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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate: To The Prison



Lecuaro allowed himself a snicker at the trio's choral volunteer. "Hmm...how about drawing blades instead of straws, then? See who's got the biggest sword? Unless someone's got a better idea."


Lecuaro's ebony katana, Adrynn's Daedric katana, Velanya's blade "Frostfang", Caius's Akaviri katana, and Faeryn's ebony scimitar.....

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Velanya Therys, Caius Cosades, and Faeryn Sethandas; Fort Floodgate


The three looked at each other, shrugged, and drew their weapons, holding them side by side. Velanya's Frostfang was obviously longer than Caius's katana and Faeryn's scimitar. The legionnaire sighed, knowing that neither Adrynn's nor Lecuaro's blades were any longer than the Spymaster's.


"Looks like it's me," Velanya said, sheathing her sword, "Just as well, I suppose, if Azura can help me keep him under control."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, To The Prison



"That's settled, then." Lecuaro confirmed as he sheathed his blade and started walking again.


Eventually, the group reached the holding cells, where it encountered Garila pressed against the bars of Nerevar's cell. Lecuaro's stomach turned at the sight.


"Oh boy..." He said in a low voice.


Orndil Detharas and Terel Hlem - Hlaalu Canton Plaza



"Everything ready?" Orndil asked.


"Yep, all set. Ship should be headed up to our dead drop near Hla Oad by evening." Terel answered.


"Good. Well, back to it then. And watch yourself. I've got a feeling that something isn't right..." Orndil warned.


"Of course. You take care of yourself. Don't do anything dumb and get fired from the treasury." Terel replied.


Orndil nodded. "The Dawn is breaking."


"Greet the new day." Terel replied as he started back toward the Vivec dock.


After Terel left, Orndil ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something felt amiss...and it was making his stomach twist.

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Adrynn Indarys and Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Prison


Garila stiffened immediately as she recognized who was sitting in the cell. She couldn't believe it. Rage began to boil in her blood. She gripped the bars as hard as she could, her knuckles white in fury.


"Be glad that these bars are between us, you fiend," she said, spitting the words in her fury. She could feel her arms shaking in pure utter rage.


"Oh really? And if they weren't? What oh what would you do, dear lady?" the Nerevarine asked, chuckling softly. Garila could hear the madness at the edges of his voice, waiting to break free. She gripped the bars harder.


"I'd rip your throat out for all the lies you've spoken, all the promises you've broken, and for each and every Dunmer sent to their death by your orders!" Garila yelled, her voice cracking from her anger.


"Then you had better do it and not stand by yelling through an iron door!" the Nerevarine said, standing up and stepping close to where Garila was. She was appalled. He was laughing. He was actually laughing at her. Fury overwhelmed her and she could feel her hands reach in to wring his neck . . .


"Garila! Get away from him!" a loud familiar voice said behind her. Strong, bonemold bound arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her from the bars, as easily as if she'd been a child. She could feel a hard armored body holding her close and suddenly didn't feel the need to fight or maim or kill. She blinked a few times and then shook her head.


"Garila, what were you thinking?! And how did you get down here?" Adrynn asked, still holding Garila close. He couldn't believe what he had walked around the corner to see. Garila had tried to kill the Nerevarine! He mentally shuddered at the thought of that occurring.


"Eh, what? Adrynn? Why didn't you tell me HE was the reason you're here?!" she yelled in his ear, spinning out of his grasp and pointing at the Nerevarine, who was laughing again, leaning eagerly against the bars of his cell door.


"Because I didn't know till today!" Adrynn said, his voice worried and aggravated as he watched how the Nerevarine's cackles of madness were affecting his wife. She was shuddering again and pressed her hands against her ears. Adrynn stepped forward and wrapped her in his arms again, pressing her gently against his chest. His brand was blazing in his palm, but while he had a hold of Garila, it lessened to a degree. She sighed and gently wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed for a moment. Then she began sobbing.


Adrynn stared daggers at the Nerevarine. "Lecuaro, wake your guard and get the Incarnate bound and gagged. We're leaving."

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Velanya Therys, Faeryn Sethandas, and Caius Cosades; Fort Floodgate, Prison


The Knight-Errant watched the whole affair with a grim expression, though her thoughts were blank. Faeryn stood nearby, in the shadows, his arms crossed. Caius, too, had a hard look on his face, and in the dim lighting of the prison, he looked far older than he was...the darkness seeming to deepen the wrinkles and the circles under his eyes.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate Prison


"Soldier! On your feet!" Lecuaro bellowed at the sleeping guard. The man, slightly roused by the exchange between Garila and Nerevar, snapped awake and stood.


"Y-yes, sir?" The man said.


"Grab that rope and get over here. We're moving this guy." Lecuaro ordered.


The man hurriedly obeyed and brought a couple of coils of twine by the desk over to the Nerevarine's cell. Lecuaro selected the prison key from his set of keys, and turned to Adrynn as he slid it into the lock.


"Nerevar here's going to need some...less conspicuous...clothes if we're going to move him without drawing crowds." He said.

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Adrynn and Garila Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Prison


Adrynn nodded. Gently, he released Garila's death grip on his armor and set her on the bench nearby. Next he opened the cell to it and reached in, pulling out a ragged pair of threadbare clothing. He made his way over to the Nerevarine's cell and threw them in between the bars at him.


"Put these on," he said, his ruby eyes boring a hole through the Incarnate's head.


The Nerevarine smiled. "No, Redoran scum. Try and get them on me," he taunted.


"Wrong choice, Incarnate. Faeryn! Caius! Help me hold him down," the Redoran said, jerking open the cell door and stepping inside. The Incarnate stepped back against the wall and crouched down, his face contorted in fury.


"Dagon will kill you all!" he screamed, leaping at Adrynn. The Redoran stepped to the side and slammed the cell door in one motion, trapping the Incarnate with him. The Incarnate stood up and started swinging, throwing his gauntleted fists as hard as he could at Adrynn. Adrynn ducked one and then slammed his fist into the Incarnate's temple, staggering him and watching him crash against a wall.


"Anytime you two!" he said over his shoulder as the Nerevarine howled and attacked again.

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Velanya Therys, Caius Cosades, and Faeryn Sethandas; Fort Floodgate, Prison


The Knight Errant placed a hand on Garila's shoulder as she watched the show. Caius and Faeryn strode forth into the Incarnate's cell, the former tackling the Moon-and-Star to the floor, pinning his arms behind him, and the latter beginning to strip him of his armor with expert precision. The Nerevarine still struggled under the Spymaster like a crocodile, but he was helpless under the Bladesman's weight. Piece by piece, the Ordinator pulled the golden armor from the Nerevarine until he was wearing nothing but a breechcloth in the straw.


"All right," Caius grunted, "Some rope would be nice."

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Prison


Adrynn grabbed the threadbare clothes and forced the Nerevarine into them. Then he grabbed the coils of rope Lecuaro laid out and bound the Incarnate's hands and feet. Finally, he took two pieces and twisted them together before forcing them into the Nerevarine's mouth.


"Here's something to stop your tongue from wagging," Adrynn said with a hard scowl. He stood up and opened the cell door.


"Let's get moving. Someone needs to take this armor and either scrap it or repair it," Adrynn said, kicking the broken pile of golden chitin laying in the corner. He stepped out of the cell and went to Garila, laying a hand on her shoulder beside Velanya. She looked up and smiled at him softly.


"Are you alright?" he asked. She nodded and squeezed both his and Velanya's hands.


"Adrynn, I'm coming with you wherever you are taking him," she said quietly. He didn't argue, he didn't protest, he just nodded.


"I know. C'mon, let's go."

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