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Adrynn and Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate


Adrynn chuckled. "Well, I'll follow you two. I need my armor fixed too. Garila, are you coming?" Adrynn asked his wife.


She shook her head. "I'm going to stay with Velanya and chat a bit. Come to the mess hall when you get done! We'll probably be there," she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before chatting away at Velanya.


Adrynn only grinned and followed Caius and Faeryn down to the armory. There, they were greeted by the Khajiiti smith. "Aye, and I need mine repaired as well, sera," Adrynn said, nodding to her, his arms filled with the bonemold gear.

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Caius Cosades and Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate, Armory


"Indeed," Faeryn added, placing his armor before the Khajiit, a little surprised at her race, but not appalled or afraid, "Though I do not think there is a rush to get it done."


Caius snorted, "Let us hope. Now come on, let's get to the mess hall. The ladies are probably waiting."



Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Velanya had walked with Garila to the mess, simply making small talk as they went. They waited in line to receive their food and occasionally glanced back down the hall to see if Faeryn, Caius, Adrynn, and Lecuaro were coming.



Nibani Maesa and Elam Gols, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


Finally, the last of the injured were tended to. The Ordinators slumped against the wall of the infirmary, exhausted. Nibani herself was quite weak now, and she had to sit down on the floor for a few moments.


She nodded to the healer, "I think...that is all..."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Tuhkrisi - Fort Floodgate Smithy


Tuhkrisi took the two armors from Faeryn and Adrynn.


"Might as well get right to it, seeing as how my two apprentices and I have already finished patching everyone else's armor and weapons." She said as she looked around for her helpers.


"Bjorgaad! Drelvon!" She called.


In a flash, two young, beefy lads, a Nord and a Redguard, appeared from the back room. "Yes, mistress?" Bjorgaad replied.


Tuhkrisi put some of the armor into Bjorgaad's arms and took the rest in her own. "Bjorgaad, you come stoke the forge. Drelvon, go get the wax." She said.


Trilvan Salothril - Fort Floodgate Infirmary


"Indeed...whew, what a day." Trilvan agreed as he also sat down on the floor.


"I suppose you can return to your people now, wise woman. I have to stay here and look after the guys in the intensive care room". He said to Nibani.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Kriak, Fort Floodgate Bathhouse


Kriak had enjoyed the relative quiet of the bathhouse, the soldiers were few and far between and they were relatively somber following the battle. Then he heard some of his companions entering other stalls, leaving them, making noise etc. For whatever reason, Kriak disliked this immensely and sank very low into his tub and tried to drown out the noise, he wasn't sure why he wanted quiet so much but he desperately did. He attempted to lose himself in thought but to no avail. He heard Velanya and Faerin leave and Garila and Adrynn bump into them. When they left Kriak thought the noise was over and sighed slightly in relief. Then of course a whole guard squadron walked in blathering after their shift and being obscenely loud as they discussed the happenings of their watch and various women they knew and the like. Kriak had become quite irritable since he had went for his bath, an odd occurance for him but it was primarily driven by his re-acquired sense of dread regarding this whole debacle. What in the world were they going to do about the Mysterium Xarxes? Why were they branded? What did the Daedra have in store for them? He wanted to meditate and he had had enough. He rose violently from the water and dried himself before slamming his door open and storming out of the bathhouse. He remained only in his clothes, preferring to just carry his armor. He was in fine, supple leather leggings that fit loosely and jet black boots, his tunic was a silk-like material native to his realm that could not be stabbed through, the fabric physically could not rip and had to be slashed through, it was a startling revelation to any would-be assassin and had helped him to thwart a few rivals before.


Kriak walked through the halls of the fort with great vigor, causing heads to turn and follow the imposing huntsman as he bore his disturbing spined armor and his long black hair flapped slightly behind him. He managed to find his way to the smithy where he found a petite Kahjiiti woman tending the forge with two assistants. He wasn't easily surprised, you don't live as long as Kriak has and in such a strange realm and not get used to seeing the unexpected, even a Khajiit smith in an imperial outpost. He calmly sat down on a stool in the corner and placed his armor on a nearby barrel and just observed. His armor only had a few scratches and those were ancient not fresh. He needed no repairs but he had always found the flames of a forge quite comforting and soothing and so just observed the Kahjiiti smith and her apprentices. He quietly and absent-mindedly drummed his fingers on the barrel with his armor as he watched.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate Armory


Adrynn handed over his Bonemold armor to the apprentice who held out his arms for it. Nodding to Kriak as he came in, Adrynn clapped Caius and Faeryn on the shoulders.


"Well, you two, lets go eat. I'm starving," Adrynn said, a smile coming to his lips to the thought of finally relaxing after the past few hours. "Kriak, you're welcome to show up as well. There will be plenty for everyone, I'm sure," Adrynn tossed out, making his way toward the mess hall and to a relaxing dinner with his wife and cousin and new companions.


Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Garila glanced around as she and Velanya stood in line to get their food. The mess hall was slowly starting to fill with people, and she kept standing on her tiptoes to see if Adrynn had arrived yet.


"So Velanya, what exactly has been going on here?" Garila asked, biting her lip. She wondered how much the Knight-Errant would be able to tell her.

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Nibani Maesa and Elam Gols, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


The wise woman nodded to the healer, but found she was struggling to get up off of the hard stone floor. Without a word, Elam stepped forward, hooking his arms gently under Nibani's and pulling her to her feet. She simply stared into the glass eyes of his Indoril helm for a long moment, neither angry nor pleased, simply curious. After a minute, she said, "Thank you for your kindness, Temple warrior. To help one of the Velothi is not like your kind."


Elam met her gaze calmly and growled, "We are all Velothi this day, wise woman."


With that, the Indoril warriors followed her to the storeroom where what remained of her tribe sat, waiting for...something. Anything. Nibani remembered that the old Imperial man had mentioned something about food for them, and she roused the tribesmen. Ashkhan Sul-Matuul seemed suspicious, but then again, he was always suspicious. Together the Ordinators and the Urshilaku, with the help of an off-duty trooper, made their way towards the mess hall.



Caius Cosades and Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate, Armory


As Faeryn left with Adrynn and Caius, he glimpsed a group coming down the hall towards them. It seemed his men had decided to help the Ashlanders, and they were all coming to join them for dinner.


Caius's face flickered with an expression of pity as he saw the skin-and-bones tribesmen. Yet even now, they carried themselves with incredible strength and dignity.


"They really are starving."



Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


The Knight-Errant sighed, "Well, besides the attacks? Not much. Adrynn, Cassius, and a few others managed to capture the source of the problems, though, so maybe they will cease. As you can tell from the poor shape of our defenses, we can't take much more."

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Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


"Oh! Well, that's great," Garila said. "It's good to know that Adrynn's been useful to whatever he's been doing here. I hope the attacks do stop as well. I'm sure with the arrival of House Redoran, everything will be okay now."


Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, to the Mess Hall


Adrynn's gaze fell upon the Urshilaku with both pity and respect. Even in the worst of times, they still stood with their heads held high. He nodded to Nibani and stepped forward to Sul-Matuul.


"It is good to see you still standing tall, Ashkhan. I am grateful that you accepted my cousin's help to come here," Adrynn said, bowing in respect to the Ashkhan. He noticed the rest of the Ordinators and nodded to them as well.


Adrynn turned toward the open doors of the mess hall and led the group into it. As soon as they stepped through, everyone stopped talking and started staring. A frown of annoyance crossed his face. Keeping his eye out for Garila or Velanya, he spotted them in line, getting their food.


"Come, everyone. Let's get something to eat," Adrynn said, making his way up the line to Velanya and Garila.

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Kriak, Fort Floodgate Forge


Kriak nodded slightly in acknowledgement when Adrynn invited him to take a meal in the dining hall but he remained seated, respectfully declining the offer. Kriak did not want his thoughts clouded by the unavoidable noise and clamor of a mess hall. He would dine later when the hall was empty of staring eyes and haunted faces. Most of the men had witnessed his skills in the earlier battles. His weapons and magics were strange and foreign to all of them, even the mages and people learned in the magic arts. He was-an oddity. Few people in their right minds wouldn't find him strange here especially with his sinister looking armor even with it off many had seen it. No one had been able to probe him with questions save for his companions or those that saw him in the Blades stronghold, and they weren't asking. In the mess hall it would be like being under siege, even if no one approached silent questions would still bombard him. Despite the men and their fatigue they would glance at him, trying to be sneaky, stare sometimes, whisper about him. Not all of them of course, the most fatigued and war-weary wouldn't pay him much heed, but enough would still wonder.


No. Kriak preferred to study another one of the strangers in this fortress, it was a little hypocritical of him really. He disliked the attentions he would garner in the mess hall but here he was giving the same stares and looks that he himself would be receiving, albeit in a less suffocating manner but still. He stared at the ceiling plenty of times as well. After a while of hearing the chime-like sound and rhythmic cadence of the forge Kriak examined his own armor. He noticed some dull scratches here and there and began to frown a little as he began to notice that his armor was far from the pristine condition it once had had. Most of the little nicks were purely cosmetic and they were all ancient but never the less he didn't like it. Nor did he particularly like the blood-red etchings all over it. It didn't reflect him any more. The armor was modified with those etchings when he and his companions left the Creed. It was a time of vengeance, anger and conviction. Now cooler heads prevailed, they would all still return but they were no longer blood thirsty. They wanted purity and harmony once again in the venerable order of peacekeepers not retribution, or at least, not just retribution. The crimson of the etchings no longer seemed fitting to this new purpose. He was thinking of something... different.


Kriak stepped up and walked towards the forge and the racks of tools. He was examining them carefully, removing them gently from their places and inspecting them thoroughly. He kept track of the smiths' progress and uncannily stepped out of the way every time he might become an obstacle and handed them any tool that he held that they needed at the time without their asking. Kriak wasn't a master by any means but he was a fairly accomplished smith himself. He was quite pleased with the quality of the tools the Khajiiti woman had to work with and the wide array of specialized pieces. Just about anything he could need for forge work was here. He was impressed. He replaced the final tool and walked over out of the way but within earshot of the Khajiiti woman. He had been deliberately making noise when we walked now, it was irksome and took much concentration to override his long ingrained habit of walking silently but he made sure he didn't startle anyone. Although, he figured the Khajiiti woman knew his every move anyway. Rare was the smith that couldn't practically sense if anything was amiss in their forge.


"Ma'am, when you are finished with your work might I make use of your forge for a spell? I'd also be happy to help you with anything you need. I'm not a poor craftsman myself, though, to be sure, not as accomplished as yourself." Kriak asked politely in his rich, deep voice.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate



By the time Lecuaro had entered the baths, most of the soldiers had already washed up and gone to the mess hall for some well-deserved grub. He had purposely waited until now...it gave him time to reflect on all that had happened. He liked the nearly complete silence with only the gentle sloshing of the bathwater. It helped him to think on a lot of things.


He had grabbed himself a change of clothes before arriving, so he took a towel and entered one of the stalls. He stripped off his gear and set it in one of the corners. Afterwards, he filled the tub with water and set the logs underneath alight with a small spark from his finger. Before long, he was able to snuff the flames and gently ease himself into the warm water.


Lecuaro grabbed the soap and began vigorously scrubbing away all of the filth he'd accumulated during the last few days. He went over every inch several times to ensure a thorough cleaning, as was his habit. He'd always been a meticulous creature, even back when he was on his parents' farm in High Rock. After he was done washing his body, he got out and dried off. Then, he wrapped the towel 'round himself and exited the stall for a moment to grab one of the metal buckets. He then reentered and took the log that seemed the least burnt out from under the tub. He took some clean water in the bucket, set the log alight, wrapped the towel around his hand, and held the bucket over the flames until the water was heated. He then set it down and dunked what little hair he kept on his head under. He then took the soap and began finely working it through. Once done, he scrubbed for a couple of minutes before dunking it in the bucket a second time and scrubbing the soap free. He then cleaned off his hands one more time before adding the bucket's cargo to the tub's and draining the whole lot.


Lecuaro quickly threw on his clothes beelined for the mess hall. Hopefully not all of the good stuff had already been taken. He was also hoping that Adrynn and the others hadn't yet left.


When he finally reached the mess hall, he quickly found Adrynn and friends seated at a table against one of the walls. He grabbed a plate and went over to where the cooking was happening and took what he fancied before going to join his companions. After loading his plate, he came over and took an open space between Adrynn and Velanya.


"I see you all have already chowed down." He said as he sat down.


Tuhkrisi - Fort Floodgate Smithy


The smith's job was one of extreme patience, and Tuhkrisi knew that well. She had the years of experience and finesse to be able to work several materials simultaneously without damaging any of them. While the Indoril armor finished heating, she took the already set bonemold and deftly set working in the resins and waxes to fill and repair the gaps along with her apprentices. By the time they were done, the Ordinator armor was ready to be plied.


"I don't suppose either of you has seen a piece of an Ordinator's uniform before?" She asked her apprentices


"Nope. At least, not one without an Ordinator underneath it." Bjorgaad answered.


"Me neither." Drelvon agreed.


"Well then pay attention...'cause you're about to learn how to work Temple armor." She said with a grin.


The work on Faeryn's breastplate was intriguing, as any work on Indoril-style armor was. The material behaved a lot like steel in that it was flexible as well as tough, but it was considerably lighter and less volume of it was required to take the same punishment as steel of a bit greater thickness. This fact alone made it worth quite a bit of gold. In time, the trio managed to seamlessly mend the cracks and holes in the cuirass.


No sooner had Tuhkrisi, Bjorgaad, and Drelvon finished cleaning up did Kriak inquire about using the forge and assisting with anything that was needed.


"Well, me and my boys have already patched up everything that needs fixing, but I reckon you can use for forge for a bit...so long as you don't mind us staying." Tuhkrisi replied.



Serrabinashiah Masseribalit - Fort Floodgate Mess Hall



Serra and some of the other Ashlander scouts had enjoyed a merry time of eating and gawking together in the mess hall. It was a welcome respite from the trials of the last few days, and Serra certainly needed something to uplift her spirits. She was never too hard to sadden...and depression had been a stubborn companion since her husband had left.


As she went to dump her bowl and spoon into the washtub, she spied Lecuaro and friends at another table. After turning in the kitchenware, she walked over to say hi to the gang.

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Velanya Therys, Caius Cosades, and Faeryn Sethandas; Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Velanya could only nod at the commander as he sat beside her, her mouth full of stew. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until she had smelled the food, and now she was ravenously devouring her second bowl of the stuff. Faeryn, who had taken his seat opposite her, was using his bread to soak up the dregs in his own bowl. He, too, nodded to the commander. Caius had long finished his own supper and was sipping his wine, keeping his eyes on the Urshilaku. The tribesmen had all seated themselves at the same table, and the Spymaster could tell that they were physically holding themselves back so they didn't wolf down their food too quickly.


"It's about time you showed up, Marczon," Caius remarked without looking up, "Enjoy your bath?"

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