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Point Lookout Lighthouse Correction


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Hi. Remember how you can replace the lighthouse bulb in Point Lookout to start it up again?


Well... It really annoys me that you can only get one light working. The lighthouse's beacon has two broken lights, but you can only replace one of them. Even if you spawn another Lighthouse Bulb with the console, you still can't replace the other one.


Could someone please make a mod that corrects this?


This could be done one of two ways. Either there's a second Lighthouse Bulb somewhere in Point Lookout that you can use on the other side of the beacon, or the other bulb of the beacon is still in-tact and functional, so you still only need the one bulb.


If you ask me, that's how the game should have been. Both lights. Not half-a-lighthouse.


Anyone else wish there was a mod for this? And does anyone have the know-how to make it?

Edited by Cyberweasel89
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