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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floogate


Arvs turned back for a moment at Lecuaro's question. He pondered for a moment before answering.


"Catapults, I believe you call them. They hurl stones at walls. There are none left. They were all burned," Arvs said, turning back down the hall.


Adrynn shared a glanced with Lecuaro for a moment, the meaning of his retainer's words echoing through his mind.


"Where in Oblivion did they find catapults?"

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Orndil Detharas and Terel Hlem - Vivec, Hlaalu Canton Plaza / Main Vivec Dock, The Broken Sun: Below Decks



Orndil drummed his fingers impatiently on the crate as he waited for his partner. He was late, as usual. Finally, the person showed himself. He was likewise a Dunmer, a bit shorter and skinnier than Orndil.


"Finally, you're here." Orndil said, annoyed.


"Yeah yeah, I'm here. Got slammed with some last-minute paperwork. Again." The other replied.


"Still using that excuse eh, Garvol?" Orndil mocked. "Anyway, anything new?"


"No sir. Nothing. Of course, what few contacts we have further north haven't been too reliable for anything." Garvol answered.


Orndil nodded in frustration. "Yeah...I keep telling Varcoltus that we need more and better contacts up there. What I wouldn't give for one good mole inside that damned new frontier fort the Imperials have built up there." His fists clenched on the last sentence. He had been trying to get an ear inside that place for months, but to no avail.


"Yeah...I'd love to know just what glorious Lord Dagon is using that puppet Nerevar for up there. I mean...we know that he's leading some sort of rebellion, but damn it, I want to know some details!" Garvol mused.


"Me too, brother. Me too. But for now, all we can do is carry out our missions with what we have and what we know." Orndil affirmed. "Now then, I'd better get back to the treasury before I'm missed. I told them I was just taking a quick break outside."


Garvol nodded. "The Dawn is breaking." He said.


"Greet the New Day." Orndil replied with an evil grin as he started toward the plaza doors.




Terel finished inspecting the last of the food boxes before resealing it and reclining in one of the hammocks. The multi-tiered vessel was quite a step up from his old sloop. It was worth it, though. Ferryman was an easy guise to pull off and his new boss, Arteso Fandothril, proved to be remarkably easy to fool most of the time. The larger storage space also provided more nooks and crannies for him to stash his more under-the-table items.


He wasn't sure why, but he felt that something big was going to happen in the near future. He and his friend Orndil had been duping people in Vivec for several years now, keeping the Mythic Dawn's interests concealed from prying eyes. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he just had a gut feeling that something big was going to happen soon. Something that would test the order's integrity.

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Faeryn Sethandas, Fort Floodgate


The Ordinator eased past the others to find Elam Gols not far down the hallway. His men must have already been seeking him out for orders.


The knight saluted, "Faeryn. Meeting go well?"


"If you can call it that. I need you and the others to pack up immediately and depart for Molag Mar."




"You heard me. Molag Mar is one of our next destinations, and I need you to scout ahead. Besides, the Temple has been far too complacent about that particular garrison. They could use the reinforcements."


There was a few seconds of silence before Elam simply nodded and spun on his heels to find his compatriots. Faeryn half-turned, "Commander? Adrynn? I'm off to the armory."



Caius Cosades and Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate


Velanya nodded to Lecuaro, "You saw what they were capable of...took the entirety of the damned gatehouse. The fort can't take any more of that."


Caius sniffed, "If I had to guess about it, those catapults were shipped from Cyrodiil along with the Blackwood Company."


With that, the pair began heading back towards the safehouse to arm and resupply.



Nibani Maesa, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


The Wise Woman's face was unreadable as she glanced back and forth between Garila and Serrabinashiah, "Yes. We had originally thought him an imposter, but we were wrong, and we suffered for our ignorance. In short, he made promises of glory...promises that our young men jumped at the chance to see fulfilled. Something changed him. He is no longer the man we all know and love. The Velothi who laid this fort to ruin? They were under his command...under the mistaken notion that this land would be made theirs again."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office



Lecuaro simply nodded in grim agreement to both Velanya's and Caius's statements before turning to join Faeryn. "Let's get to it, then." He said.


Serrabinashiah Masseribalit - Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall



Serra half fell onto the bench of the table opposite the wise woman. So it was even worse than she had thought. Nerevar himself had turned on his own people, and had sent untold numbers of Ashlander faithful to their deaths in the name of his twisted designs. She was angry...angry beyond words. Had she known that the Incarnate presently resided in the fort's prisons courtesy of Lecuaro and company, she would have stormed in there immediately and confronted him. Not that it would do much good right now though, considering that he would either still be asleep or not all there thanks to Dagon's taint.


"Why would Nerevar betray us like this...walks into the middle of our camp...our damn home, and woos all of the able-bodied men with promises of freedom and grandeur...and sends them to the slaughter! It's bad enough too many to count have already lost their lives on this fool's errand of trying to capture this fort. How many else are going to die when they leave the other strongholds to attack other places on the island!" She exclaimed bitterly.


Indeed, she had forgotten about the other strongholds until just now. "Oh, Azura...the strongholds..." She uttered as the full weight of it returned.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


Adrynn nodded to Caius and Lecuaro's assessments. They seemed logical. But how the Ashlanders were able to transport siege equipment without no one knowing was what bugged him the most. It seemed almost impossible.


He followed Faeryn, Caius, Lecuaro, and Velanya, staying in the back. They wound their way through the twisting and winding corridors before they finally arrived at the armory.


Adrynn stepped inside, glancing around to see if he could find his armor. Sure enough, it laid on a table, a small note of parchment tucked under the cuirass. He walked over to the neatly organized Gah-Julan Bonemold and ran his fingers over it. He smiled, impressed. The smith was indeed knowledgeable about native Dunmeri armors. It had been waxed, all the scratches and chips filled in and smoothed to a high finish. The leather strips that had been severed or torn during his battles over the past few days had been replaced or repaired. Not to mention all of the varying ebony pieces that reinforced the bonemold had been subtly polished.


He checked the note under the armor and whistled low. 3500 septims for all the repairs. He checked over the list. The smith had given a short list of all repairs made. He ran his finger down to the largest repair. "Repair and sharpen Daedric Katana w/ fire enchantment." It was almost 2500 septims for that alone.


He held it over his shoulder to Lecuaro. "Hey, Commander. Are my repairs free since I'm in your little group now?" A grin flashed across his face.


He laid down the repair sheet and picked up his Daedric Katana, which lay on the table, its swordbelt carefully wrapped around the scabbard. He slid the blade a few inches out of the sheath and smiled. He would have to congratulate the smith on her work. Ebony was extremely tough to work, especially when it had a lesser daedroth twisting and warping the metal. He checked the edge with his thumb. It was honed to a razor's edge. He was impressed more and more by the skills of the Khajiiti smith.


Resting his sword back on the table, he began to kit up. Strapping on his boots first, he then systematically put his armor on, finishing with his bracers. The Khajiit had strapped the pauldrons to the cuirass, making it easier to get them on alone. Once he had changed, he strapped on his sword and tightened his belt. The last thing he added was his ebony dagger, which he slid into a sheath inside his boot. He hopped for a moment, letting the armor settle over his lean frame. He twisted and stretched, flexing the bonemold and verifying the smith's work. If the wrong resin was used, the bonemold would be left hard and immovable, not flexible enough to give under a blow like it was supposed to. Grinning, he tightened his bracers one last time and made his way over to the others, who were getting ready themselves. He tossed Lecuaro his bill.


"Since I'm in the Blades, you can cover the costs of my maintenance," he said, a small half joking smile crossing his lips. Velanya had her long mahogany waves back into a bun on her head, her heavy Imperial plate fitting her well from years of use. He nodded to his cousin and sat against the table, his arms crossed. It was such a familiar feeling, the armor blanketing his body. It was comforting.


"Well, cousin. What do you make of all of this?" he asked, smalltalking while he waited for the others.


Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Garila was shaking in anger as Nibani told her and Serrabinashiah of the Nerevarine's transgressions. She couldn't see through her rage. She slammed her fist down into the table, her knuckles white from how hard her fist was clenched. She was visibly shaking.


"This will not stand, Wise Woman. If I knew where the Nerevarine was, I would gut him myself for what he has done." She meant every word.

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Saint Iodiria, High Chapel, Mournhold


Under the watchful gaze of The Mournful Saint, the great city of Almalexia had been transformed into a hub of light and welcoming allure. The clergy were given clear instructions to aid those new to the city, and to give loving, tender care to those less fortunate, who's homes were the gutters of the great cities streets. Now the downtrodden were allowed a chance to rise back up-- Rather than being put down with an Iron fist. Iodiria regularly ventured from the inner sanctum of the temple to be with her people, she would sit with the poor, the ill, and in particular let her aid touch those in Mourning- For when someone died in Mourhold, she would dress in black, a custom from her home of Necrom, to mourn for the Mourning.


The Imperial court was quite obviously, not best pleased, The Temple was loostening the choke-hold Helseth had on Mournhold, gradually, and without any direct opposition. The High Ordinators were given courses to refresh themsleves, being out of touch with Almalexia, and under the leadership of a rather troubled Fedris Hler, they became brutal, and exemplified the corruption in power the temple so dispised. However there had certainly been a few matches between the Royal Guard and the High Ordinators, but there respective leaders had managed valliantly to avoid bloodshed, Mourhold had seen enough,and it did not need any more.


The Mournful Saint was tired and displeased with the High Chapel, what should have been a bastion of shining hope in a mist of Imperial Decadence, was itself just a reflection of Almalexia's Vanity. Now, the Temple had been transformed from magnificent, to truly deserving the term "Divine". Atop the central spire of the high chapel, once pointed, gave way to a huge glowing orb of molten gold, and other metals, powered by the prayers of the faithful. It was incased in an alloy created from the remains of the fabricant's who had been destroyed in the battle for the plaza of brindisi-dorom. At night the great orb shone brilliantly, as a candle in the dark, and through the many carvings going down the spire, the liquid trickled. The inner sanctum of the High Chapel was a magnificent sight to behold. Where the emerald stone once lay bare, a new design of magnificent pearl floorings, pillars and ceiling gave the chamber an elegant look. Everywhere there were intricate carvings etched, in the pillars, the walls, the floors, and most importantly on the high vaulted, and pointed ceiling, which was part of the great central spire. The Molten liquid flowed in every carving, illuminating them, and provoding a gentle, soft light in the chamber. The white was contrast with plain black banners, and a center throne of Ebony, built into the Floor for Iodiria. The new "Hands" had there own guard boxes, on each corner of the room, standing in peace should any trouble arise.


Iodira sat in a state of harmony, but her thoughts were everywhere. Helseth had certainly not been happy that the temple was now such a perfect monument, which inspired pilgrims to visit, and the faithless to have an interest. Whatever his plans, Iodiria would fight him with equal strength, and a hell of a lot of resolve. She was a strong and hardy woman, masked by a veil of beauty and peace, a soothing voice, and a compassionate touch. If the Puppet king were to make a move in arms against her, The Saint would move in with precision.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Faeryn Sethandas, Velanya Therys, and Caius Cosades; Fort Floodgate, Armory


Velanya and Caius had armed themselves with haste and quickly made their way back to Adrynn and Lecuaro. The Spymaster had donned his leathers rather than his Akaviri gear, appearing much as he had when he first arrived at Fort Buckmoth. Velanya had garbed herself in her uniform once again, her hair pulled back quite severely...a style that matched her mood. She frowned slightly at Adrynn's inquiry, "If I can be perfectly honest, I think it's the biggest pile of guar dung I've ever heard of or seen in my life. But at times like these, cousin, I've found it is sometimes best not to think at all."


Faeryn, whilst the two cousins talked, had been busy rearming himself in his Indoril armor - a suit worth a king's ransom in gold. He cringed at the bill...five thousand septims, even. He could tell by the smith's work, however, that it was worth every last coin. The puncture in his laminated chitin breastplate was no longer evident. On top of that, many of the various scratches and dents that had pocked the pauldrons and curiass were now filled in and completely smooth. As he slipped his helm over his head and tightened the chin strap, he grinned at Adrynn, "One of the benefits of being in a guild, eh? Pass along the cost to the treasurer." Which, of course, was exactly what Faeryn was going to do. He tucked the bill into his belt and wrote a quick note to the khajiiti smith that her fee would be paid in full from the Temple's coffers as soon as he could get the bill to Saryoni.


Nibani Maesa, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


The Wise Woman sighed, "I do not think that the Moon-and-Star is...how do you Imperials put it? 'In his right mind.' I believe something has changed the Incarnate into the madman he is now...and perhaps he can never be changed back."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate Smithy



As Lecuaro watched Adrynn and Faeryn grin with delight over how thoroughly their armors had been repaired, he couldn't help but smile himself. After all, he had seen Tuhkrisi's work first hand on his very own gear, watching her smooth over any and all injuries his armor and katana had sustained over the years. He didn't mind the bills being forwarded, of course. They scarcely had time to go scrounging up enough gold to pay, and plus their mission was worth it. Since the smithy was closed for the night and neither the Khajiit nor her apprentices were present though, Lecuaro helped himself to one of the sharpening stones. He would have preferred to have his katana undergo a more thorough repair at Tuhkrisi's hands, but a simple sharpening would have to suffice.


"That Tuhkrisi's a hell of a smith, isn't she?" Lecuaro remarked as he began thinning his katana's blade.

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Kriak, Fort Floodgate Forge


While the others had been examining their well-mended armor, Kriak donned his own. He had, of course, repaired it himself and took great pride in it but he had a broad grin as the others praised the smith. Lecuaro spoke up about it. "Aye, that she is commander. She knows much about all manner of metals and materials, we had a very pleasant conversation earlier this evening about the different metals of our realms." Kriak smiled.


Kriak's little moment of happiness from one of his favorite hobbies was clouded though. He had been thinking about this journey more and more and now he had a decision to make. "My companions, I'm not sure that it is best for me to accompany you to the shrine. Azura is a lord of your realm, not of mine. She is not apt to appreciate my presence there, especially being branded an agent of Hircine and Hermaeus Mora. We also need to keep the Xarxes as far from the Nerevarine as possible. We can't let it out of our sight though so one of us has to guard it. I would not want to have to bring it with us and the Nerevarine for fear that its hold may tighten over him. I think it would be best if I tried to uncover more information about the Mythic Dawn's actions here in Morrowind. I will accompany you as far as Vivec and then I will do my best to gain more information."

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