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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Velanya Therys, Foyada Mamaea


"N'wah!" the foremost warrior shouted as they rushed to meet her.


It took all of the strength she had in her legs to halt her sprint. Her toes dug trenches into the ash and dirt. Velanya threw her gauntleted hands before her and concentrated on the first spell that came to mind.


A rush of magicka, fueled by adrenaline, coursed down her arms and exploded into a storm of electricity, knocking the three warriors fifteen feet backwards. The air crackled and their bodies convulsed with energy.


As the archer notched another arrow, she drew her ebony throwing knife from her boot and hurled it, almost without thinking. It buried itself up to its hilt in his chest, slicing through the chitin like a hot knife through scrib jelly.


Two of the warriors scrambled to their feet and charged her, yelling like madmen. The first brought his axe down in an overhand swing, only to be halted by her sword as it pierced his abdomen and exited his back, frost spreading over his breastplate. She shoved him off as the second attacker reached her, swinging his shortsword wildly. A neat backhanded slash ripped his chest open, and he fell like a stone.


It was over as quickly as it had begun.

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Edward Wildeve, Indarys Manor, Bal Isra


Edward sat down and thought about the question. "No reason in particular" he said finally. "When you have nowhere to go, anywhere will do".

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


Adrynn nodded and clenched his fist around the fireball, putting it out. He glanced at Kriak, then back to Lecuaro and his platoon of Legionnaires.


"Kriak, I could have some work for you, if you wish. That man you saw me with earlier has already joined my garrison, or rather, my payroll . . ." Adrynn said, glancing at the large hunter in front of him. "And I think your help here would be appreciated, and I will reward you myself if there is any trouble in the days to come."


Adrynn glanced back at Lecuaro. "What do you say, Commander?"

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Outside Fort Floodgate



Lecuaro stood in deep thought for a few moments before speaking.


"You must be one hell of a tracker to have traced us all the way out here with so late a start and such little evidence, Kriak. If you would like a position here at the fort, I'm sure you'd be a fine addition to the scouting parties." he said. "Does that interest you?"

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Garila Indarys, Indarys Manor, Bal Isra


Garila nodded, her thoughts turning to her own past when she had no where to go or anyone to turn to in her time of need. Then she had been swept off her feet by a tall and dark Dunmer . . . Shaking the thoughts from her head, she turned her mind to fixing Edward's food, quickly preparing a large plate of authentic home cooked Morrowind food. Sliding the full plate in front of him, she smiled and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.


"Enjoy, hun," she said with a grin.

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Velanya Therys, Foyada Mamaea


She paused for a few moments to catch her breath, then slid Frostfang back in to its sheath and looked up at the twinkling sky.


Crazy Ashlanders...


At least, she thought they were Ashlanders.


Velanya returned her gaze to the fallen warriors. They couldn't be bandits or smugglers, who preferred ruins or tombs or holes in the ground. Only Ashlanders would be crazy enough to attack a legionnaire out in the open.


They certainly had been bold. And persistent. The more she thought about it, the more the whole situation irked her. She knelt to check the bodies for any identification or clues as to where they came from.


They were indeed Dunmer Ashlanders, as indicated by their tribal facial tattoos and headbands of beads and racer feathers. But there were no telltale signatures of any of the four native Ashlander tribes...no tokens, emblems, or common items between them.


Outcasts, perhaps? Yet what would they be doing this far southwest? It made no sense.


Then, something caught her eye. The archer wore an amulet, half concealed by his breastplate. She easily snapped the fiber cord and pulled it from his corpse. It was a strange animal tooth, tipped in what appeared to be bronze, with some runes carved on the side that she was unable to translate. Her brow furrowed as she tucked it into one of three pouches at her belt. Perhaps someone at Buckmoth would recognize it.


Sighing, she rose. She would have to inform Imsin about the warriors while at Buckmoth the next morning. She could neither bury them herself, nor carry them back to Moonmoth.


Arkay bless them and keep them...crazy Ashlanders.


Turning away, she resumed her trek northward, hoping to reach Ghostgate within two hours.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon



The hunter simply stared at Lecuaro. His countenance made it evident that he was considering the Breton's offer.


"Well, you think it over tonight." Lecuaro said. "As for now, let's get inside the fort. It looks like an ash storm's brewing up."


Lecuaro turned toward Adrynn. "Wait here with me." He whispered. "Drusius! Come here."


A broad-shouldered Imperial man of average height in the armor of the Imperial Legion broke ranks and approached his superior. "Yes sir, what do you need?" He asked.


"Show Kriak here to the bunk room. There should be a few extra beds. When you've done so, get yourself over on the western wall. You're on the patrol list for over there tonight." Lecuaro answered.


"Yes sir." Drusius replied. "Mr. Kriak, if you will follow me..."


Lecuaro watched as the hunter accompanied Drusius back to the fort, and then turned to the rest of the soldiers. "We're done out here. You all know your jobs at the fort, so let's get back in there and get to them!" He bellowed. The soldiers turned and headed toward the fort at once.


Lecuaro waited until all the soldiers had disappeared through the gate, and then turned back to Adrynn. "Come on, we'll use the Blades entrance again." He said as he walked back to the stone door.

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Velanya Therys, Ghostgate


Velanya looked upwards at the bare pylons of the Ghostfence. It felt strange not seeing the familiar blue wall of magic draped like a curtain from the top of the fence to the ashy ground. It also felt strange not seeing the swirling crimson maelstrom around the summit of Red Mountain. And yet, at the same time, it felt good.


The Devil Dagoth Ur was dead, slain by the Nerevarine: the reincarnation of Lord Nerevar Indoril...and a Blade of the Empire, no less. The powers of the Tribunal were no longer needed to reinforce the only citadel between Dagoth Ur and the people of Vvardenfell.


The faces of Almsivi - who were worshiped by many of Velanya's kin as "Living Gods" - looked down at her from the columns. Almalexia, Lady of Mercy; Sotha Sil, Lord of Mystery; Vivec, Lord of Mastery. She frowned. Never had she believed the Tribunal truly divine. Sorcerers and con-men? You bet. And they'd conned most of Morrowind for centuries.


In so doing, Morrowind had stagnated. The in-fighting and persecution had gotten progressively worse. But when the Nerevarine arrived, all that changed. Now, rumors were spreading that the Tribunal lost its power with the death of Dagoth Ur, and that Almalexia and Sotha Sil both had been destroyed soon after. But did this help the situation any? Oh, no.


The Dunmer people were dividing again. Indoril and Redoran, both desperately clinging to the old ways, were declining and pulling away from common Imperial authority. With the ban of slavery in place, Hlaalu and Dres were on the rise, along with both rebels and Imperial loyalists.


And, in the midst of all this chaos, the beloved Nerevarine and Hortator, uniter of the people, was gone...gone to gods-knew-where when his people needed him most. So, it fell to legionnaires like Velanya to keep some semblance of order.


Only, it was harder for troopers like her...Dark Elves who loved the Empire and the Nine. Out of all the outlanders, they were shunned the most - as traitors to their own race. On the other side of the coin, Imperials often saw Dunmer troopers as "infiltrators." It was a friendless existence, for sure.


It was even harder when the King of Morrowind was a half-Dunmer, silver-tongued, cutthroat mongrel. It made her sick just to mention his name: Helseth. She was disgusted that such a vile and dishonorable man was not only the leader of her people, but a representative of Imperial power. She shuddered, and consoled herself by remembering her oath. Her loyalty was sworn only to the Emperor, Uriel Septim VII.


Velanya followed the trench as it turned west. She was nearing Buckmoth now, and she would soon be in her bunk, such as it was. She looked down at her boots and frowned. She'd have to touch them up with polish in the morning.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon, Fort Floodgate


Lecuaro led the way back to the secret door and the pair soon found themselves in the Blades safehouse once again.


"Beds are over there." Lecuaro said, motioning to a little side hall across the room. "Now, let's get some sleep. I really need it."

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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