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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


Lecuaro's heart sank when Adrynn mentioned that Trueflame was destroyed. "Trueflame's gone? That's...not good. I wonder what's going to happen when news of that spreads. As for Wraithguard, Keening, and Sunder...Nerevar used them to destroy Lorkhan's heart. I don't know what he might have done with them afterward. Maybe they had a sense of self preservation and went packing when Nerevar got corrupted by Dagon? It certainly wouldn't be beyond their power to do so." He suggested.



"Did you or Caius find anything else in Kogoruhn, Kriak?" Lecuaro asked the huntsman.

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Kriak, Fort Floodgate - Lecuaro's Office


Kriak listened as the theories abounded. Almalexia binding herself to Hope's Fire, that made sense. Very much sense really. Kriak nodded slightly when the theory was presented. This Faeryn fellow had a good head on his shoulders, his reasoning skills were strong, a valuable asset in times like these. Lecuaro then asked Kriak about their findings in Kogoruhn.


"I'm not sure if Caius found anything else but the Mysterium Xarxes was all I brought back. There were crimson tapestries depicting a golden sun, a symbol of the mythic dawn cult, throughout the Nerevarine's chamber though. I also noticed one of the volumes of Mankar Camoran's commentaries on Xarxes. So he his surely behind this. As to Almalexia's influence, I'm not sure. But I do support Faeryn's theory, I believe she lives on in Hopesfire. It only makes sense for her to try something like that. But if Almalexia is involved, then it's reasonable to assume that Boethia is too. A Boethia-Dagon alliance would be news to me so there may be a bigger play occuring here. Bigger than even Dagon's assault on Tamriel. This will require more investigation. Unfortunately I can't time travel at will, especially not with the last few intrusions I've had when I've just shifted through the shadows. Considering the Nerevarine's fear of Hopesfire is well founded we must think of what Almalexia could have stood to gain. Did she just want revenge? Or is there something else going on. Or is her father involved."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office



Lecuaro pondered what few sensible motives Almalexia might have had. "Revenge on Nerevar comes readily to mind. Since there wasn't much she could do by herself after she died. I guess...also...maybe in a brief moment of rationality, she bound herself to the sword in the hopes someone might find a way to save her. Or, maybe she just couldn't stand the thought of her life ever ending and linked herself to it to try and prevent that. Even if she did want to be saved though, I'm not so sure it's for selfless reasons. I wouldn't put it past her to just want her throne back after she's sane again, assuming that can be done."

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Velanya Therys, Faeryn Sethandas, and Caius Cosades; Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


Velanya's heart sank a bit when she heard about Trueflame. Faeryn's face, too, fell. They knew that if they could ever get the Nerevarine back to normal again, that Trueflame would be the first thing on his mind. Breaking the news about the shattered blade wouldn't be easy. Not only that, but the sword itself had become quite symbolic over the past few years. No doubt it would have a somewhat demoralizing effect on the people.


The Knight Errant listened to Kriak and Lecuaro discussing Almelexia's motives. An idea suddenly popped into her head, and she realized - much to her chagrin - that she shared the former "goddess's" sentiments about one thing in particular...


"Helseth," she suddenly blurted.


Caius's head snapped in her direction,"What?"


"Helseth," Velanya repeated, "Almalexia hated Helseth...not only because of what the Empire he represented, but because he effectively had a chokehold on her city. We not only have her hatred of Nerevar, but her hatred of Helseth, plus her hatred of the Empire. All she has left is hate. Conjurers have debated whether that emotion was enough to tie a spirit to the world. But perhaps it is enough to tie it to a weapon? Hatred...unbridled, pure hatred is what this is all about."


Faeryn nodded, "I see what you are saying. It is no coincidence that Hopesfire contributed to the Nerevarine's downfall in tandem with the Mysterium Xarxes. If what your woodsman friend says is true, then this Mankar Camoran also has a hatred of the Empire. Perhaps Almalexia and Camoran...found each other, so to speak, and they resolved to work together to bring down the Empire's greatest weapon against them."


"Then we must break the connection between these two," Caius answered shortly, "and yammering on about it all night isn't going to get things done. We need to get to Azura's shrine and quickly. Our only hope is that she can somehow break these nutcases' hold on the Nerevarine. Then we can worry about that book and the sword. Until then, the corrupted Incarnate is our greatest threat. I think what happened to the Fort within the past week is a testament to that."


"Agreed," Velanya rose, "Shall we arm ourselves and head out now, or wait until the morning?"


Nibani Maesa, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


The Wise Woman did not smile, "We have seen better days. Our people have dwindled, and we bordered on annihilation, until the woman who calls herself Velanya came to our camp. She brought us here, so that we might find food and respite...and protection from the Incarnate's wrath."

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


Adrynn pondered Velanya's question for a moment. He relaxed his arms and held his chin in his hand.


"I would say we leave right now, but my armor is still in the smithy, my men are still running patrols, and Garila is also here, so that complicates things a bit. Even if they weren't here, I would still have to let them know anyways. So I believe we wait until a few hours after midnight, then we quietly collect the Nerevarine, our gear, and then make haste for Azura's Coast."


Adrynn could feel a harsh weight begin to settle over his shoulders. It seemed that he and his companions were so tangled up in the plots of the Daedra, if they were to try and break free, they would likely destroy themselves. His brand flared in agreement. A frown crossed his features as he flexed his fingers once again.


"So how will we get there? Almsivi Intervention to Ald-ruhn, then take a Mage's Guild transport to Vivec, then a Silt Strider to Molag Mar? From there we could charter a small boat or go on foot. The Silt Strider and the boat trip will be the longest part of our journey. Not to mention how we will be able to transport the Nerevarine in disguise. His face is intimately familiar with almost any Dunmer in Vvardenfell."


He turned to Caius, Velanya, and Lecuaro. "What do you think?


Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Garila's smile faded. Nibani was right.


"So Velanya did help? She seems like an able and honorable warrior. But what is this news of the Incarnate? I thought he left for Akavir?" A deep dread began to tingle up Garila's spine. None of this made any sense, and since Adrynn had disappeared with the others, she couldn't question him to find out what he knew. She remembered how he had avoided her questions earlier. It seemed there was a good reason for it.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office



"It's settled, then." Lecuaro said. "We'll round up our gear and tell those we need to about our trip, and then get moving. As for keeping the Nerevarine incognito, I was thinking that we could simply dress him in some beggar's clothes and hat and whip up a scraggly fake beard. Just pretend he's a drunk friend. If he's still asleep from Azura's spell earlier, all the better." He suggested.

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Velanya Therys, Faeryn Sethandas, and Caius Cosades; Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


"Very well," Faeryn nodded, "I'll tell my men to go ahead to Molag Mar. Afterwards, I'll head to the armory and fetch my gear, and then I'll be ready. Adrynn? Care to come with me?"


Caius rose from the footlocker and gestured to Velanya, "After you. Let's gear up."


Nibani Maesa, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


The Wise Woman's face was grim, "So did we. But destiny had other plans for him. The attacks this fort has suffered have all been in his name."

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


"I'm coming," Adrynn said, pushing off of the wall and heading toward the door. He stepped past Caius and Lecuaro, passing through the door, before bumping into Arvs, who was leaning against the wall beside the door.


"Arvs? Where did you come from?" Adrynn asked, perplexed. The Redoran Master-at-Arms stepped off of the wall, resting his hands on his belt. There was a cool calmness in his eyes.


"I've been waiting for you to get done with your meeting," Arvs said, glancing at Lecuaro and Caius behind Adrynn.


"What is it?" Adrynn asked, stepping away a bit from the others. He could tell his Master-at-Arms was more than a little displeased with him, so he stepped out of earshot of the others.


"Our scouts have come back," Arvs said, his eyes glancing back to Lecuaro. There was a small flicker of aggravation in his eyes accompanying that look.


"Oh? What do they have to report?" Adrynn asked. His deadly serious glance to Arvs snapped the other mer's eyes on him.


"Not much. Remnants of at least two major battles outside the fort and the surrounding area with about two dozen pyres and piles of broken weapons and armor and burnt siege equipment."


"Siege equipment? That's news to me. Is there anything else?" Adrynn could feel Lecuaro's eyes on his back.


"Nothing except a few wild alits and nix-hounds wandering around. Other than that, I have nothing else to report," Arvs said, crossing his arms across his chest.


"Very well, Arvs. I have duties that Archmaster Sarethi has given me, and I shall be gone for at least a week," Adrynn said, figuring he'd go ahead and get this part over with.


Arvs' eyebrows raised. "May I ask where, Adrynn?"


"I can't say, Arvs. It's only for the Archmaster to know. I have some details on this last mission I need to get sorted out, and where I'm going, I should be able to find some."


"Oh, very well. Will the Lady Garila be accompanying you, or will she return with me to Indarys Manor? And what do you want me to do with the company of warriors who are here?"


Adrynn paused for a moment. He hadn't considered Garila coming with him to Azura's Shrine. Not with the mad Nerevarine along with them. And he knew how restless she would grow waiting on him at Bal Isra. The fact she had come along with the Redoran reinforcements told him how much she worried for him. He didn't know what he would do with Garila. She couldn't come along, nor would she stay. It was a conundrum. One he would solve later.


"I want you to stay here and keep the Redoran warriors who are already here as backup in case the fort is attacked again. The Legionnaires here can barely stand. They need the extra help."


"Very well, House Father," Arvs said, turning and heading back down the corridor. Adrynn turned back to Lecuaro and Caius. He stepped over to them, still flexing his fingers over is burning palm.


"Well, my scouts report nothing unusual. So I guess we do leave tonight."


Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


"What?!" Garila stood up, the conflicting emotions of shock, anger, horror, and grief all fighting to be represented. Her fists were clenched into tight balls, her knuckles white. "How could he do such a thing?! What happened?" she asked Nibani, her eyes steady through her shock. This was impossible!

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office



Arvs's remark about destroyed siege equipment drew Lecuaro's attention firmly to the two Dunmer. After they finished speaking, Lecuaro approached, curious about what kind of machinery they had fielded.


"Could you tell what kind of siege equipment it was?" He asked Arvs.



Serrabinashiah Masseribalit - Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall



Serra had been lingering in the mess hall ever since Lecuaro and company had departed. When she overheard Nibani telling Garila of how it truly was Nerevar Incarnate himself who was doing all of this, she shared Garila's reaction and sternly walked over to the table with the Ashlanders. All of the other soldiers had already left, so a huge scene was averted. That didn't ease things, though.


"You mean...that really was Nerevar himself??" Serra asked, bewildered.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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