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Which mod do you use? OOO or Francesco's?



54 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use Francesco's leveled creatures/items mod or Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul?

    • Francesco's leveled creatures/items mod
    • Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

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I originally started this thread here.


But I decided to start a new thread, sort of like a poll. Well, actually it is a poll.




Francesco's seem to add a lot of stuff (creatures and items); interesting stuff no doubt, but it may add so much that it changes the core feel of the game: The things it may add may not be canon in the TES world/universe. I may be wrong.

Also, it seems to be much larger than Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (OOO). It also seems to be more popular than OOO, if you'd notice on the number of votes its got in the link.



OOO seems to be a lot simpler, plus it ranks higher here: PCGamer's list. Number 2 in fact.

The things it adds feels (though I may be wrong again) more canon to the TES world/universe.


I did not include FCOM in this poll, since it is a very challenging mod to install and should not be tried by beginners like me.


So, which do you use/prefer and why

Edited by VGI
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FCOM ftw


This is kind of like making a poll called "Whats the best soft drink in the universe? Coke or Pepsi?" And everyone knows RC Cola is better than both of them.

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bah FCOM needs to be standalone, instead of downloading several thousand files, and for what repetitive crashing?


Thus displaying that you haven't understood what FCOM is - it's effectuvely a massive compatibility patch to get four or nore massive mods to play nicely together. If you want an all in one FCOM download Google for the FCOM superpack and use that, following ALL of the instructions to the letter, THEN put other mods back on and see which one starts it crashing.

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Like I said, I won't be using FCOM anytime soon, since it makes way too many changes that it may change the canon of the TES world/universe.


But then I guess its no use then, asking people the poll question, since everyone of you seems to be using FCOM.



Wow, will you look at that! The poll results is quite revealing. OOO is actually leading.


I wonder why.


You guys know why more people chose OOO over Francesco's?

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If your worried about the overhaul making too many non-canon changes to the game then OOO is automatically out of the running, that makes only 100% more non-canon changes than Francesco's mod. Francesco's mod is modular, the main plugin affects the leveling lists, and the other optional plugins are just that, optional, you can choose to not use the new creatures and items and just stick to the base items in oblivion if you want. Edited by Axxaw
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If your worried about the overhaul making too many non-canon changes to the game then OOO is automatically out of the running, that makes only 100% more non-canon changes than Francesco's mod. Francesco's mod is modular, the main plugin affects the leveling lists, and the other optional plugins are just that, optional, you can choose to not use the new creatures and items and just stick to the base items in oblivion if you want.


Really??? OOO is more non-canon than Francesco's? O___O!!! I hope you wouldn't mind expounding on that, please.


If I am going to use Francesco's, does the optional stuff (items and creatures) really make the game less canon? If it does, in what way? Like, the creatures it adds to the game does not exist in the TES4? How about the items?


Or is it because OOO is not modular and Francesco's is so you can turn off all the "non-canon" stuff off if you want?


I appreciate all your insights and experience on these things.

Edited by VGI
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