Adrynn said, nodded to Lecuaro, Caius and the two Blades. "Good luck you four. Be quick about what you're doing, I can't hold him off forever." With that, Adrynn turned and started making his way down the dune. It seemed like it took only seconds for him and Kriak to wind their way through the outbuildings, keeping an ever watchful eye out for those that might see them before they wanted to be seen, and up to the very walls of Kogoruhn. Adrynn turned to Kriak and nodded one last time. He sure hoped this worked.


Adrynn quickly jumped to his feet and threw himself up the steps of the main table, pushing his way through the groups of soldiers and into the main courtyard. The sudden silence and the distinct sound of steel being drawn against leather let him know they knew he was there. Before anyone could react, Adrynn's deep Dunmeri voice rang out through the ranks of soldiers and mercenaries.


"NEREVARINE!!!! I challenge you to a duel in this place, NOW!" Everyone's faces that he could see instantly became shocked. He could see what they were thinking. He didn't care. All that mattered was drawing out the False Nerevarine. "Don't be a coward and disgrace yourself in front of your men!" Adrynn knew that would get his attention. He could see the archers on top of the main building had their arrows pulled to their cheeks, but none of them fired. They were waiting just as he was. Adrynn could sense the tall dark presence of Kriak at his back and knew the hunter had kept him from getting skewered from behind. He was grateful for that.


Adrynn's eyes locked on the main building as the doors opened back, thrown open by a great force. There, standing arrogantly in brilliant golden Indoril armor, was the False Nerevarine.


"Very well, you Redoran ant. You'll get what you want, and I'll make you pay for it for the rest of your short, but miserable life!" The False Nerevarine walked out, and in his hands was the one weapon Adrynn had learned to fear. Trueflame!

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Kriak, Kogoruhn Exterior


Well that's unique, a flaming sword. Kriak thought sarcastically, he spat on the ground and grinned slightly at the prospect. He hadn't even considered Trueflame making an appearance, it was more than he could have dreamed. Kriak muttered to Adrynn, "Don't worry, that toothpick might as well be a child's toy now. The blade itself isn't overly well crafted, shoddy dwarven workmanship at best and the fire, well, let me worry about the fire." Kriak smirked. He couldn't hide it, this was the most delicious, most entertaining form of irony he had ever seen. One of the soldiers near him prodded him with a spear, sensing his disrespect. The idiot never saw it coming.


Kriak moved in a blur, suddenly Trueflame's bright blaze flickered noticeably as Kriak's strong hand grabbed the soldier's spear just on the other side of the spearhead. Kriak jolted the spear, jerking it out of the soldier's hands as it's haft landed with a satisfying crunch on the soldier's jaw. The spear was then yanked clean from his hands and Kriak spun it rapidly before thrusting it completely through the soldier's body and flipping the whole bloody package over his shoulder. Kriak's eyes blazed intensely as his booming voice thundered, "Would anyone else like to try something stupid?" The faces that had just grinned in anticipation of Adrynn's demise suddenly were in shock again. And fear. Trueflame's blaze returned and Kriak's eyes' fury abated.

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Caius Cosades, Kogoruhn Outskirts


The Spymaster led the group around the dune to the back of Kogoruhn. Sure enough, there was a tiny encampment of three scouts, set up in front of what looked like a dig site. An escape tunnel, perhaps? If so, then they were fools to leave it so unguarded...


He motioned for them all to crouch low, then gave Cheriana the sign to snipe the scouts from a distance. If she was as good with her bow as Lecuaro had let on, then she would fell them quickly and soundlessly.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Kogoruhn Escape Tunnel



Lecuaro had wordlessly heeded Adrynn's and Kriak's words and had followed Caius's lead around the dune to the lightly-guarded tunnel. The last thin Kriak said had stuck in his ears for a few moments. Nenalaamo...dead? He had no time to focus on it, though. Now came action.


As the group paused before the trio of scouts guarding the tunnel, Lecuaro glanced to Cheriana and nodded. He watched Caius's and Mercando's expectant glances, knowing that they expected Cheriana to quickly fell all three sentries since he had played her abilities up so much.


Cheriana, determined not to disappoint, nodded back in understanding and assumed a crouched firing position with her bow positioned horizontally. She then drew two arrows from her quiver and lightly jammed them into a small sandbar in front of her to allow for faster redrawing. As she pulled a third arrow and nocked it, she took in the positions of the three guards. One was seated on a small stool off to the right while the other two were leaning against a rock formation right by the tunnel. She played out the three shots in her head, prescribing the rough data that would be more finely-calculated in a few moments. Several seconds later, she let off her three arrows in rapid succession, not moving her bow and drawing each arrow overhanded to maximize the rate of fire. In about two and a half seconds, all three of the Ashlanders had one arrow each protruding from their now bloodied helms.



Trilvan Salothril - Fort Floodgate Infirmary



The cleanup outside kept the fort's inner halls nearly free of traffic, allowing Trilvan and Faeryn to transport Hebiert to the infirmary quickly. Once they arrived, Trilvan at once set to work preparing a gelatinous topical applicant to smear on the puncture wound.


"Put him on the table and get his cuirass off." Trilvan said to Faeryn as he arranged his apparatuses.



Meraxtus Messania - Fort Floodgate



Meraxtus followed Velanya's finger and gaze to the ruins of the gatehouse, just beyond which there came the distinctive gleam of Akaviri steel. He was a bit surprised that they had not been deterred by the freshly-ended battle, but dropped the thought quickly. He held himself fully erect and took in a deep breath.


"Well, soldier, let's go greet our new guests." Messania said to Velanya as he motioned for her to follow.


The two parties met right outside the ruined gatehouse, where the lead Blade, Captain Fulmiata Caretus, came a bit ahead of the rest and removed her helm, revealing her slightly boyish face and shortcropped dark brown hair.


"You don't look like Commander Marczon." Fulmiata said impatiently.


"I am not he, ma'am. He's away on other Blades business right now." Meraxtus replied.


Fulmiata scowled a bit before speaking again. "So then we see his second-in-command, Nenalaamo, yes?"


Meraxtus gulped heavily as he answered. "No, ma'am. Mr. Nenalaamo fell in the battle you just witnessed. I was appointed third-in-command, and so now I am the stand-in for Marczon while he is gone."


Fulmiata's temper became agitated upon hearing this news. "And I don't suppose either you or your friend there know when Marczon will be back?" She asked.


"No, ma'am, we don't. If I had to guess, I would say no less than two days at the very least." Meraxtus answered.


Fulmiata gave a small, frustrated growl. The Commander was away, the fort was partially in ruins, and the two highest-ranking officers were dead. She had scarcely arrived and already things were going largely awry.


"Well then...I suppose you should take us into your office for now so my team and I can discuss this in private." Fulmiata said after a small silence.


"Of course, ma'am. We'll go there right now. This way, please." Meraxtus said before nodding back toward the fort at Velanya.


Nenalaamo's Spirit - Atherius



It seemed that it took a great deal of energy and strength to be able to speak to his friends in the mortal plane. He could not do so often, and he could not speak at length during the times in which he could. This forced him to realize that he would have to be quick and to the point in his utterances from up above.


After Meraxtus and Velanya had welcomed the Blades, Nenalaamo tried to tune in to the latter, and found an inkling enough of energy in order to establish a link. His message was simple.


"Velanya, after the walk, find my body and get my speaking stone out of my cuirass. Hidden pocket at the chest, you don't have to remove the cuirass to get at it. It's small, smooth, and light-blue." The energy left Nenalaamo as he finished speaking. He hoped that Velanya had heard him.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Caius Cosades, Kogoruhn Escape Tunnel


The Spymaster's eyebrows rose, "Nice. Now, come on, before anyone notices they're dead."


He led them in a crouched run towards the scout's camp.



Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


The Ordinator laid the soldier down on the table and began unbuckling the man's cuirass. He paused mid-action and removed his own helm and gauntlets, setting them on a side table. Now, with his vision and dexterity no longer impeded, he worked much more quickly, removing the leather breastplate and backplate in seconds.



Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate


The Legionnaire wordlessly followed Meraxtus, partially because she had nothing to say and partially because she had caught a whisper of Nenalaamo's voice. He said something about a speaking stone in his breastplate. She would have to investigate after this slight...inconvenience.


After witnessing Captain Caretus's attitude, she began to long for Caius's more diplomatic ways. Velanya worried more and more for him and Adrynn...

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Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn


Kriak's quick slaying of the foolish spearman only strengthened Adrynn's confidence. Kriak had his back, that much was obvious. Adrynn's eyes bored into the black abysses that were the eyeslots of the Indoril helm worn by the False Incarnate. His voice carried easily from the space between them.


"I choose my companion Kriak as my second. Do you wish for one in case you fall?" Adrynn asked the Incarnate.


"Hmmm . . . Yes, I do, but I shall be his second," the Incarnate said, walking over to a random soldier standing at attention close by. The look on Adrynn's face was murderous.


"That's not going to happen, Incarnate!" Adrynn yelled, stepping forward and drawing his katana. His grip on it was white-knuckled in fury.


The helmeted head turned toward Adrynn. "Oh, but I think it will, Redoran. This is my stronghold, so I make the rules here." The False Incarnate leaned in close toward the Ashlander soldier. Or boy rather. He could have been no more than 17 years in age. A child compared to Adrynn. The Incarnate whispered loudly into the boy's ear, loud enough for Adrynn's elven ears to pick up.


"You see that one over there, in the Bonemold Armor? He's a traitor to your people. He's in league with the Imperials and he wishes to stop me from fulfilling the last of the Prophecies. I want you to kill him, and when you do, I will make sure your entire tribe is rewarded."


"INCARNATE! I challenged you, not this boy! If you aren't man enough to face me yourself, then I call you coward!" Adrynn yelled, his voice filled with rage, his brand blazing as he clenched it shut around it.


"Well then, if you think you're man enough to challenge me then you will have no trouble with him," the Incarnate said, hooking a thumb toward the Ashlander boy. He looked back to the Ashlander. "Go on then, he's nothing. Easy pickings." The False Incarnate turned away and stepped off to the side just a bit and spun around, Trueflame resting loosely in his grip.


Adrynn was seeing red with utter fury. The Incarnate's blatant disregard for his challenge and choosing a mere boy to face him only enraged him further. The Ashlander boy stepped forward, his face set in a determined scowl. The spear in his grip was shaking slightly. The boy moved forward to get within spear range. He feinted low at Adrynn's knees. Adrynn sidestepped and stepped forward, stepping on the spear's haft and swinging his blade around at the boy's head. The boy ducked quickly, dropping his gaze from Adrynn. Adrynn's boot connected with the Ashlander's nose, breaking it. Blood spattered on the ground and the boy's head snapped back with the momentum. The pommel of the katana slammed into the Ashlander's temple, instantly knocking him unconscious. Adrynn caught the Ashlander and set him on the ground slowly.


"Impressive, Redoran, too bad you didn't kill him though. Now for the real fun!" the False Incarnate yelled as he threw himself forward, Trueflame whistling through the air toward Adrynn.


Indeed it does, False One

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Kogoruhn Secret Entrance



Lecuaro trailed behind the others as the group approached the mouth of the tunnel. He was constantly looking off to the left, where the stronghold lay. The dunes masked the meat of the building's shell near the ground, but he could see the tops of the upper structures roofs beyond. When the group reached the tunnel's entrance, a loud yell sounded from the stronghold followed by a sharp sound of two different metals striking each other at speed. Lecuaro's lip tightened.


"Sounds like the duel's started." He said worriedly.



Serrabinashiah Masseribalit - Fort Floodgate Courtyard



Serra heeded Nibani's suggestion and soon lost herself in the task of assisting the wounded soldiers. It felt good...proactively helping to get the injured healing while keeping her mind off of Nenalaamo's death. She used what healing magic and floral remedies she knew to patch up the lighter injuries and offset the pain and agony of the heavy ones. She even managed to hoist one Legion archer, gear and all, up on her back and carry him into the stock room where the Urshilaku had just been. They had elected to use it as the waiting room for Trilvan Salothril's infirmary.



Trilvan Salothril - Fort Floodgate Infirmary



While Faeryn removed Hebiert's cuirass, Trilvan ground up some hackle-lo leaves, scathecraw leaves, and corkbulb roots altogether in his mortar until he had a leafy-smelling powder cocktail. He then took a bit of water and added it to the powder. After stirring the contents briefly, Trilvan ran the liquid through his alembic, which emptied out into the retort, which was sitting over small, low flame. Once all of the balm had left the alembic, Trilvan dropped in a dab of scrib jelly. Using a skinny stick, Trilvan then gently stirred the mixture until the scrib jelly and powder water had blended completely. The fire underneath forced the substance to congeal into pasty, gelatinous goop that could be applied directly to open wounds. Lastly, Trilvan scraped the gel out of the retort and into a ceramic bowl. He hurried over to Hebiert and Faeyrn with his new concoction.


"Right then. You take that leather tube right there and stick it in his mouth for him to bite down on, and give him your hand to squeeze." Trilvan said to Faeryn as he took some of the gel in his fingers. "Okay son...this is gonna hurt like a son of a netch. Get ready." He said to Hebiert as he began applying the gel.



Meraxtus Messania - Fort Floodgate Hallways



The group said nothing as it made it's way wordlessly through the fort's labyrinthine interior. They made good time since most of the soldiers and staff were outside tending to the wounded and were only taking the pathway to the waiting room for the injured soldiers. In time, Meraxtus led them to the strategists room.


The chamber was unassuming enough. There were no tapestries, fancy candlesticks or silverware, or high-quality wood. The walls were bare, the light came from crude torches suspended by simple metal rings fastened to the walls, the tankards and plates and utensils were cheap wood, and the equally-cheap table bore a rough and uneven surface. The only quality about the room that spoke in favor of it being a strategists' chamber was the healthy stock of maps, other parchments, and quills and inkwells atop the table.


"You're at the head, ma'am." Meraxtus said to Caretus as he looked back at her, reading the unimpressed expression on her face. What was she expecting? A grand suite a la the Imperial Palace?

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Kriak, outside Kogoruhn


Kriak spat when he saw the false Neraverine's ploy. Debase Adrynn's character and then the fraud wouldn't really lose, his army would believe Adrynn used an underhanded tactic. Thankfully Adrynn didn't fall for it, Kriak had expected as much though. Kriak would have gone with a different route had he been the false Incarnate though, pick someone strong to tire Adrynn a little more, or use magic to buff up the young man then you succeed in weakening Adrynn, diminishing his morality and also make him look weak by there actual being a contest between him and the boy. But the false incarnate wasn't that clever, a pity. Kriak's favorite exercises had always been mental contests, it was a little disappointing that this fraud couldn't offer that, and he had had such high hopes after the manipulation of all the Ashlanders.


When the boy went down the Incarnate charged Adrynn with Trueflame. A wolfish grin spread across Kriak's face as the blaze roared to life around the Incarnate's sword. As the blade flew towards Adrynn the flames suddenly vanished and Kriak's eyes blazed again with a great light. The false Nerevararine must have surely been shocked as he hesitated for a moment. Kriak called out tauntingly, "What's the matter? Your little toy not working right? I think I can make a little better use of it."


A nearby soldier who was particularly agitated by Kriak's mockery of his commander rushed the woodsman with his sword. The soldier held his sword high, ready to bring it down in a cruel arc towards the back of Kriak's neck. Kriak didn't even look over to the other side as he dropped into a crouched position and thrust his palm into the soldier's stomach. A look of sheer terror filled the soldier's eyes as the wind was knocked out of him and he felt a great warmth in his belly. Suddenly an immense jet of terrible black flames erupted from his lower back and the soldier fell lifelessly to the ground with a massive whole burned through his gut.


At this a few soldiers stepped back out of fear for this strange new power but two more tried to rush Kriak. The woodsman thrust both of his palms into the dirt and more of the sick back flames surged forth from the ground and surrounded the soldiers. They're armor melted into their skin as their screams provided a sickening symphony for Adrynn and the false incarnate's battle. Kriak was now openly laughing, Trueflame was like some great vault of power that he could tap, he wished that he could take Adrynn's place without his companion having to fall, the rush of such a battle would be an experience he hadn't had in a long time.

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Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn


Adrynn parried Trueflame with his Daedric Katana, the blades ringing loudly as the two different metals clashed together and broke away. Suddenly, Trueflame's bright flame disappeared, and Adrynn heard Kriak's voice shout out from behind him, taunting the False Nerevarine about it. Adrynn seized the opportunity of the his opponent's momentary hesitation and swung his blade in a cruel downward stroke, aiming for the False Incarnate's thinly protected neck between the pauldron and helm. The Incarnate stumbled back from Adrynn's attack as loud, bloodcurdling screams sound from behind them. Kriak must be enjoying himself, Adrynn thought for a split second as the False Incarnate spun away from Adrynn, throwing up a Shield spell as he went.


"Come on now, Nerevarine. Surely you must be able to take a few blows from a lowly Redoran soldier," Adrynn taunted, flinging a fireball from his left hand at his opponent. The False One sidestepped it. Adrynn could tell that the False Nerevarine hadn't expected such a savage attack so early. Good! Adrynn threw another spell at the False Incarnate, this one a sizzling spike of ice. It impacted just below the right pauldron and knocked him back a step, just enough to allow Adrynn to get in a few more strikes. His blade never got where he was aiming. There was a Shield spell in place around the False Nerevarine, keeping him from taking too much damage.


"Oh, come now Redoran, it would never be THAT easy!" the False Incarnate yelled, sidestepping another of Adrynn's strikes and backhanding him in the face with his gauntlet. Adrynn rolled away and came to his feet. His cheek was stinging, but he didn't really feel it. Without a helm, he knew that if the False Nerevarine got in a luck headshot, it would be over. He couldn't allow that.


Adrynn and the False Nerevarine slowly circled each other for a moment, trying to gain a momentary break and both trying to gain a foothold in this duel. Kriak was tearing into the soldiers and mercenaries around them, but neither of them paid attention. They were only focused on each other. With another yell, they attacked, their blades colliding into each other and their armor, sparks and bits of chitin and bonemold flying off in tiny shards. Adrynn blocked one ferocious attack, catching his blade in one of Trueflame's notches, and twisted the locked blades to the side. He grabbed the False Incarnate's helmeted face and released his pent up fury with a large blistering fireball. The smell of burnt horsehair and charred chitin filled the air between them as Adrynn jerked Trueflame from the False Incarnate's loose fingers. It rattled across the cobbles as the False Incarnate grabbed his burning helm and ripped it off. The face that greeted Adrynn's eyes both shocked and enraged him to the point where he was trembling in fury.


"YOU BASTARD!!!!" Adrynn screamed, attacking again, his katana whistling through the air at that horribly familiar face.

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