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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Caius Cosades, Kogoruhn Secret Entrance


The Spymaster nodded, "It does. We need to hurry. Cheriana, you take point. If you see anyone wandering around down here, kill them as quickly and as quietly as you can. When the coast is clear, give us the signal, and we'll follow."



Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


The Ordinator slipped the leather tubing between Herbiert's jaws and took the soldier's hand, leaning over his face so that he could focus his vision on something besides the healer.


"Hold on, Herbiert," he whispered.


No sooner than the words escaped his lips, the soldier's body convulsed with pain. He cried out, his teeth clamping on the leather, hand once again nearly breaking Faeryn's...


And then he went limp. Faeryn worriedly checked his pulse.


Looking back at the healer, he said simply, "He's passed out."



Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Strategists' Chamber


The Knight Errant closed the door behind them. She noticed Caretus's expression, and it only served to reinforce her distaste.


"Ma'am," Velanya began, with a small salute, "Knight Errant Velanya Therys. Commander Marczon mentioned you had business with us, but he did not elaborate."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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OOC> I see what you did there Darkedge ;)


Kriak, outside Kogoruhn


Kriak had cut down all of the soldiers brazen enough to attack him, at times ten to fifteen at a time but they never marshaled enough manpower to truly present a threat to his considerable experience and his now overflowing power thanks to Trueflame. But then he heard the blade clatter to the ground, shortly followed by a helmet.


"YOU BASTARD!!!" Adrynn's below echoed through the dunes and all action stopped as Kriak turned sharply and the soldiers that had been watching his fight returned to their master's. Kriak wasn't prepared for this, he had just assumed-but it couldn't be-no. But it was. Even Kriak, a stranger in this land, had heard of the man before them, knew of his exploits, had seen statues of him. This was no false incarnate, it was The Incarnate, they truly were pitted against the Nerevarine. Kriak was shocked for perhaps the first time since he'd come to this land.


Yet this only strengthened Kriak's resolve, this man was supposed to be the savior of Morrowind, a champion for the meek and yet he is trying to obliterate his own homeland, in a manner of speaking, he disgusted Kriak. After the brief moment of shock following the removal of the helm several soldiers surged forth towards Kriak, but now it was going to be a blood bath. In a blur Kriak drew his shortsword and dagger and began tearing through his foes with a vengeance, making his way closer to Adrynn and the Nerevarine to provide support. Blood fell like rain in a tempest as Kriak carved through the army towards his companion. Trueflame still gave Kriak a nearly unlimited font of energy but he felt something amiss about the blade now, what it was he couldn't be sure but he had a hunch.

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Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn


Adrynn's Daedric Katana halted in mid-air, caught in the hand of the Nerevarine. Adrynn's mind was howling in shock, betrayal, and fury. His brand was blazing so hot it was past the point of pain and was a burning in his spirit. Noooo! The small smile that was on the face of the Incarnate and the look in his eyes terrified Adrynn because this was NOT the same man he knew those years ago. Something was hidden behind those eyes, something evil.


"What happened to you?!" Adrynn screamed, snatching the Nerevarine up by the throat, his rage giving him the strength to pick up this fully grown man in heavy armor. The Nerevarine simply kept smiling. He thrust out his arm and a large lightning bolt flew out of it, striking Adrynn in the chest and blasting him back into a group of soldiers. The air left Adrynn's lungs and he tried to catch his breath as the soldiers threw him back into the duel.


Adrynn crawled on his hands for a moment before standing up jerkily and threw himself at the Nerevarine, yelling with what voice he had. He had to stop him. With another lightning bolt, Adrynn flew back again and lost consciousness.

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Kriak, Outside Kogoruhn


Kriak had just broken through the ranks to the duel when Adrynn lost consciousness. He rushed to his friend and quickly checked for a pulse, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he found one but he knew Adrynn was in grave danger if the soldiers grew bold. Kriak murmured something under his breath and a shell of darkness enveloped Adrynn, it wasn't much but it would protect Adrynn from mundane weapons like those that the soldiers carried. When he had taken the last few precautions he rose and stared at the Nerevarine with such unbridled fury and hatred that he wasn't sure where he had mustered it from. He hadn't known this much anger since he was a young boy and his parents had been slain.


The Nerevarine began to taunt him, mocking Adrynn's condition and fighting prowess, "Spineless little Redoran, couldn't even handle a few-"


"Silence you pathetic worm. You are nothing compared to him, nothing!" Kriak cut the Nerevarine off mid-sentence. "Pick up your damned sword. Do it!" He bellowed deeply. He could see a sadistic smirk on the incarnate's face as he stooped to pick up Trueflame, Kriak sheathed his dagger and deftly tossed his shortsword in the air, catching it in his left hand to free his right for his spells. "Now you deal with me." Kriak snarled.


The Nerevarine laughed and launched another lightning bolt at Kriak. But the woodsman was ready. Kriak thrust his right hand out to meet the lightning bolt in the air, when it struck his palm he brought his hand back to cushion the impact. As he did so the crackling electricity seemed to change, it was no longer a brilliant blue-white but a swirling mass of darkness. Kriak lowered his hand slightly but then caught a soldier creeping towards Adrynn out of his peripheral vision. The woodsman whipped his arm towards the soldier and a massive blast of electricity and darkness arched from Kriak's fingertips to the soldier and several of the nearby men, boiling them in their own armor.


"Don't play games with me." Kriak said turning back towards the Nerevarine.


The incarnate chuckled then charged, "Have at you then!" He roared, bringing Trueflame up in a savage arc towards Kriak. Kriak was too quick though, he tucked his shoulder down as he deftly parried Trueflame and then rolled under the Nerevarine's guard, striking out with his shortsword and catching the traitor in his calf. The woodsman was on his feet in an instant as the Nerevarine spun to face him again. The incarnate spat and snarled viciously as he let loose a stream of lightning towards Kriak, it had far more power this time than the last blast. Rather than tame it Kriak decided to best it and unleashed his own spell, a sickly black torrent of flame that met the lightning blast in the air.


"That's more like it." Kriak remarked.


Kriak slowly began stepping towards the Nerevarine, his spell only gaining ground all the while, not much, but still gaining. He was toe to toe witht the incarnate now and they both broke their spells simultaneously and took their blades in both hands and struck out for one another. Steel clanged as they exchanged blow, matching each other nearly strike for strike as their adrenaline fueled them. After what seemed like hours they locked blades, each snarling in to his opponent's face, Kriak could feel Trueflame kicking back towards him, the Nerevarine was pumping his own energy into it. Kriak smiled; it would be the incarnate's undoing. A puzzled look crossed the Nerevarine's face just before recognition dawned on him.


With a deft flick of his wrist, Kriak slid his blade down, catching Trueflame in one of the notches of his shortsword, then he put all of his being into stealing the fiery power of Trueflame as he twisted his blade hard. A sickening crunch echoed in the circle as cracks spider-webbed all down the length of Trueflame. Suddenly, it happened. Trueflame shattered completely and a horrible inferno was released. The great blaze beat against the soldiers, the first few rows of spectators were completely burned alive, many were crippled or injured beyond that and it took every bit of Kriak's focus to save Adrynn by directing the inferno away from his unconscious form.


Kriak and the Nerevarine were knocked back from one another and stared into one another's eyes. The Nerevarine's face was burnt and scorched, he had an eyebrow missing and the other was still smoldering along with his hair. His shield spells had saved his life but didn't stop all of the damage. Kriak was unscathed. "What are you?!" The Nerevarine bellowed in rage.


"My name is Kriak. I am a Sarosian Hellblade, which means that I gut scum like you for a living and your petty trinkets with fire are nothing more than vessels of energy for me." Kriak was perfectly calm at this point. His heritage had more than saved his life today, darkness was his home but fire was his birthright. Fire couldn't harm him and he could manipulate it quite easily and that was what was going to win the day.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Kogoruhn Tunnel



Cheriana entered the tunnel carefully, pulling ahead of the rest a bit to scout every corner, bend, twist, rise, and decent. Steadily, the group made its way through the tunnel without meeting any opposition. Most of them were likely outside witnessing the duel between Adrynn and the rebellion leader. Anyone that remained out probably be part of a skeleton crew and they would be scant with their patrols.


After about seven minutes of walking, Lecuaro's brands on his arms suddenly began to burn. He winced slightly at the pain, but then it subsided. A moment later, however, another more painful burning sensation jolted through his arms, causing him to let out an audible groan and go down to his knees. His head clouded momentarily, but then the thoughts clarified again. Among them, Lecuaro detected a new one. A notification. It wasn't very clear, but he could tell that something was wrong with Adrynn's and Kriak's distraction.


Caius and the others had paused and gathered around Lecuaro to see what was the matter. The burning had not yet stopped, and so there was still a slight look of discomfort on Lecuaro's face. They'd likely already called his name, but now he could feel Cheriana forcefully shaking him and trying to get his attention.


"Commander! Commander! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Came her whispered screams.


Lecuaro's response was short and cryptic. "Something's wrong outside." He said, getting to his feet. "We can't go back now, though. We stick with the mission...and pray that Adrynn and Kriak make it through this."


The situation was dimming with each passing minute, and there was a very high, very real risk of the whole plan going up in flames. It was nothing new to the commander of Fort Floodgate, though. There wasn't such a thing as a concrete plan or a good day for any kind of military operation in the Ashlands. Out there, one did what he had to in order to ensure the survival of not only himself, but also his people. Stuff went wrong for Lecuaro everyday...and he wasn't about to expect it to go any more smoothly now.


Trilvan Salothril - Fort Floodgate Infirmary



"Okay, just hold on. Almost done." Trilvan said as he put the last of the jelly on the abdominal wound. After finishing, he quickly took a long piece of cloth and wiped his hands off on it before bringing it back over to the table.


"Alright, lift him up carefully and don't let his back bend any. Keep him there for a bit and let me bandage up that wound." Trilvan said to Faeryn as he straightened out the cloth.


Meraxtus Messania - Fort Floodgate Strategists' Room


Captain Caretus took her seat at the head of the long table while some of the Blades sat down along one side and the others, along with Meraxtus and Velanya, seated themselves along the other.


"Yes, I've quite a sensitive bit of business with you all." Caretus began as she sat in the chair. "The leader of the Blades forces in Morrowind sent me here to Vvardenfell to pick a couple of agents to add to a squad that he is assembling. This squad is going to Mournhold to investigate just what is happening over there. King Hlaalu Helseth has severed nearly all contact with the Imperial brass and what little we're still getting from him isn't very clear or trustworthy. Marczon said that he knew a Dunmer, an esteemed Redoran warrior if I remember right, living in the Bal Isra stronghold not far from this fort. "But, since Marczon isn't here right now...I guess we'll have to wait and see."


Meraxtus shot a surprised glance at Velanya. This was something much bigger than either of them was expecting.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Caius Cosades, Kogoruhn


The Spymaster gestured to the door ahead and whispered, "Look. There's where the interior begins. Cheriana, stay behind us. Your arrows will do little good for sniping now that we've reached cramped quarters - by all accounts, stronghold rooms are rather small. I'll take point from here, and if we're attacked, don't bother with stealth. I've a feeling their numbers are thin in here anyway...at least for now."


Caius carefully sidled up to the door and opened it ever so slightly, peering through the crack.


"Coast is clear...looks like a storeroom. Let's move."



Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


The Ordinator did his best to follow the healer's words to the letter. He briefly wondered if they were going to have to go through this for every wounded soldier, but he waved the thought away. It didn't matter. They would do what had to be done, regardless.



Elam Gols, Fort Floodgate, Courtyard


The Hlaalu knight and his Temple companions had finished assembling the bodies and were now working on constructing two pyres: one for the enemy, the other for the legionnaires. They took timbers from the fallen gatehouse to build them - it seemed oddly appropriate.



Nibani Maesa, Fort Floodgate, Courtyard


The Wise Woman watched as Serra and her people went about their work. Most of the wounded were being tended to now, and the worst of them were being carried inside to wait for more intensive treatment. Sul-Matuul stood beside her, his hard face set in a grim expression.


"They cannot go through more of this," he stated, "their numbers are too low. Their morale is thinned."


"You are right," she replied, "And-"


Suddenly, her sight flashed to a warrior with a golden helm...then to a flaming sword shattered from its core...then to a man bent on his knees...


"Nibani! Nibani!"


Sul-Matuul was shaking her vigorously. She finally focused upon him with a worried expression, her eyes still slightly fogged with the vision, "Something isn't right. The Nerevarine..."



Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate Strategists' Room


The Knight Errant exchanged glances with Meraxtus, and then looked back at Caretus. The Bladeswoman needed to know everything that was going on. Velanya halfway thought about asking Meraxtus to leave the room, but there was no sense in keeping secrets now...


"Ma'am. I am a Blade Novice under the authority of Caius Cosades. He, Commander Marczon, and the Redoran you just spoke of, Adrynn Indarys, are currently undergoing a reconnaissance mission to the ancient Dunmer stronghold of Kogoruhn. It is believed that the force behind these attacks is headquartered there. They are attempting to recover valuable intelligence about these enemies - who are supposedly led by the Nerevarine, himself."


She paused and shook her head, "Judging from the size of the attacks thus far, there is a possibility they may not return."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Meraxtus Messania - Fort Floodgate Strategists' Room



Captain Caretus smirked. "So Marczon's still in active service, old Caius has come back, and the two of them are now infiltrating a heavily-guarded stronghold along with this Redoran warrior and probably several other people. I guess he has his reasons. This is going to make the affair here take longer than both my superior and I were hoping, though."


"They're a highly trained and very experienced bunch of people, Miss." Meraxtus began. "I'm sure that whatever they're supposed to be doing there, they'll get it done and make it back here together and alive."


Caretus nodded thoughtfully. "Well, you can spare the patronizing, soldier. We're not in the Elder Council chambers. Anyway, now I guess it's time for the rest of the team to introduce themselves.


On cue, the other Blades all removed their helmets, revealing a full range of races. Argonian, Breton, Imperial, Altmer, Dunmer, Orc, Nord, Khajiit, Redguard, Bosmer, they were all there.


The one nearest Caretus and across from Meraxtus and Velanya spoke first. He was a stocky Khajiiti man with pretty walnut fur and a golden-blonde main, likely a mix between the Senche and a smaller breed. His narrow, teal-green eyes studied the two legionnaires intently as he delivered his greeting.


"Ra'Karshazo, veteran reconnaissance agent and experienced assassin and scout." He said.


Meraxtus then noticed that both Khajiits present were flitting their tails a bit above the table. However, they appeared metallic instead of furry.


"I see...that your tails are armored as well." Meraxtus said in genuine awe.


"Oh, yeah. It's a specially-made tail piece. It's made from leather and very finely arrayed metal plates to provide the best protection while still giving the tail flexibility. I'm a light armor man as you could probably tell from my profession, so heavy suits like these are just ceremonial for me. Besides, this 'tailscale' as we call it is hella-'spensive. Costs around three thousand drakes to get one repaired, and brand new ones go for over ten thousand." Ra'Karshazo replied.


Meraxtus and Velanya both let out a low whistle.



Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Kogoruhn Storeroom



Lecuaro picked up the rear as the troop made its way into the storeroom. He didn't think there would be many patrols because of the spectacle taking place out front. After checking the storeroom for enemies and coming up empty, Caius slowly inched toward the heavy wooden door. To his chagrin, he found a heavy lock on it.



Trilvan Salothril - Fort Floodgate Infirmary



Trilvan quickly and deftly bandaged up Hebiert's wound and the two Dunmer hoisted the archery prodigy off of the table and onto a hammock. "We'll have to watch his breathing and pulse." Trilvan said as they left him to rest.


The healer immediately began tinkering with his alchemical devices again. "Okay, go find out where they're holding the patients and tell them to start sending them back. Worst ones first." He said as he began mincing some trama roots.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Kriak, Outside Kogoruhn


With Trueflame in pieces, Kriak noticed his own shortsword had cracked severely and seemed to be glowing, the glow slowly spreading throughout his blade. Kriak watched with grim fascination as his time-tested shortsword melted into near nothingness and he let it drop to the ground and sizzle in the dirt. He brought his gaze once more to the Nerevarine.


Kriak unsheathed his dagger and charged the incarnate. The Nerevarine dodged to the side and drew a small blade of his own. The two men circled about one another, lunging, dodging, ducking, evading and grappling. It was like a deadly dance of fate and the soldiers seemed awestruck by the agility of the combatants. Kriak was lithe and agile for his large frame moving gracefully with an almost infuriating ease while the Nerevarine moved with a speed and clear expression of dominance and power. Their styles were completely different but also perfectly matched in execution.


Through their duel the Nerevarine growled at Kriak, "Where in Oblivion did you come from and what is it that you do?" The question was as much out of curiosity as it was intended to distract Kriak from his numerous feints and lunges.


"I come from the isle of Saros, in another realm. And I earned my living by assassinating scumbags like you that betray their people." Kriak was quite calm as he said this but his tone grew more venomous with his last remark and he spat in the Nerevarine's face. He hoped though that Adrynn would wake soon, he did not cut the figure of one to be respected following this duel, it was not his honor battle and he worried that the soldiers would charge him should he be victorious. He needed Adrynn awake to be able to leave should the need arise. He couldn't escape while carrying Adrynn.


While he thought, Kriak posed his own question, "And why are you doing this? What do you have to gain from it? What's the point?"


OOC>If Darkedge or SoulOfChrysamere could post as the Nerevarine for this part that'd be nice, being as they're the architects of the plot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn


Light flashed behind Adrynn's eyelids, and he awoke. He was encased in darkness, a cloud of shadows surrounding his body. He didn't know how it got there, but it must be there for some reason. He could tell that something had happened when he had been blasted aside like an ant by the Nerevarine and he'd struck the ground. His mind was fuzzy and it was hard to think. What was going on outside this little bubble? Where was Kriak and the Nerevarine? The Nerevarine. Nerevarine! Traitor! Liar! Oath-breaker! Rage engulf Adrynn's mind and body, forcing him to sit up. He broke through Kriak's protective shadows, his eyes taking in the carnage before him. He quickly spotted Kriak and the Nerevarine not far from him, and the sudden emptiness where earlier there had been hundreds of men. Glittering shards of metal glinted in the sunlight on the ground between the two combatants. Truflame? Adrynn spotted the hilt and knew it to be true.


Adrynn appeared just in time to hear Kriak's question.


"And why are you doing this? What do you have to gain from it? What's the point?" Kriak spat at the Nerevarine.


"I'm doing it to drive out the Imperial scum who think it is their place to invade my lands and enslave my people to their petty and foolish Emperor! Morrowind is MINE!"


"Wrong Nerevarine, Morrowind is for the Dunmeri peoples," Adrynn said, standing up slowly, picking up his Daedric Katana as he did so. Adrynn's mind cleared slightly as the cool breeze blowing from the west chilled the sweat and blood spatter on him.


The Nerevarine turned toward Adrynn, a sneer on his face. "Looks like your friend here had the balls to step up for you when you decided to take a nap."


Adrynn only shook his head. "What happened to you, Nerevarine? What happened to the honorable, fiercely loyal, and protective hero who defeated Dagoth Ur?"


"I'm still here, Redoran scum. But I decided that Morrowind was better off without the Imperial yoke strangling it," the Nerevarine said, spinning the dagger in his fingers till the blade was in his fingertips. "Now, die you bastard!" the Incarnate yelled, throwing the dagger at Adrynn's exposed face. Adrynn deflected the dagger with his katana. At least his reflexes were still working. Adrynn glanced at Kriak. Then he threw himself forward, swinging his katana at the Nerevarine.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Strategists' Room


The Knight Errant was thoroughly impressed with what she saw, "And the rest of you? Who are you?"



Caius Cosades, Kogoruhn, Storeroom


"Dammit," the Spymaster cursed.


He fished around in a pocket for a lockpick, and then began trying to pick the lock, his ear to the device so he could hear the tumblers. Several minutes passed by in silence before he finally clicked all of the tumblers in place. Taking a deep breath, he took the door firmly by the handle and opened it.


Before them stretched a long and narrow corridor that ran from left to right.


"Which way?" he hissed.



Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate


The Ordinator made his way back into the foyer, where he spied the wounded being carried into a nearby storeroom.


"Listen up!" he announced, "The healer is taking the wounded one at a time. Those with the worst injuries come first. Who of you needs immediate care?"

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