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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Shaie Ta'Rah - Molag Mar Docks



Shaie leaned casually against the cool stone of the cantons exterior, arms crossed, watching the light of the slowly rising sun play along the waves. Ships docked. Passengers and cargo came and went. Sailors hurried about calling loudly to one another, mostly about women and strong drink. Raucous laughter could be heard as plans were made for shore leave. Few noticed the diminutive feline standing in the shadows. Shaie waited and watched. With the exception of her well trained and sensitive ears she did not move a muscle.


Soon a new vessel came into view. As it neared the dock Shaie noticed several bolts peppering her hull as well as fresh scorch marks from a recent firefight. Interesting she thought, tilting her head slightly as she observed the crew of the new arrival. A brief splash caught her attention, then another larger splash soon after. At first she thought someone had thrown some cargo overboard, possibly smugglers, but then she caught sight of two forms swimming away from the canton toward the far shore. Stowaways? Things kept getting more curious.


At last she saw him emerge from belowdecks, spymaster Caius Cosades. He was accompanied by two Dunmer females, one Dunmer male, and a large human. She wasn't entirely sure of his ethnic makeup. They all tended to look alike to her anyways. Then there was the other one. Large, powerfully built. Bound by ropes with a bag over his head. Prisoner? Spy? Another assassin perhaps? Her tail twitched back and forth.


"Where do you think we should put him while we get supplies?" she heard the Dunmer male ask.


She had heard enough. Borias told her to make contact with Caius and here he was at last. She must tell him all she knew but where to begin? She and the spymaster had never seen eye to eye. She remembered him as gruff and strict. He had made every effort to rein in her wild ways but her spirit had proven too free to tame. Authority simply no longer agreed with her. She was a rebellious student, and then he showed up. The one everyone had taken to calling Nerevarine. With his attention focused on his new plaything, Caius didn't even seem to notice that Shaie was around until one day she wasn't. She left to go her own way and explore. Free of emperors and secret agents and governments, for a time at least. It eventually caught up with her. It always did.


Shaie stepped forward into the morning sun and stretched her back, hands behind her head, fangs bared in a long yawn. A passing sailor jumped to the side as he noticed her for the first time. Too long since I slept she thought to herself. No matter, There were still things to do before rest would come. Important things. Like preventing all these nice people from possibly walking into a welcoming party thrown as only the Dark Brotherhood knew how. And boy could those guys throw a party.


Furrowing her brow and taking a deep breath, Shaie strode purposefully toward the group of newcomers. Stopping short, she folded her arms across her chest.


"Intriguing company you keep these days, Old Man." she said, nodding to Caius's escorts. She licked her lips nervously but kept up the bravado in her voice. "I know how happy you must be to see me again but the festivities will have to wait. There's something I need to show you, a lot I need to tell you, and we need a place that's private."


Shaie shifted her wight to her other foot as she looked from one member of the group to another. Well armed and armored. Veterans, from the way they carried themselves. If Caius needed this much support then the situation must be dire indeed.


"Before you give me your answer, look at this. If it means anything to you, then please hear me out." She held out the scroll with the rising sun glyph to Caius and waited, desperately trying to read the thoughts behind his ever stoic face.

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Caius Cosades and Velanya Therys, Molag Mar Docks


The Spymaster was helping Adrynn with the Nerevarine and was about to answer Adrynn's question when an all-too-familiar furry face accosted him with a scroll and a request for privacy.


"Shaie. I'm not even going to ask," he growled. "Look. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a little busy right now. My cargo is delicate and valuable and it needs to be secured as soon as possible."


He glanced back to Adrynn, "I'd say the Redorans. I'd trust them over the Armigers any day."


Velanya placed her hands on her hips, looking the khajiiti woman up and down. If that was, indeed, what she was. There was something off about her, though. She had been stationed in Elsweyr for a while, and she'd never seen a khajiit like this one.


"I take it you two know each other?" the Knight Errant asked.


Caius grunted, "Yeah. You could say that."

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Adrynn Indarys, Molag Mar Docks


The Redoran cocked his head slightly as a strange looking Khajiit made her way to Caius and called him out. He noticed the not so subtle glance he and everyone else was given by this new arrival. They were being measured. His suspicion was proven right when the feline female remarked on the strange company Caius kept. The Spymaster's gruff response spoke volumes on just how well he knew this strange person. Adrynn shook his head and pushed the bound Incarnate past everyone.


"I'll be in the Redoran outpost. As will our friend here," Adrynn said, gesturing to the Nerevarine. "Garila, Velanya, Lecuaro, do you wish to come along? I think we should give Caius here a moment with his friend..." Adrynn said, glancing at this "Shaie". He didn't know how those two knew each other, but it was obvious there was history between them.


"I'm coming," Garila said, giving him a very pointed look. Adrynn knew he had a lot of explaining to do whenever he and Garila got a moment together alone. He glanced across the ship one last time and spotted Kriak, who had remained silent since Ayra had went below the deck to see the Incarnate. Adrynn had nearly forgotten the huntsman was even there.


"Kriak! What of you?" The Redoran called out, hoping the Sarosian heard him. He glanced behind him as he heard the whisper of cloth move around him. Garila was standing on the other side of the Nerevarine.


"Let's go, Adrynn," she said, her voice low and raspy with controlled anger. Adrynn nodded. "One moment, dear. I want to see where everyone will go..."

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Kriak, The Broken Sun


Kriak stepped off onto the docks, glancing after the swimming forms. He couldn't help but be entranced by the mysterious woman. She was peculiar, something about those Daedric symbols on her was familiar. The huntsman couldn't shake the feeling that he knew, or at least once had known, what they were from or what they meant. He was so lost in thought that he almost didn't hear Adrynn calling out to him.


Kriak shook his head groggily, "I'll happily accompany you to your outpost. Large cities full of zealots are not my preferred stomping grounds. Your Redoran brethren are also probably more informed than most of the folk on the streets anyway."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Molag Mar Exterior



Lecuaro eyed the feline woman curiously. She was slender, muscular, and she had a crafty look about her - all the typical traits of a Khajiiti agent. Yet, as he studied her features, he noticed several characteristics not native to Elsweyr. It took him a moment, but he recognized her breed as one he had seen only twice before, in special covert agents of the Blades. He cocked his brow suspiciously, and quickly excused himself from the trip to the Redoran outpost.


"I think I'll stay here with Caius, everyone." He started. Then, he folded his arms and locked his eyes on the catwoman's. "Now then...it's not every day we get a Po Tun handing us a parchment. Especially one who's known." Lecuaro notioned, both to Caius and the cat.


Lecuaro had purposely emphasized the woman's race. He knew she could tell they were veterans of their trades, and he wanted to let her know just how astute they were.

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Velanya Therys and Caius Cosades, Molag Mar Docks


The Knight Errant moved closer to her cousin, "I'll help you with our prisoner, Adrynn. Don't worry, Caius, we'll take it from here."


Caius hesitated, and then waved them on, "All right, all right. Go on. I'll catch up in a minute."


He exchanged looks with Lecuaro and squinted at Shaie, "All right, cat. You've got my attention. Though I do find it a little funny you'd come back to us after all this time. Why? What's in it for you? Because I know you don't seem to give a damn about the Empire."

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Shaie Ta'Rah - Molag Mar Docks



Shaie looked from one man to the other. Cauis only surrounded himself with the best, this she knew firsthand. Whatever their background she had at least succeeded in getting their attention. Even Caius seemed to be waiting for an explanation.


"My name is Shaie Ta'Rah and yes, I hail from Akavir. I don't know anything of your mission or cargo but I have reason to believe you may be walking into a trap here in Molag Mar."


Shaie proceeded cautiously, watching the eyes of the two men for any sign of belief or rejection of her story.


"According to an acquaintance of mine there was a high elf here last week asking curious questions. It was thought he was a collector of sorts, looking for rare artifacts. He was looking specifically for items of Akaviri origin. His exact words were that he was 'Looking to round up a few blades for his master'. He was given my name because of this." Shaie motioned to her sword. "Last night I got a visit from the Dark Brotherhood. I don't think it was coincidental. My contact was able to give me a description of the garb worn by our 'collector'. Crimson robe with this sigil."


Shaie unfolded the parchment, handing it to Caius.


"Look, " she said, lowering her voice a bit. "I was contacted by Borias as well. He seems to think that whatever you're involved in, my help my provide useful. I gave him my word that I would make contact and so here I am. Whatever is going on here, my life is on the line and I've already drawn blood so I would appreciate it if someone could do me the courtesy of telling me why? Past history aside I think I deserve that much."


Shaie folded her arms and waited for what was to come.

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Adrynn and Garila Indarys, Molag Mar


Adrynn nodded one last time and moved on, silently steering the bound Nerevarine through Molag Mar. He could feel the whisper of Kriak's silent feet and the clank of Velanya's steel boots. Garila strode on the other side of the Incarnate, her arm loosely on his shoulder, her face as hard as stone. Adrynn knew she was upset, but he also knew that whatever she had to say to him could wait until they finished with the Nerevarine. The quintet wound their way through Molag Mar, going up the steep ramps to the top level, where they then made the short climb to the Temple plaza. Adrynn kept a serious scowl on his face the entire way. He didn't want to be stopped again by anyone curious. His expression and the way he led the way through the canton deterred any would be inquirers. Not even the patrolling Ordinators bothered them.


Adrynn sighed in relief as he pushed open the door to the Redoran Stronghold. They had finally come to a stopping point. He directed the Nerevarine to a chair in the corner and sat him down. His stern nod to Garila spoke the unnecessary order. Keep an eye on him. She nodded back and rested her hand against her sword.


The Redoran warrior glanced to Velanya and Kriak, who had remained rather silent throughout the small trip. He nodded his head to the Nord behind the counter in the opposite corner.


"Hakar has supplies, if you need to stock up. I need to go see about a room for our friend here," he said, gesturing to the silent Nerevarine. He spun without another word and went downstairs. He wound through the small corridor to the back room, where he found two Dunmer training hard. It seemed the lesson for today was hand to hand. Adrynn leaned against the doorframe and watched the two mer wrestle and spar. He wasn't surprised when the older, weathered Dunmer locked the younger mer in an unforgiving rear choke. Adrynn silently nodded. It was a good hold. The older mer had his trainee by the neck from behind, with his elbow under his chin and both heels wrapped around the other mer's waist, his heels dug into the insides of his legs. After a few moments of turning purple, the younger mer tapped his hand twice against his master's arm and was released to a welcome gasp of air.


The older mer rolled to his feet and noticed Adrynn. He squinted for a moment in the low light before his eyes crinkled in a smile. "Adrynn! It's good to see you, lad. I almost didn't recognize you with your hair down!"


Adrynn laughed. Of all the things to be commented on about his appearance, the first one was about his unbound hair.


"It's good to see you too, Elvas," Adrynn said, still chuckling as he clasped the sweaty mer's forearm in greeting.


"Aye. What are you doing away from Bal Isra? I thought you had some bandit issues around there?" Elvas asked, glancing to the still coughing form on the ground. He frowned. "Get up Raviso. We have a guest!"


The younger mer coughed again and shakily stood up. He leaned against the wall and tried to catch his breath. He nodded to Adrynn while rubbing his throat. "I would try and talk, but I think Elvas has hindered that notion," he rasped, his voice barely audible.


Adrynn grinned. "It's no problem, Raviso. I see Elvas here still gives you trouble." The other Dunmer just smiled and nodded.


"Aye, I don't give him a chance to get back to his books. Hehe. But what brings you to Molag Mar, Adrynn?" Elvas asked, grabbing a towel and drying himself off.


Adrynn's smile faltered a bit. He couldn't go into extreme detail with why exactly he had come. "I have a prisoner.... A very special one. I need somewhere to keep him while I and my companions gather supplies for the next part of our journey."


Elvas nodded in understanding. "Aye... I think that's more than enough for me to help you, Adrynn. Come with me," he said, tossing his towel to Raviso and heading out the door. Adrynn silently followed. They made their way back to the steps that led upstairs and stopped at a very thick door. Elvas grabbed the key off a small ledge and opened it. He turned back to Adrynn.


"Will this be enough?" the grizzled mer asked.


Adrynn stuck his head inside and did a quick survey of the room. It was bare, smooth and empty. Perfect. "Aye, Elvas... This will do just fine."


"Good! Here's the key. Make sure you give it back before you leave. Hakar hates making more of them," Elvas said, handing Adrynn the small iron key and closing the door. Adrynn nodded and smiled.


"Come along, Elvas. I brought a few friends for you to meet," the Redoran said, making his way up the steps. Garila was still standing next to the Nerevarine, her eyes not moving from his slumped form. Velanya and Kriak had meandered around, though Adrynn knew not what they had been doing. Elvas gasped. Adrynn glanced over his shoulder and followed the other mer's eyes. He was staring at Kriak. Adrynn chuckled. He had forgotten how impressively forbidding the hunter looked, armor or not.


"Elvas Savel, meet Kriak, my cousin Velanya, and my wife Garila," Adrynn said, pointing each out in turn. Garila snapped her head up to nod once sharply to Elvas, then trained her eyes on the Incarnate again. He hadn't moved an inch.


"Good to meet you all. Any friends of Adrynn are friends here," Elvas said, his eyes finally turning to the bound Incarnate. "This the one?"


"Indeed it is," Adrynn said.

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Caius Cosades, Molag Mar Docks


The Spymaster looked over the parchment, murmuring, "The Mythic Dawn."


He glanced up at Lecuaro, "Kriak was right. They're here."


He then stuffed the piece of paper into a pocket and gestured to the two other Blades,"We don't have time to explain now, Shaie. If this is an ambush, we can only hope to get to the others before-"


"For Lord Dagon!"


The shouts came simultaneously from four heavily armed warriors, clad in what appeared to be daedric armor. Their faces were hidden by scarlet cowls bearing the same sigil that Shaie had just shown him. The foursome charged at the Blades, maces swinging.



Velanya Therys, Molag Mar, Redoran Compound


Velanya's sleepy eyes barely comprehended what was going on around her. She had stayed close to Kriak, her thoughts a muddle.


Adrynn had just introduced them to another Redoran trainer when five men pushed into the Stronghold. Before the Knight-Errant could even say anything, the five lifted their hands, and their scarlet robes gave way to daedric armor.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Shaie Ta'Rah - Molag Mar Docks




Shaie spun quickly to face the four charging figures. She had read much about the armor of the Daedra but had never fought against an opponent wearing some, much less four at once. The material was supposed to be rare. No matter, things were happening quickly. A snarling growl began in her throat as she readied a chameleon spell.


Got to flank them somehow, buy some time.


Her growl burst into a scream as she charged toward the mysterious foes. She had picked her target, center right. He was tall with a wide gait, perfect for her plan. As the tall warrior raised his mace to swing down at her, Shaie faded, tucked, and rolled between his legs. She heard the wicked looking mace as it ricocheted off the stone floor and winced.


Have to be careful of that thing She thought. It could ruin the rest of my day.


Shaie had gained her feet and was about to draw her own sword when she heard something right behind her. She sidestepped and spun as the mace came down again, missing her by inches.


That armor and mace must weigh a ton, how are they so bloody fast?


Shaie unsheathed the Ivory Talon and in one swift motion brought it down on the forearm of her foe. There was a flash and an odor of brimstone. Her sword had left an open scar on the material but other than that it had been like hitting an anvil.


"You will die, unbeliever!" he snarled. "No one will stand against the might of Lord Dagon!"


He swung again in a wide backhanded arc. Shaie leaned away and ducked it easily. Fortunately he seemed to have a hard time focusing on her shimmering form. She moved steadily backward in a crouched position, moving from side to side to throw of his aim. This was not going to be easy, His daedric armor was nigh impenetrable and seemed, for all practical purposes, to be nearly weightless. Her eyes scanned the warrior for any weakness she could exploit and found none, until she noticed the mages hood he wore.


That doesn't look too tough She noted to herself. OK, let's put it to the test.


Shaie stood upright and motionless as her spell wore off. She appeared to be meditating: head bowed slightly, elbows to the side, both hands holding her blade to her forehead. The large Mythic Dawn agent took the bait as he swung again with all his might, throwing his weight forward with his swing. Shaie was ready and moved like lightning, first twisting to the side to avoid the blow, then running up her attackers arms. Grabbing his hood in her left hand the flipped the Ivory Talon point down and thrust it down the back of his neck, severing the spine. The effects were instantaneous and unexpected. There was a brief flash and a sound like rushing wind and then Shaie found herself standing over the corpse of an Altmer wearing crimson robes and plain leather shoes. No mace was to be found. She shook her head to clear it. There would be time to figure this out later.


"The cowls!" She yelled to Caius. "They aren't armored!"

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