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My quest diary is blank!


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All the quest descriptions are gone! The titles to each quest are still there in red, but there is no description underneath them. The diary itself is still there, you can read each page, but the section where it tells you which quests are still active is gone. I can reload an old game and everything is fine, but my current game (50 days later) is f'ed. I think I might be too. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it!
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All the quest descriptions are gone! The titles to each quest are still there in red, but there is no description underneath them. The diary itself is still there, you can read each page, but the section where it tells you which quests are still active is gone. I can reload an old game and everything is fine, but my current game (50 days later) is f'ed. I think I might be too. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it!


Two things, Morrowind or Oblivion? I don't remember a active quest part in the Morrowind diary, I could be wrong. Are you using any mods? Some mods have unknown bugs.

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All the quest descriptions are gone! The titles to each quest are still there in red, but there is no description underneath them. The diary itself is still there, you can read each page, but the section where it tells you which quests are still active is gone. I can reload an old game and everything is fine, but my current game (50 days later) is f'ed. I think I might be too. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it!


Two things, Morrowind or Oblivion? I don't remember a active quest part in the Morrowind diary, I could be wrong. Are you using any mods? Some mods have unknown bugs.


Gaming Source Network Forums > Specific Games > Morrowind > Morrowind > Technical Support


I would think he is talking about Morrowind.

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Sorry, yes I'm playing Morrowind and yes I meant the show all/show quests log.

here are a list of my mods

I've also got misty's better morrowind mod.

Game Files]




GameFile3=The Wilderness Mod 2.0 T & B.esm







GameFile10=Siege at Firemoth.esp

GameFile11=Better Bodies.esp






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