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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Prison


Adrynn spat at the Nerevarine's response to Faeryn. He stepped up to the cell, his eyes blazing in a tightly controlled fury. He gripped the bars and pressed his face between them.


"You will quickly find out, Incarnate, that it's not wise to scorn your former followers. And you need to know sonething else as well," Adrynn said, sliding his left hand between the bars of the door, his brand showing darkly against his palm. "Azura has not forgotten you, nor has she forgiven you for your betrayal."


Upon seeing Azura's brand on Adrynn's flesh' the Nerevarine fell back against the wall, his armor clanking loudly as it crashed against the stone. The look of horror that came across the Incarnate's face melted away the madness in his eyes, to be replaced by fear and horror.


"No! No no no! Azura! My Lady, I'm sorry!" the Nerevarine yelled, grabbing his head and covering his face from the Moon-and-Star brand in Adrynn's hand, screaming incomprehensible things into his arms. He rocked against the wall, mumbling curses and apologies both, peeking between his fingers at Adrynn. When Adrynn pulled his hand back through the bars, the Incarnate began to laugh again, his body shaking from the mad cackles.


"Lord Dagon is my lord and master! And Azura is nothing compared to him!" The Incarnate screamed, laughing once more, falling back against the wall.


Adrynn stepped back in disgust, spitting on the floor at the Incarnate's feet. He moved over to Caius, resting a hand on his shoulder. "You were his Spymaster once. See if you can get through to him. Anything related to his former life seems to break through whatever madness holds him. I need to see about a new comrade-in-arms," Adrynn said, stepping past them and following Faeryn's footsteps.


Adrynn stopped and spun back for a moment. "Cousin! Would you come with me please? I think you would be able to get through to Faeryn better than I."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate Holding Cells



The heated exchanges between the Incarnate and first Faeryn than Adrynn tied Lecuaro's stomach into knots. He had been but a lowly captain in the Legion when Nerevar Reborn had embarked upon his epic quest to destroy the evil plague that was Dagoth Ur. He had marveled at the accounts of his skills, bravery, and charm. The man in the cell was obviously not the same man; he resembled some common mental case in an asylum. Lecuaro could tell by his complexion that there were dark energies in there, fighting with the goodness that still tried to survive inside of him. As Lecuaro read Nerevar's face more and more, he felt Hermaeus Mora's brands start to burn.


The burning steadily intensified, but Lecuaro could not remove his focus from the Nerevarine. As the burning grew, so did his new, strange, otherworldly insight into what was happening within Vvardenfell's savior. Eventually though, the vision was abruptly cut off and Lecuaro's head snapped back like it had taken a stiff punch. Lecuaro had to sit down against the wall to avoid losing his balance and falling.


Lecuaro rubbed his temples. He looked up just in time to see Adrynn and Velanya departing.


"Wait, you two...let me come with you to Faeryn. I think Hermaeus Mora is talking to me..."

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Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate


The Ordinator continued stalking through the halls of the fort, staring daggers at anyone who looked at him crossways. His thoughts were awhirl with rage, frustration - and perhaps, above all, sadness for his lost friend. He mourned the pathetic state of his once great companion...of the saviour of Morrowind. Now, just like his Temple, the Nerevarine had become a joke.


He did not stop until he was on the battlements, near where he and Velanya had stood during the siege. Out of sheer anger, he struck the crenelation before him, and the stone cracked, sending a few chips flying into the ash below. Compared to the massive rubble of the gatehouse, such damage was trivial.


His fury served to mask his pain for a while, but he eventually rubbed his hand absentmindedly in discomfort. No matter. It was a physical pain to match the hurt he felt inside.



Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Holding Cells


The Knight-Errant was about to leave with Adrynn when Lecuaro spoke. Her eyes widened, and she bent over, offering her hand to help the Commander up, "Hermaeus Mora? Now? What is he saying?"

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


Adrynn turned back to Lecuaro, his eyes widening for a moment. "Mora? What did he say?" Adrynn hurried over to the Commander, ignoring the still cackling Nerevarine.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate Holding Cells



Lecuaro accepted Velanya's hand and pulled himself up. He tried to think of how to phrase his response.


"He didn't really speak any words..." Lecuaro began, "...but as I was watching the Nerevarine, my brands on my forearms began to burn and I felt like I was being sucked into the Nerevarine's psyche. Sort of a third-person view as to what's happening in there. It looks like two split personalities are fighting. One loyal to Lord Dagon, which seems to be winning. And another one trying to stay alive...I guess what's left of his true self...the one that came out when Adrynn showed him his mark from Azura. Whatever's happening to him, it's not pretty."

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Holding Cells


Adrynn nodded to Lecuaro's description of the Nerevarine's condition. It was indeed what it seemed like to him. Two pieces of the same person fighting for control of the body and mind. One tainted and corrupted by Mehrunes Dagon, fighting to destroy everything, and the other, blessed and chosen by Azura as Morrowind's defender, fighting to reclaim his stolen body and stop his tainted half. But it seemed the Incarnate's true self was fighting a losing battle, and had been broken in his struggle.


A frown crossed Adrynn's face as he turned to the Nerevarine's cell. Sitting quietly against the wall now, the Redoran could feel the mad one's eyes on him. And it unnerved him greatly. A screaming and struggling prisoner was better in his eyes than a quiet and still one. For the quiet prisoner is one who is thinking, planning, calculating his next move and the moves of his captors.


As if his mind had been read, the Incarnate spoke to Adrynn, "Well, aren't you an astute one... Are you trying to guess what my plan is? How I will escape? The answer, my Redoran friend," the Incarnate said with a cruel twist of his lips, "is I have no plan. All I have to do is wait. My rescue will come soon enough."


Adrynn stepped up to the cell bars once more. "You're bluffing, Hortator. You have no rescue coming. Your armies are scattered and destroyed. No one is coming for you. Because where you're going next, no one will find you."


The Nerevarine stood up slowly and stepped over to the cell door, his face level with Adrynn's, his crazed yet murderously calm crimson eyes glaring into Adrynn's calm and determined ruby ones. "Perhaps you are right, Redoran. But then again, perhaps your plan will fail and I will escape? Hehe. Anything is possible…"


The sickenlingly sweet smell of thousands of roses filled the air between the two Dunmer, accompanyied by a strong, firm pressure on Adrynn's shoulders. Adrynn felt his brand begin to burn hot and pain began to lance up his arm, but he stood firm and didn't move. The Incarnate stepped back, his eyes dialating fully, his mouth open in shock and fear, staring at something behind and above Adrynn.


The only thing that will happen, my mad child, is you will sleep. Rest, and be comforted in the knowledge that your tribulations are almost over. Sleeeeeeeep, a strong feminine voice said from behind Adrynn. He dug his nails into his burning brand to resist the overwhelming urge to pass out, as much as he wanted to. The Nerevarine slumped backwards, collapsing into a heap upon the stone, unconscious. Adrynn felt the pressure on his shoulders squeeze once in reassurance, then disappear, taking with it the scent of roses.


Adrynn took a shaky breath, then spun away from the cell and back towards the others. The only ones there were Velanya, Caius, Lecuaro, and the guard who had been standing watch. All bore some look of surprise, and Adrynn could see the slight twinge of pain on his cousin's face. He absentmindedly rubbed his left hand with his right to dispell the burning there.


"Well, I guess we know he won't be escaping, at least," Adrynn said, half to himself. "Velanya, did she say anything to you?" He asked, glancing at his cousin.

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Velanya Therys and Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Holding Cells


She clenched her fist where the brand was burning just like Adrynn's.


"No more than what you already heard, cousin," Velanya hissed, shaking her hand to throw off the pain and watching the now unconscious Nerevarine, "Looks like our Incarnate is going to be out for a while. Come on, we need to see to Faeryn. I'm worried about him."


The Spymaster nodded, "You go do that. I'm going to go and speak with the fort staff and see if we can't cook up extra dinner for the remnants of the Urshilaku. From what I saw of them milling about the foyer, they are all starving and in poor health."

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Holding Cells


Adrynn nodded to Caius. "Good plan, Spymaster. I'm going to accompany Velanya and see about Faeryn. I'm sure Lecuaro needs to see about this Caretus person," Adrynn said, glancing to the Commander.


He turned back to Velanya, still rubbing his palm. "Whenever you're ready, cousin. I'm sure Faeryn could use something to eat just line the rest of us."

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Kriak, Fort Floodgate


While Kriak stood on the wall of the fort, surveying the land, he suddenly felt an immense burning from his brand, that of Hermaeus Mora. Suddenly Kriak's mind and his focus was torn from where he was and instead was thrown through a whirlwind of thoughts, emotions and scenes.


It began with a dark space, he could see the orange glow of torch light flickering, slowly things began to come into focus, but his peripheral vision remained quite blurred. He could make out masonry and stonework, and soon noticed figures all about him, his companions, staring into a cell. Within the cell was the smirking Nerevarine. Suddenly the image spun and seemed to row closer and closer to the Nerevarine before becoming complete blackness, right about the point of the incarnate's forehead.


The new location was a land of bubbling lava, blistered rock and horrific creatures and structures. Kriak noticed several Daedroth, Clannfear and Xivilai. A menacing set of towers stood, flanking an immense battering ram with a sickly, spinning, spined head piece. Behind this was another tower, simply immense in size and scope, atop it stood a many armed, red, furious looking creature. Kriak immediately recognized the creature as Mehrunes Dagon, and the realm as Oblivion. Hordes of Dremora flanked the massive siege engine as they marched forward, directly at Kriak. Kriak turned and saw a strange glittering palace that seemed bathed in a half light, much like dawn. Atop it he saw a statue of a beautiful woman holding a sun in one hand and a moon in the other, Azura. A pitiful army of men in ornate silver armor, much like ordinators stood ready to fend off the invaders, but they were pathetically few. At their center stood the Nerevarine, but he was different somehow. He was calm, he was not angry, he had no of the fury, hate and taint that Kriak had witnessed. Here he turned again, and saw the Nerevarine heading the other army, that of the Dremora, but this was in fact the Nerevarine Kriak had faced in battle. The Nerevarine's mind was a battle ground for the gods it seemed. Mehrunes Dagon was fighting for -and winning- his very soul. Suddenly Kriak was hurled back to his body, but he found himself elsewhere.


Kriak stood next to a column as Velanya and Adrynn walked down the hall towards him, he had no idea how he got there, he presumed that he had walked there during his vision, perhaps he had melded with the shadows and appeared there, he didn't know. At any rate, he decided to just go with it and nodded to the cousins and fell in line with them, not saying a word, somehow he knew they already knew everything he would tell them anyway.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


Adrynn barely blinked as Kriak appeared before him and Velanya as they made their way through the halls of the fort. He nodded back to the hunter and followed the halls out into the main hall. Turning to Velanya, asking, "So where do you think he's gone?"


Garila Indarys, Ashlands


Garila shielded her eyes from the setting sun. There before her was the smoking Fort Floodgate. She turned back to Arvs. "Let's find Adrynn." He nodded and turned behind him to the Gah-Julan Bonemold clad warriors.


"Warriors of House Redoran! We come to aid these men and help fortify the defences!" Arvs said, turning to the leader of the platoon of warriors. "Captain, announce our arrival."


The man nodded and put his koguti horn to his lips and blew a great blast, the echo of it sounding throughout the foyodas, raising in intensity till the hills were ringing from the sound.


House Redoran had finally arrived.

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