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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Inside Kogoruhn: Storeroom


Mercando followed Caius's lead and hit the majority of the grounded Ashlanders with bolts of searing fire. A few managed to survive the grilling, however, and Mercando fired off more magic at them while yelling at Caius.


"Round two, Caius!" He called.




Lecuaro helped Adrynn secure the Nerevarine before drawing his own katana and heading out to join in the fight. As he sized up the faltering opposition, he tried to help Adrynn snap his mind into focus.


"You coming or what, Redoran?" He said as he stepped out.



Serrabinashiah Masseribalit and Meraxtus Messania - Fort Floodgate Storeroom


Meraxtus took the Nord's legs in his own arms and nodded to Faeryn that he was ready.


"On three. One...two...three!" He said.


As they hauled the Nord's body up, Meraxtus noticed Serrabinashiah and her companions leaving with the Ashlander wise woman and a couple more fresh patients.


"You headed to Trilvan?" Meraxtus called out to Serra.


"Yeah, c'mon!" Serra called back.


"Who's walking backwards?" Meraxtus asked Faeryn as he nodded toward the parting group.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Caius Cosades, Kogoruhn, Storeroom


The Spymaster responded to Mercando's call with another handful of stun beads, knocking the other combatants to the ground again.



Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate


"I can do it," the Ordinator replied, maneuvering as carefully as he could down the hallway, praying that no one would knock into him from behind.

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Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn


When they reached the storeroom that led to the exit tunnels and the Ashlanders attacked, Adrynn had ducked into the room while the rest of his companions save Lecuaro defended them. He went to the farthest corner in the little room and dropped the Nerevarine in it, helping Lecuaro secure him so he couldn't escape while they dealt with the Ashlanders. Adrynn spun around just as Lecuaro called for him.


"Yes, I'm coming Breton, don't fret," Adrynn called back, weary of today. He was tired of killing, tired of the slaughter. He had killed more people in the last few days then he had for the past two decades combined. It was understandably starting to get old. Adrynn drew his katana and stepped into the hallway to find his companions making short work of the Ashlander ambush. But something was wrong. This wasn't right somehow . . . Then it happened.


A large fiery portal erupted opened right in the middle of the corridor, spewing flames everywhere. Adrynn ducked to the side, even though he was highly resistant to fire. What spilled forth from the portal made Adrynn take an instinctive gulp.


With fiery red and black armor that had spikes to match Kriak's armor, seven Dremora stepped from the portal, their weapons glistening and steaming from the heat of the Badlands. The largest and most fierce looking singled out Adrynn, as he was the closest.


"Your soul belongs to Lord Dagon, mortal!" the Valkynaz screeched, before raising his large battleaxe and swinging it straight for the Redoran.


Oh, great.

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Kriak, Kogoruhn


When Kriak felt the great rumbling of the Oblivion gate opening in the storeroom he jerked his head to get a better view of Adrynn and the Nerevarine. His heart sank when he saw the dremoras step out from the portal. Damn! He thought in fury as he bolted back towards Adrynn.


"Your soul belongs to Lord Dagon, mortal!" The largest dremora yelled as he swung his battleaxe at Adrynn. Kriak knew that Adrynn could handle himself and instead ignored his Redoran companion and jumped between two of the dremora and the unconscious Nerevarine. The dremora charged at him and he fell one by thrusting his dagger directly through a link between its armor's plates and stabbing it in the heart. The dremora howled in pain as it collapsed to the ground. It's companion swung a heavy broadsword towards Kriak's vulnerable neck but the assassin deftly rolled underneath the blade and to the dremora's feet where it's blade struck the stone floor of the ancient fortress. Kriak then launched himself upwards, catching the dremora under the chin with his dagger then twisting and bringing it down through the dremora's throat.


Kriak quickly glanced over towards Adrynn and the Valkynaz he was battling and yelled, "Fall back! We need help in here!" He did not expect the Mythic Dawn to be so far along already. Their ability to open portals now was shocking and terrifying to say the least. A larger dremora charged towards him with a massive greatsword that it held in one hand with it's hulking arm and held a gargantuan tower shield with its arm. The dremora brought the point to bear towards Kriak and feinted towards him with it. The assassin foolishly bought the ruse and dodged to his right and the towering dremora slammed its shield into Kriak and tossed him slightly to the side. Kriak rolled when he hit the ground but that entire side of his body ached in pain and agony. He cursed himself for being so foolish. These dremora were no animals that he had hunted on Vvardenfell and they were not fools like the Nerevarine's soldiers; they exuded confidence and expertise not arrogance and hot heads like the Nerevarine had. Kriak had gotten lucky with the first two, they had been Caitiffs, weak, inexperienced, untested. This was a Kynmarcher and Kriak could see two of the other dremora were Markynaz. But for a Kynmarcher this was a behemoth of a dremora and it seemed very skilled in combat, very.


Kriak dashed towards the Kynmarcher this time leaping high into the air, using magic to increase the height of his jump. The dremora saw his aim and readied its sword to skewer Kriak as he landed but Kriak had been hoping for this. Great black tendrils of energy enveloped his hands and as he descended he grasped the very greatsword with his bare hands, holding his dagger between his teeth. Kriak then used all his strength to swing around and kick the Kynmarcher directly in the side of its face, knocking off its helmet. As he did so he released his grip on the blade and the energy about his hands which arched down the length of the sword and lacerated the dremora's armor, leaving it riddled with deep gashes and catching it across the face. Kriak landed a few feet behind the Kynmarcher as it stood up once more and beat its greatsword across it's shield and howled menacingly at Kriak.


Kriak took his dagger from his mouth and sheathed it. As the Kynmarcher charged him he released a torrent of dark energy lashing the Kynmarcher and making him stop and deflect the magic with his shield. In the brief pause following this, Kriak slashed open both his palms and thrust them to the ground, splattering blood everywhere. The dremora watched in fascination as energy surged down Kriak's arms into the ground. Suddenly the whole chamber shook slightly and a horrible wailing filled the storeroom like the screams of the damned. Slowly Kriak's hands broke down into the stone and appeared to grasp something. He began to bring them up and the wailing grew louder and louder, seeming ever more incessant and urgent as jet black handles could be seen in Kriak's hands. Sickly black blades were slowly drawn from the stone work and just when it seemed ones ears would burst and bleed with the volume and intensity of the screams they stopped. The scimitar like blades slowly turned colors to a deep, bloody crimson with glistening black edges. On the backside the blades had a "gut" meant for slicing through spinal cords upon withdrawing a blade from an impaled stomach. The handles were of a peculiar leather that seemed to glow slightly with dark energies linked with the strange blades: the Sarosian Dirges.

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Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn


Adrynn's body instinctively dropped low and to the left, ducking under the heavy axe as it embedded itself into the wall, crumbling the stone underneath it. Adrynn snarled as adrenaline started pumping through his blood while bringing the heavy Daedric blade in his hand up in a sweeping arc. The Dremora Valknyaz jumped back, ripping his axe out of the wall. Adrynn planted one booted foot against the stonework and threw himself forward, the weight of his armor and body behind his charging strike. The Valkynaz tried to maneuver out of the way but stumbled over the corpses littering the corridor. Adrynn's katana fell in a deadly arc, it's dark edge glittering in the torchlight as it slammed into the haft of the Dremora's battleaxe and deflecting downward into the cobbled floor. The Dremora stepped forward, shortening his grip on his axe as he swept the blade up and around at Adrynn's unarmored head. Adrynn ducked under the heavy blade while lashing out at a weak point in the Dremora's heavy plate. His Daedric katana separated the links between the plates, slashing open a wide gash in the Dremora's gut. Howling in pain, it swept the handle of its axe in a wide arc, catching Adrynn off guard and slamming into his face.


Spitting blood, the Redoran leapt over the next hamstringing strike toward his companions, tackling another of the Dremora that was trying to kill Mercando, stabbing his blade into the back of the Dremora's neck, slaying him instantly. While the fallen Churl's body hit the stone floor, the Valkynaz Adrynn had been fighting recaptured his attention by trying to decapitate him. The Redoran felt the whistle of the heavy axe as the Dremora leader started trying to kill him once more.


"Fall back! We need help in here!" Kriak's rage filled voice rang out from behind him, forcing him to remember his companions.


"Give me a moment! I'm... a bit... busy here!" Adrynn called back, dodging swings of the great axe. Snarling in frustration, Adrynn ducked under one heavy attack and rushed forward under the Valkynaz's guard, snatching the Dremora up by the cuirass, hoarfrost spreading along the Dremora's body. As the Valynaz twitched under the heavy layer of Frost magick, Adrynn thrust his sword through the Dremora's eyeslits, killing him immediately.


Then the hellish screaming started. Adrynn dropped the limp corpse of the Valkynaz and turned with awe towards the hunter. And in his hands were the most unusual pair of blades Adrynn had ever seen.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon and Company - Kogoruhn Hallway



An Oblivion gate...a stable, functioning Oblivion gate right there in the midst of the stronghold. Lecuaro and the others could hardly believe it, but there it was spitting out a rather large Dremora strike team. As the Valkynaz leader singled out Adrynn and a couple other picked Kriak, each Blade found himself in the crosshairs of another Dremora. Lecuaro himself found a large Markynaz Dremora sporting a smallish buckler and a very sleek one-handed axe. Mercando was beset by a pair of lower-ranking Dremora, a Kynreeve and a Churl by the looks of them. That pair was quickly halved though, thanks to an intervention from Adrynn just as the two demons began their charge. A fourth Dremora, a lowly Churl, lurched toward Cheriana holding a simple spike-studded mace.


Lecuaro readied his katana in a solid two-handed Kendo stance as his opponent came near. The Markynaz wasted no time in starting the fight, throwing two torso-level swings toward Lecuaro while keeping his buckler close to deflect any counterattacks. Lecuaro bode his time, patiently dodging the Dremora's swings and waiting for him to take too long in raising his axe or to slightly misplace his buckler. Eventually, Lecuaro saw the buckler droop down a little as the Dremora got into a slightly complacent rhythm. Lecuaro dodged a couple more wild strikes before deflecting a third and then sent his katana just over the buckler and in-between the two halves of the Markynaz's cuirass, causing him to howl in pain. Then while holding his katana with his left hand, Lecuaro seized the Dremora's axe with his right one. He managed to rip the axe away. Lecuaro wasted no time in finishing his opponent by slamming the axe up into his chin and then, in one fluid motion, ripping his katana out of the wound and coming across his face with it.


Now in a fairer fight thanks to Adrynn, Mercando took his axe in his right hand and kept a fireball burning in his left. He had wished that Adrynn had blindsided the Kynreeve instead of the Churl, but it didn't matter anymore. Mercando deftly dodged and parried the Dremora's whistling broadsword, waiting for the right moment to hit him with some fire. After the first few failed slices however, the Kynreeve suddenly shot an ice spike from his free hand. Mercando quickly jumped aside, but the spike managed to graze his hip as it passed by. Now, the Altmer went on the offensive. He shot a few distractionary fire blasts at the Kynreeve to keep it occupied while he slowly moved in. Eventually, he managed to get close enough to duck inside the Dremora's guard and quickly grasp his weapon arm and twist it around behind him. Daedric bone was indeed quite strong, but the adrenaline in Mercando's arms helped him to produce two very loud snaps as he twisted the Dremora's arm to break the shoulder and then break the actual arm by coming down on it with his axe. After nearly severing the arm, Mercando then flicked his axe sideways into the yelping Dremora's neck, nearly cutting it clean off.


Although Cheriana's opponent was just a Churl, it was a competent Churl. It kept its distance as Cheriana pivoted her two fighting knives, ready to deflect and punish any swing from the Churl's mace. The Churl feinted a few times, but Cheriana refused to be led. She advanced just enough to make the Churl reveal its true intention before retreating again. Then Cheriana tapped into what inherent magical abilities she possessed and charged her right hand with electricity. Here, the Churl's inexperience finally showed as it payed no heed to the lightning bolt fixing to strike it. Cheriana loosed the charge from her fist and caught the Dremora completely unawares. While he shook from the shock, Cheriana delivered an x-cut to his torso and then parallel slices to his face and throat. She concluded with a strong kick that knocked him onto his back and left him to die.


The trio heard Kriak's call to regroup and they began making their way back to the storeroom. Cheriana and Mercando managed to make it, but another Dremora managed to catch Lecuaro. He swung a large warhammer at Lecuaro's head. Lecuaro ducked the blow, but the Dremora had the hammer on a very short grip and was able to quickly thrust it into Lecuaro's jaw. Lecuaro staggered back as flashes of red and white entered his eyes. He deflected another swing from the hammer, but the Dremora followed through with a merciless shoulder-charge. As Lecuaro bounced back again, the Dremora lengthened its hold and swung an uppercut. The Breton waited for the hammer to go over his head before putting his katana's blade under it and leveraging it back down onto the floor again. The Dremora tried the shoulder-charge again, but Lecuaro saw it this time and kicked him backwards. Lecuaro started to thrust at him, but then he stumbled over the corpse of a fellow Dremora. As he fell backwards onto his back, Lecuaro shifted attention from the wielder to the weapon. The Dremora's arms were fully extended as they tried to keep hold of the hammer. Lecuaro grabbed the hammer's haft in between the Dremora's fists with his free hand and swung as hard as he could at the Dremora's wrists. Although it didn't pierce the armor and sever the hand, the impact did shatter the wrist, which emitted a loud crack. The Dremora cried out in pain as Lecuaro quickly kicked his other wrist, which gave way. Lecuaro ripped the hammer away and tossed it aside. He then shot a firebeam from his free hand at the Dremora's face. The Dremora tried to roll to the side to dodge, but Lecuaro planted his katana in his side as he did. Lecuaro gave a good drawing cut before pulling the blade back out and running to the storeroom. No sooner had he done this that more reinforcements began emerging from the Oblivion gate.


"Okay...we can't fight these guys forever. Someone grab the Nerevarine and let's scram while we can!" Lecuaro said, breathing heavily.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


Adrynn had reached Kriak and his dueling opponent as Lecuaro intercepted both of them and cast Divine Intervention. Disoriented by the sudden relocation, Adrynn staggered slightly to the side once his boots met with the stone floor of Fort Floodgate. Shaking his head to clear the dizziness, Adrynn sheathed his katana and immediately sat down with his back against the wall. Taking his head in his hands for a moment, he let his adrenaline filled muscles still as they began to tremble from the realization of what had just happened.


Dremora! And at Kogoruhn too! And these hadn't been the wild and free summons that haunted the various Daedric ruins around Vvardenfell . . . These had been a highly trained and heavily motivated strike team of soldiers. With a shaky laugh, Adrynn looked up to Lecuaro and the silent Kriak from his seat by the wall.


"I can't believe we lived through that! Hehehe. I had been fully prepared to die on that mission," Adrynn said, his sudden good spirits brought on by his happiness of being alive. His laughter quickly subsided as he remembered the Nerevarine. Adrynn glanced down the hallway. In the distance down the hallway, he could see Caius carrying the Incarnate, and Velanya right beside him.


Velanya! Adrynn smiled and stood up, the weariness leaving his body as he saw his cousin. He glanced behind him as Mercando and Cheriana grouped around Lecuaro, waiting for their next orders. Adrynn started walking toward Velanya and Cauis.


"Cousin! We're back, and we have more than a few things to tell you," Adrynn called out as he made his way toward the pair.

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Ignore this post. See OOC discussion for details/explanation/blah-di-blah-di-blah. Edited by Zephyr Kronos
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