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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - The Broken Sun, Top Deck



Lecuaro sidestepped the shurikens and recovered just in time to see the stealthy Spymaster run the unobservant pirate through with his katana.''


"Nice job, Caius. Now then, about those damn crossbowmen..." Lecuaro said as he crouched down behind the railing and drew his bow. The mage was still too preoccupied with the fire to play any part in the battle.

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Adrynn Indarys, The Broken Sun, Top Deck


Adrynn saw the pirate board and fling something his direction. The Redoran back stepped and grunted as two of the shiruken lodged in his cuirass and another clipped his cheek, drawing a thin ribbon of blood. He growled in anger and drew his katana, intent on splitting the pirate's skull, but never got the chance. He watched as Caius came out of nowhere and ran the pirate through, his akaviri katana severing chitin, muscle, tendon and bone.


Adrynn heard the "thunk" of a crossbow and rolled across the deck of the ship, sliding into a crouch next to Lecuaro. He peeked over the railing quickly, watching the foolish Mage pouring water on the oil fire and only succeeding in spreading the flames further. Grinning that his little diversion was working, he quickly ducked again as one of the pirates leveled his crossbow at Adrynn's head.


"Well, if it's not one thing, it's something else, eh Breton?" Adrynn said, an ionic grin crossing his lips. He readied himself as he felt the little sloop of the pirates nudge into the ship, his grip on his Daedric Katana loose but still firm. Raising sharply, Adrynn swung, splitting the poor sod who was attempting to board almost in half, spraying blood everywhere. He quickly fired off a few lightning bolts in the direction of the Mage, who was still busy with the oil fire. He grinned as he clipped the Mage, but didn't see the bolt aimed for him till it hit him square in the chest. He felt himself stumble and fall as the force of the impact took his breath and knocked him back.


"Ack, you fetcher!" Adrynn yelled toward the pirate while grabbing the bolt and attempting to pull it out of his armor. It didn't budge. Snarling, he snapped the fletched end off and tossed it before rolling back beside Lecuaro. Leaning heavily against the railing, Adrynn coughed and spit. A searing pain lanced up his side.


"Bloody pirate. Broke a rib, it feels like," he said, still coughing. He grimaced and gripped his sword tightly as he readied a healing spell.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - The Broken Sun, Top Deck



"No truer words, Adrynn." Lecuaro agreed as he knocked an arrow and prepared to fire.


Lecuaro tried to get a view of the remaining crossbowman through the railing supports, but it was too low of an angle. He rose to one knee, trying to keep both pirates in his view. He managed to get off a half-aimed shot at the bowman and scratch one of his legs before having to duck out of an ice spike's way. He wasn't fast enough to totally escape the icicle though, and returned prone with a fresh cut along the back of his head.


"Damn, that hurts..." He said as he put a hand to the wound.


He knocked another arrow and was about to try for the crossbowman again, but then he saw something approaching rapidly across the water. It looked human, and before long, Lecuaro could make him out as a Nord - a very tall one - with a great battleaxe thrice the size of most.


"Uh..." Lecuaro began as he pointed to the approaching Skyrimer.

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Ayra and Ulfgar, closing in on pirate battle


Ulfgar yelled with glee as he began to fight off the pirates. He swung his battle axe around like it was nothing more than straw and before long, the pirates started to retreat.


"Haha, come on," he yelled with delight, "I won't lose to you young ones just yet!"


He was able to cleave the crossbowmans head clean off. Before long, all that was left was the mage shooting icicles. Ulfgar had only just put one step forward to run up to him, when a green and black arrow whiizzed right past him, and hit the mage square in the forehead, he was dead.


Looking back he saw Ayra slowly lowering her bow and putting it away.


"Well, nice of you to come join me I see," Ulfgar said happily.


Ayra started to walk towards him in that slow casual stride of hers. She noticed her reflection, she looked normal. Good, she thought.

Edited by NinjaGoddessAyra
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Caius Cosades, the Broken Sun, Top Deck


The Spymaster, seeing that the activity had stopped and the volleys of bolts ceased, slowly rose from his place and looked about. He spotted a very large Nord man and a Dunmer woman, both of whom stood amidst pirate corpses on the deck of the sloop. He kept his grip firm on his katana, "You there! State your names and business."



Velanya Therys, the Broken Sun, Cargo Hold


The Knight Errant suddenly realized that the battle noises had ceased. She glanced to Garila, "Listen. I think it's over."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Well now, I don't suppose a simple thank you would be too much to ask for, would it?" Ulfgar asked. "The name is Ulfgar, Ulfgar The Unending, at your service."


Ayra looked from the imperial man on the ship asking the questions, to Ulfgar, not sure what to do. She just stood there, an impassive expression on her plain grey face.

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Adrynn Indarys, The Broken Sun, Inner Sea


Adrynn sighed as he realized the skirmish was over and promptly spun from his crouch and sat down, taking shallow breathes to avoid aggravating his broken ribs. He groaned and rested his head against the ship's railing, laying his sword across his lap and closing his eyes. He calmed his adrenaline fulled blood by breathing deep, even though his side blazed in pain from it. He hissed as he felt his rib move against itself. His armor had stopped the bolt, but not the force it carried.


He groaned and turned to Lecuaro, who was beside him. He could barely see anything now that the flames from the oil fire was dying out. "Who is that, Lecuaro?" he asked, casting his healing spell. Amber light enwrapped him and he sighed as he felt his ribs click back in place. He winced as the spell did its work.


Garila nodded to Velanya. "I'm going to see what happened. Are you alright with that one?" she asked, nodding to the Nerevarine who was sitting quite still, his eyes roaming the ceiling above.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - The Broken Sun, Top Deck


Lecuaro rose to his knees to try and get a better look at the two new arrivals. He had already seen the Nord, but not the woman that now accompanied him.



"There's a rather tall Nord fellow, apparently named Ulfgar. And there's also a girl.......Dunmer, I think." I reckon she's the one that gave the pirate mage his new headpiece." Lecuaro said.


Lecuaro then rose to his feet to thank the Nord and elf. "I don't know who you two are, but thanks for helping out with these fetchers. I reckon you'd best come aboard or carry on yourselves, in case more of them decide to show up."

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Caius Cosades, the Broken Sun, Top Deck


"Thanks are all well and good," the Spymaster quipped, "But how do we know they aren't more trouble of a different sort?"



Velanya Therys, the Broken Sun, Cargo Hold


She nodded to Garila, "I'll be fine."

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Ulfgar the Unending


"Well I suppose that's one way of lookin' at it, Imperial." Ulfgar said, his lips slowly moving into a smile. "You folks wouldn't happen to be on your way to Molag Mar now would yeh?" He pressed on "Only me n' my friend here are trying to get there, and we could certainly use faster travel, assuming of course yeh're all heading in that general direction."




Ayra merely stood there. She didn't move an inch. She was entirely unsure of what to do. Would they ask questions? If so, what on Nirn was she supposed to say? How could she say anything?


Thinking on it now, she really wished Ulfgar hadn't said anything. But decided to stand there quietly and see how things played out.

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