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Weapon creation


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Hi, i have just started modding and i want to create a staff by just modifiying a existing one. I was told to get the construction kit to do this. I have installed the kit and when i get to the weapon section in the object window. I was told these is supposed to be a list of weapons here. The picture attachtched shows what is happening. Any help is greatly appreciated.



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You have to load oblivion.esm . I don't recall where exactly you do that, since I don't have the construction set open at the moment, but I belive it was in file>data or something like that. Once you find it, load it. It should take a while to load the data. Once it is done, you will find your weapons.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks alot, messing about with the weapons now...



three other programs that let you edit things (they are freeware) are availiable on the cs wiki website


Gimp 2.0 (for making/changing textures)

Blender (for creating new objects/meshes)

and nifskope (for putting the final touches on meshes/applying your textures)

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Remember to create a new object by giving it a new reference ID and clicking yes when you close, or you could screw up quests or NPCs.
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