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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate



"Haven't seen Kriak since we got back from Kogoruhn." Lecuaro said. "It's troubling though that you two found Almalexia's blade and this strange book. Interesting that you didn't find Trueflame, though. Maybe something happened to it when Kriak and Adrynn distracted Nerevar and his army outside?"

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Kriak, Fort Floodgate Forge


Kriak listened intently to the Khajiiti woman describe the various problems of working with ebony. He was enthralled. He had never been a master smith but he knew how to work the metals that made up his armors, for obvious reasons, and knew a fair amount about the properties of different metals from his realm. It was always fascinating to him to learn about the startlingly different properties metals and alloys could have. He as about to ask Tuhkrisi more questions when a rumbling in his stomach reminded him that he had yet to eat. "Thank you ma'am for the use of your forge and the wonderful conversation but I need to take my meal and speak with my companions about our next move." Kriak bowed his head slightly then left for his storage chest. He stowed his armor and then made for the mess hall.


The woodsman found the line almost depleted by the time he got to the mess hall. Almost everyone had already eaten, it was only some of the guards who just got off patrol now. Kriak slowly waded through the small line, growing hungrier by the second. At last he got his meal: a bowl of some odd soup and a bit of bread. He then scanned the mess hall and saw his companions. He headed over to the table and sat down with the rest of the group and promptly dove into his meal with reckless abandon.

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Kriak, Fort Floodgate Mess Hall


"Be careful how you phrase such things, fair knight, you never know how accurate you may be." Kriak winked at Velanya after her comment to the rest of the group. He then wolfed down the last bit of his stew and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He was still starving but it would have to do for now, he could go to the kitchens later to prepare himself something. Marczon mentioned relocating, "Very well, where to commander?" Kriak replied, "We have much to discuss, to be sure, and there is a lot of planning ahead of us for this journey to Azura's shrine."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate Mess Hall



"My office is as good as any place. I haven't formally relieved Meraxtus of his executive duties, so he's still acting commander for now. Let's get over there. Serra, you come along too. I haven't heard the details of your and Velanya's outing to the Urshilaku. Although since I've noticed quite a few of them since I've been back......I reckon they weren't doing too well at any rate." Lecuaro said.


As the group started toward the commander's office with Lecuaro at the lead, Lecuaro grew more concerned at Adrynn's sudden quietness. "You're being awfully quiet, Redoran. Something eating you?" He asked.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


Adrynn nodded to Lecuaro. "I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind. A lot has happened these past few days and it takes a while to fully sink in."


He went silent again and followed the group thorough the fort.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


Lecuaro led the way into his office. He sat at his desk as the rest took seats in the chairs, a couple having to settle for his storage chest and crate.


"I think the first thing we need to discuss is what Caius and Kriak found in the Nerevarine's room inside Kogoruhn." He said.

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Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


The Spymaster had taken his perch on the Commander's storage chest. He gestured to Kriak, "You first, woodsman. You know more about that thing than I do."

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Kriak, Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


Kriak nodded, "As we all know, some of us have been branded by Daedra. The Daedra maneuver for influence and power in this world like kings muscle for territory or chess players for an advantage and they use many mortals as their chess pieces, soldiers and liaisons to accomplish this as well as powerful Daedric artifacts that hold their very essence within them and grant strange and terrible power to their wielders, often the champions of those Daedra. This we all know. What many of you may not be familiar with is this-" Here Kriak produced the Mysterium Xarxes and removed its dark shroud, "-This is the Mysterium Xarxes, in my eyes the most potent and dangerous of all the Daedric artifacts. This book is the writing of the Daedric prince Mehrunes Dagon himself and holds within it much of his chaos, his lust for destruction, his animosity, his cruelty and his dark ambitions. Dagon writes 'When I walk Nirn again, the faithful among you shall receive your reward. To be set above all other mortals, forever. As for the rest, the weak shall be winnowed, the timid shall be cast down, the mighty will tremble and pray for pardon at my feet.' It is easy to see his ferocity in these words. And very easy to feel his call as I'm sure all of you can sense now. You can feel a sneaking tendril worming its way through your thoughts, poisoning your mind. This artifact was in the Nerevarine's lair and I suspect that it is responsible for his madness and possession. I do not think that he ever intended to recover it for his own use, I imagine he sought to destroy it but its power stayed his hand and eventually brought him to his knees." Kriak said darkly. "I also believe that another man has accelerated this sad turn of events, Mankar Camoran. Camoran is the leader of a cult known as the Myhic Dawn, a clandestine organization dedicated to returning Dagon to Nirn and destroying the rest of man and mer. Even as we speak the Mythic Dawn plot the assassination of your emperor and his heirs to dim the dragon fires and unleash Oblivion on your realm. The question now becomes what do we do about it?"

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