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Kriak, Fort Floodgate


Kriak had been about to charge the Kynmarcher when suddenly, Lecauro grabbed him and Adrynn and they all disappeared in a haze of purple magic and returned to the fort. Kriak was still shaking slightly from the thrill of combat but gradually relaxed as he recognized his surroundings. He slowly sheathed the daunting swords into two crossing scabbards on his back, beneath his quiver and bow. He quickly checked to make sure that the Mysterium Xarxes was still in his possession and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.


The hunter was quite shaken with the turn of events and quivered slightly, it was mostly out of relief and pure joy that they had survived. How in the world had they made it? Not just one of them or a few of them, but all of them. Something bigger was at work here, to be sure. They should have never made it out alive of that place, with that large of an army and dremora as well! Kriak supposed it was all part of some larger plan or something like that. He regained his composure and walked out to the battlements. He gazed out over the grazelands, over the crumbled fort, over the still smoldering funeral pyres. It was dusk. The sun sat low in the skies beyond. He even saw a small herd of guar across the torn up fields and a cliff racer in the distance. He inhaled the dusty, smoky, and yet, altogether sweet, air. It was oxygen, fresh and free, even bogged down with death and battle.


They were alive, they were really alive. But now they had new work to do. What did the Mythic Dawn want with the Nerevarine? How did the rumors about the Nerevarine's trip to Akavir surface? Has he yet to take it? Kriak was unsure. What was the point of attacking Morrowind? How does the Mysterium Xarxes get into the hands of Mankar Camoran? Was it possible stop that from happening and rewrite his own past, and his companions' futures? Kriak didn't know, but right now, he was just glad to be counted among the living.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Hallway


Hold just a moment, Nenalaamo, she thought.


She rushed up to Adrynn, throwing her arms around his neck, "Thank the gods you're all right. All of you! That's...that's a miracle! We've a lot to tell you, too, Adrynn. And..."


The Knight-Errant glanced sideways at Caius's burden, her burgundy eyes widening in disbelief, "Is that...the Nerevarine?"



Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Hallway


"Aye," the Spymaster replied, shifting his load, "And I'm taking him straight to the dungeons. After which I'm washing up and then getting some food. My stomach's hurting worse than my rheumatism."


Without another word, he began heading down the halls to the fort's prisons.



Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


"We've got another one, healer," Faeryn said, lifting the wounded man onto another table with great difficulty. After relieving himself of his burden, he leaned heavily against the wall, wiping his brow with his hand. He met the wise woman's sharp eyes and nodded to her respectfully.



Nibani Maesa, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


Nibani stepped forward carefully, "I will help you, healer, as best as I am able. Tell me what you need, and I shall provide."



Elam Gols, Fort Floodgate, Courtyard


The Ordinators and Legionnaires had finally finished piling the bodies on top of the pyres and began lighting them. They all hung their heads or saluted in respect as the corpses were slowly turned to ash. Both Temple and Legion warriors would have preferred consecrated burial, but with so many and so little time, that was not an option. The fire cast a warm amber glow upon the grey walls as the sun sank beneath the ash dunes to the west.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Interior


Adrynn hugged his cousin tight, a grin coming to his lips as heard the worry on her voice. He squeezed her as best as he could through her armor, then released her and stepped back as she noticed the Nerevarine.


He nodded. "Aye, cousin, that is him. And that is one of the things I have to talk to you about." Adrynn glanced around the dim hallway, his mind replaying the memories on the trip to Kogoruhn. Edward . . . He wondered where his lost retainer might be. The Redoran had seen him briefly before they had been beset by the raiding party, but he couldn't remember seeing him afterwards. There was no telling where he had disappeared to. And thinking about Edward led Adrynn to think about another of their party.


"Where's Dar'krinji? I thought he was going to go with us, but he never showed up. Have you seen him anywhere, cousin?" Adrynn asked, suddenly worried.

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Trilvan Salothril, Meraxtus Messania, and Serrabinashiah Masseribalit - Fort Floodgate Infirmary



Trilvan was roused from his work by the voices of Faeryn and Nibani, who had come with another patient and a second lifetime's worth of medical expertise. Trilvan was indeed grateful for an assistant. It wouldn't be easy treating several hundred soldiers.


"Well, this certainly is good news Sera Nibani. I assume you're familiar with alchemy tools?" He asked as he nodded to his apparatuses.




Candrus and the others soon came in with more injured. Meraxtus and Faeryn helped set them on the table.


"Guess it's time for trip two?" Meraxtus asked, wiping his face.


"I'm coming with you." Serra said.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate Hallways


Lecuaro was amazed that none of them had been killed in the scrap with the Dremora. Ashlander warriors and hired mercenaries were one thing, but fighting beings with potentially centuries of combat experience and a naturally horrific appearance was another matter altogether. He ruminated on the events as he walked over to Velanya and Adrynn.


"Either we survived that mess...or Atherius looks awfully similar to Fort Floodgate." He said with a caustic chuckle.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Hallways


"Dar'krinjii?" the Knight-Errant's brow rose, "I haven't seen him since...well since before the second battle. You missed it, of course. We were assaulted by steel-clad mercenaries numbering in the hundreds. We lost the gatehouse...and Nenalaamo. You also missed us bringing the Urshilaku to the fort shortly before the attack. And an old friend of mine has arrived." She grinned, "Come, let's get to the infirmary...that's where I saw him last. He'll want to meet you, I'm sure."



Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Prison


The Spymaster unloaded his burden into the nearest cell and locked the door. Thankfully, the Nerevarine was still unconscious. He motioned to the nearest guard, "You there. Make sure he doesn't try to escape. And I'm sure he'll try at some point."





Faeryn Sethandas and Nibani Maesa, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


"Not yet," the Ordinator panted, "Gimme...just a minute..."


Nibani approached the table with the alchemy tools, "I am. What do you need to have prepared?"

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Interior


Adrynn nodded to Lecuaro. "Aye, but i think we are here in the Fort, unless your spell killed us and sent us to Aetherius . . . But besides, I think Azura would try to claim us if we did die. We are her Chosen after all, and she has yet to release us from the duty."


He glanced back to his cousin at her mention of Nenalaamo. Adrynn felt a momentary sense of loss for the fallen Commander, but he had not known the mer that well, so he couldn't feel as strongly as if Velanya or Lecuaro were killed, as he had become quite close with them in the past few days. He could see the flash of pain in Lecuaro's eyes, and knew how much the Breton missed his friend. Adrynn laid a hand on Lecuaro's shoulder and squeezed it gently to comfort him.


Adrynn turned back to his cousin after a moment. "Aye, take us to your friend and these Urshilaku. I would like to meet them."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate Hallways


Lecuaro keyed on Kriak's earlier news of Nenalaamo's death when Velanya mentioned it. He took Adrynn's hand in his own, fighting to hold back tears. He popped the question as the group began walking. "Nenalaamo...really is dead, isn't he?" He asked.



Trilvan Salothril - Fort Floodgate Infirmary



"I've got some more disinfecting dust that needs to finish being ground in the mortar before it's run through the other devices." Trilvan said to Nibani as he began preparing bandages. "It's the pale blue stuff."

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Hallways


"Yes, Commander," Velanya replied quietly, "I'm sorry. His body is being kept in one of the towers, so that he may lay in state before burial. We did not think it right to place him on the pyres with the rest. But," she reached into the pouch at her belt, "Thanks to Kriak, we can still talk to him, at least a little bit. This soul gem will allow communication....for how long, I'm not sure. He told me to fetch his speaking stone, and here it is as well." She handed both to Lecuaro.



Nibani Maesa, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


The wise woman wordlessly gathered the bits of pale blue material and began grinding them with the mortar and pestle.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate Hallways



Lecuaro gingerly took both stones in his hand and thumbed them. He had been friends with Nenalaamo for as long as he could remember. It seemed wrong to him that his friend should die in the conflict while he yet lived. Still, it wasn't up to the soldier to decide when to die; that was left to fate. He pocketed the stones and tried hard not to cry.


"Thanks for setting his body aside, Velanya. I don't know when we'll get to have his burial, but we are going to have it." He said.


Trilvan Salothril - Fort Floodgate Infirmary



Trilvan diligently kept weaving his healing fingers over the wounds of the soldiers, staving off the pain and infection while Nibani finished preparing the disinfectant. As he worked, he remembered that he would need a strong helper to carry the worst cases into the recovery room off to the side.


"Pardon me, but I'm going to need one of you youngsters to stay here and help me move the really bad cases to that little recovery room." Trilvan said as he pointed to the small, inconspicuous door. "The rest will have to seek quarters somewhere else, unfortunately."

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