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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office



Lecuaro sat thoughtfully, trying to piece everything together. Putting puzzle pieces together was his greatest strength, of course. He was a Legion tactician by necessity, but he was meticulous and methodical by his very nature.


"Okay, so Nerevar somehow finds this book written by Mehrunes Dagon that contains his very essence of malice and darkness. However, it managed to seduce him and turn him halfway insane. Now, this Mankar Camoran fellow and his Mythic Dawn cult plan to use this very same book to help Dagon fulfill his prophecy of returning to Nirn. For whatever reason, Dagon apparently wanted this Camoran fellow a heck of a lot more than Nerevar."


Lecuaro stood now and put his hands on the desk. His mind was clicking so furiously fast, that it was hard to match speech to its speed.


"Dagon is trying to get that book to Camoran, wherever he is. But, he's trying to do it in a covert manner. However Nerevar got ahold of this tome is a moot point. Dagon's started this whole mess here in Vvardenfell to ruffle the Legion's and the Dunmeri powerholders' feathers. He knew that eventually, someone would do a hit on the mad Nerevarine's base. He wanted someone to find that book and get it out of that 'unworthy maggot's' grasp. Now, Daedric artifacts can be recalled and redistritbuted by their creators at literally any given time provided there's not a sufficient interference. Nerevar was Azura's greatest weapon in the fight against evil here in Morrowind. I am willing to bet this entire fort right now that her strong hold on him is the only damn thing that kept Nerevar from falling completely to Dagon and that the power that she emanated through Nerevar was the only thing that kept Dagon from simply reaching inside Kogoruhn and retrieving his book."


Lecuaro now began pacing behind the desk.


"We've brought the book back here, but we've also brought Nerevar. What's left of his true self is very likely the only thing that's counteracting whatever sick influence that book is trying to exert on us. But who knows how long Nerevar had that book before he finally cracked. Adrynn and Velanya have both been branded by Azura, so that's a bit of a buffer against the book's power. I doubt Mora can shield me much though, given that he has little to no influence in this part of Tamriel. The rest of you, I don't know. The only thing I do know is that Dagon is going to do whatever he can to get this book back to Camoran. I don't know who this guy is, but I don't really have to to know that he's a threat if he's Dagon's instrument."


Lecuaro leaned against the back wall and crossed his arms. He was reaching the inner workings...it was sheer brilliancy by Dagon, really.


"The Prince of Destruction, knowing that his book is in such a sensitive part of the world thanks to Nerevar himself, is going to do everything in his power to rip as large a path of destruction, strife, and infighting as he can in the process of getting that tome back to Camoran. Word's going to get out that the Nerevarine himself started this whole rebellion mess. But if the Great Houses and King Helseth find out that the great Nerevar Incarnate brought the very bible of Mehrunes Dagon to the middle of his own freaking province that he swore an oath to protect? It will be widespread upheaval. Morrowind society as any person knows it will collapse."


Lecuaro eased up off of the wall but remained standing still.


"I'm willing to wager that this 'Mythic Dawn' cult is based in Cyrodiil itself if it's going after the Emperor. If things go to hell here in Morrowind, it's going to tie up several legions for gods know how long. There's already tons of other occupied Legions all across the whole damn continent. Dagon is trying to distract as much opposition as possible away from his cultists."


Lecuaro now leaned forward onto his desk again.


"The Empire is thoroughly ingrained in every single province. If these bastards get the Emperor and his heirs, dear gods. The Elder Council would only be able to hold things together for so long...five, six years if that. Economies will collapse, laws will lose any and all influence, each province will devolve into a warring city-state. Skyrim won't be restored to the 'home of the Nords', Morrowind won't become a second Resdayn, no. The whole continent will become one huge slum and we'll be in the Dark Ages all over again. The Empire may not be what everyone in every province is happy with, but if it goes, the power vacuum will be too much. Dagon is preparing Tamriel for his takeover, to be his base of operations while he makes war on the other continents. Finish us off after we're weakened and then see to the rest. Atmora...Akavir...they'll all be in danger."


Lecuaro sat again and leaned back in his chair.


"Some extremist Daedric scholars say that Nirn is actually simply another plane of Oblivion. I don't believe that, but if that book right there makes it back to this Camoran guy and his followers succeed in their plans, it may very well become a reality."


Lecuaro leaned his head on one hand.


"This isn't about preserving the Dunmeri way of life, or the Imperial way of life, or any other damn way of life over another. This is about making sure that this world isn't screwed to hell by a power-drunk psychopath from Oblivion itself. I'm Breton. Three of you here are Dunmeri. Caius, you're Imperial. Kriak, I don't know your race or your realm, but you have both. Dagon doesn't care if it's a Tribunal faithful praying in Vivec City or a giddy young girl helping her parents on some High Rock farm or a strapping young sailor on the seas of Hammerfell. He'll kill them all just the same."


Lecuaro folded his hands on the desk and leaned forward.


"We went into this expecting a slap fight, and now we've come out of it realizing that we're in a damn interplanar war."


Lecuaro then looked at Kriak, right in the eye.


"And once Nirn is Dagon's, why should he stop there? Sweep any other realm in this place while he's at it. Once our universe is his, maybe yours will be next, huntsman. All of us in here know that there are always two things true about evil. One, it doesn't share power. And two, it doesn't know when to stop. Dagon will never be happy with what he already has...and that kind of insatiable hunger will raise hell everywhere for eternity to come."


Lecuaro's voice grew more weary as he finished. He felt exhausted now. It never ceased to intrigue him how a couple minutes of intense mental exertion could easily generate the same amount of fatigue as a session of hard physical exertion the same length.


"I have no doubt whatsoever that Nerevar intended only the best for Morrowind when he brought that book here for destruction. But the road to hell is all too often paved with good intentions. Dagon's going to milk this situation for all it's worth...and we're going to have our hands full trying to stop him."

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Caius Cosades, Velanya Therys, and Faeryn Sethandas; Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


Caius's face was hard, "Then our first course of action should be to break Dagon's hold on the Nerevarine. If we can restore him somehow, perhaps by taking him to the Shrine of Azura, then he can act as a more stabilizing force in the region again. We can't let him anywhere near this book, so he's going to have to do what he does best and stay on his own. And, perhaps we can find out what he had planned on doing to destroy the book and finish the job ourselves."


"But what if the Nerevarine's mind is too far gone?" Velanya asked, turning in her chair, "What if he cannot be returned to his former state?"


"Azura has always been in control of Nerevar's spirit," Faeryn replied, pushing off from the far wall, "It is likely that Dagon's attacks simply drove the Incarnate's soul into...hiding...for lack of a better term. Bring the Nerevarine to Azura's center of power on the island and she can draw him forth again."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


Adrynn silently leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his borrowed shirt. His muscles flexed instinctively when Kriak unwrapped the Mysterium Xarxes. His brand began to softly burn, and he could feel the tendril of doubt that began to creep its way into his mind abruptly disappear. Azura wasn't playing around. He could feel her presence, but couldn't see her form. She was a bastion of power in the back of his mind. He could feel her agreement with Lecuaro's statement.


"You are right, Lecuaro," Adrynn said, his eyes hard flecks of red light. "Azura is indeed protecting us, as well as everyone in this fort. So much of her power is tied into Nerevar's spirit, that when she reincarnated him, it only spurred him along to seek her out. When he finally became the Nerevarine and found Moon-and-Star, even more of her power channeled into him. It's possible that when he found the Mysterium Xarxes, One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star was lost. I think we might have to search for it as well, as I do not believe it was on his body, was it Caius?"


He pushed off from the wall and stood behind Velanya, laying his hands on her shoulders and squeezing gently. "Velanya and I are tied into whatever happens with the Nerevarine now, mostly because we all share a tie to Azura. I do not believe the Daedric Prince will easily relinquish us from what she wants us to do. And I believe she will tell us all what that is once we arrive at her Shrine."


He glanced around the room, meeting everyone's eyes for a moment, before settling on Lecuaro's. "When do we depart?"


Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Garila had stayed behind when everyone important left to go to their secret meeting. She rested her chin in her hand and played wit her fork. She had finished her plate long before, but now, she had nothing to do but wait. Again.


Glancing over, she spotted the Urshilaku still at their table, silently discussing the events of the past few days. From what her ears told her, many great and wonderful things had happened, but the greatest was the arrival of one of their own, accompanied by a fiery Dunmer in Imperial Armor. Velanya? she thought.


Deciding, she stood up and quietly made her way over to the group, stopping as the Wise Woman looked up and saw her. She bowed, blushing slightly.


"Wise Woman, would you allow me to join you?"

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Nibani Maesa, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


The Wise Woman paused, looking up at this Dunmer of House Redoran. She smiled and gestured to the bench opposite her, "You may join us."


Velanya Therys, Faeryn Sethandas, and Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


"Wait, sir," Velanya's brow furrowed, "What about Nenalaamo's funeral? Don't you want to...." she paused, unsure of whether or not to finish her sentence.


Faeryn met her eyes and nodded, "Indeed. I also need to know whether or not I should keep my men at the Fort. If they are no longer needed, I will send them on their way. I will certainly be coming with you, as I need to relay more information to the Archcanon. If I may be so bold, I think I could be of aid to you in Mournhold as well."


"As for Moon-and-Star," Caius added, "you are right, Adrynn. I haven't seen it. Perhaps that is a key part of the puzzle. And another thing: in his singular moment of clarity, the Nerevarine said to keep Hopesfire away from him. I think we would do well to heed that advice. The question becomes - what do we do with it?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office



Lecuaro sighed and looked down at Velanya's mention of Nenalaamo. "As much as I'd like to stay for it, this rebellion and the Mysterium Xarxes are far more pressing concerns. Besides, I knew Nenalaamo...and I know that he wouldn't want me 'wasting' precious time on him when trouble is still brewing. I suppose one of us should tell Meraxtus that he can go forward with the funeral whenever he sees fit." Lecuaro said.


"Now then...you found Hopesfire while dealing with the Nerevarine inside Kogoruhn, Caius?" Lecuaro asked.

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Velanya Therys, Faeryn Sethandas, and Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


"Yep," the Spymaster replied, "It's in my footlocker in the bunk room now. Felt a bit odd with the thing strapped to my waist, and it's not just because I like my katana better. There's something odd about it. I dunno if it's the Dwemer magic or something else."


Faeryn glanced at Velanya and Adrynn, "It's very likely 'something else.' Why do I say that? Because the Incarnate's words echo his wishes concerning this...Mysterium Xarxes. It is as if the weapon has become corrupted, and he doesn't want it anywhere near him. "


The Ordinator sighed heavily, "Ever since the Nerevarine slew Almalexia, there's been a strange chill in the air. The Tribunal faithful mostly live in denial of it, but there was always something dark and sinister about our goddess. It's something I was faced with a long time ago. And because I found out about it, I never made it as one of Her Hands. I'm surprised that she didn't have me killed, rather than sending me to Berel Sala's cabal."


"Wait," Velanya twisted in her seat to face Faeryn, "Are you saying that Almalexia may have found some way to live despite the destruction of the Heart of Lorkhan? That her essence may be tied to Hopesfire somehow?"


"Why not? Of the Three, she was the one the most enamored of her own immortality. Almalexia would do everything in her power to keep it," the Ordinator replied, "and I can assure you that she knew the Heart would one day be destroyed. I am certain she had a backup plan in place, and what better plan than tying herself to one of the most powerful and valuable artifacts in Morrowind's history?"


Caius's brow furrowed, "So our Nerevarine was not only faced with the corrupting power of the Mysterium Xarxes, but that of a tainted Hopesfire as well?"


"Does it not make sense?" Faeryn replied, "You and I both knew the Nerevarine. You and I both know that it would take more than just Mehrunes Dagon to break the strength of Nerevar's spirit."


The Ordinator's eyes flashed as he looked back to Lecuaro, "Almalexia's spirit is backed by a Daedra Lord as well. Just like Nerevar had a patron in Azura, Almalexia was the Daughter of Boethiah."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office



Lecuaro rubbed his temple thoughtfully. "Well, whether Almalexia bound her own essence to the blade or just corrupted what power she passed onto it through simple usage, the fact remains that it's a danger here at the fort. I doubt it could safely be stored anywhere without something bad happening. Quite honestly, I don't know what could stop it from becoming just another roaming artifact like Goldbrand or Hasedoki's staff eventually...apart from maybe finding a way to truly destroy it."

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


Adrynn nodded slightly. His brand was still burning slightly, and he could feel something slowly crawling up his spine. It wasn't unpleasant, but it wasn't good, either. He flexed his fingers and glanced to Faeryn.


"I believe you are right, Faeryn. Almalexia has always been a bit odd. But I can still feel her presence sometimes, even after all of this time with her being dead. Perhaps she did find a way to bind herself to Hopesfire. And with Trueflame destroyed, it would be even more dangerous, as without its twin, it may disappear."


He glanced around at everyone. Their looks of surprise flickered across their faces. The only one who wasn't affected by the news was Kriak, whose eye's flickered in recognition.


"Trueflame is gone. And Hopesfire is too dangerous. I wonder what happened to Wraithguard, Keening, and Sunder?" he asked, leaning against the back of Velanya's chair.


Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Dining Hall


Garila smiled and sat down across from Nibani. Her eyes studied the Wise Woman. She was emaciated, but there was a strength still in her muscles born from determination and willpower.


"I am glad you came to the Fort, Wise Woman. How has everything been?"

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