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Skyrim engine performance


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The only speculation I can give you at the moment, with the information we got, is that the requirements won't be much higher than the Fallout Games. However, it will probably be a little higher, as the Fallout games didn't utilize the full power of the Xbox (and definitely not the PS3) and the GameBryo has always (with Bethesda Games) had some performance issues, which may have been fixed with the new engine. So I would say very close to the Fallout Games, but a little higher.


This is if they are not making a different version for the PC, with better graphics (as they should, and I have a feeling they will), then the requirements will be quite a bit higher, and you will have to wait for some texture pack with lower-res textures.

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Can anyone speculate at how different the system requirements will be for Skyrim in comparison to the fallout series? I'm hoping that with all the improvements to the engine I can expect a similar frame rate to fallout without upgrading my system. I want to pre-order but there's no point if my rig won't run it.


Personally I think the requirements won't be much higher than that of FO3. I mean, look at Crysis 2. The minimum requirements were lower than that of Crysis 1 simply because it was released on the consoles this time, rather than being PC exclusive. My whole question was based around this design choice. Case in point, if your rig can run a game like Crysis 2/ Fallout 3/ Force Unleashed 2, you will be able to run skyrim, because these games test the limits of both consoles.

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The only speculation I can give you at the moment, with the information we got, is that the requirements won't be much higher than the Fallout Games. However, it will probably be a little higher, as the Fallout games didn't utilize the full power of the Xbox (and definitely not the PS3) and the GameBryo has always (with Bethesda Games) had some performance issues, which may have been fixed with the new engine. So I would say very close to the Fallout Games, but a little higher.


But if you look at Xbox360 vs PS3 screenshots and vids for FO3, the textures look better on Xbox. PS3 has the advantage of blu-ray, but in general it's just too hard to program for to get truly optimised results in comparison to Microsoft systems. Loading times are also much longer on console, even when you install the games to your hard drive.

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I haven't played Fallout 3. Does it really run better than Oblivion? Because it looks like it has better graphics. Strange. I can only hope that they'll do the same with Skyrim's engine... I don't want to have to upgrade my computer just to play it. :dry: That would be really expensive, especially if you count the cost of the game.
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From what I've experienced, Fallout 3 does indeed run better than Oblivion. No doubt it's because there's much less trees and other vegetation in FO3.


Tell me about it. Grass eats up my FPS worse than the Battle of Bruma! :wallbash:

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I have my grass turned to 2%. That stuff eats my fps like you wouldn't believe... (With grass: 78 fps; without grass: 124 fps)


Since it is virtually a new engine, hopefully fixing their mistakes (the leaky roofs are at least fixed...), I think it will run better. Although I'll probably still need to buy a new graphics card for it...

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