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Guild Quest Overhauls


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So it wouldn't surprise me if this has been made before/someone has pitched the idea before, but does anyone else feel like the guilds/college of winterhold/dark brotherhood could use a overhaul?


It struck me recently, I was playing Skyrim and just doing the different guilds with no real goal in mind, when, especially during the College Of Winterhold questline, I was struck by how easy they were. Not in terms of difficulty mind you, but just in terms of length/skills required.


As I said, the College is a good example. The whole point is that you are a mage, and if you are the Archmage, then you are the best/most badass mage. However, aside from the very first interaction where you cast a spell with Faralda, the ward spell with Tolfdir, and casting a spell on the wall in Saarthal, you don't really need to cast spells. A warrior could very easily complete the College of Winterhold main questline, without putting any perks into magic/upgrading their magicka.


However, just in general all of the guild questlines feel rushed/too easy. I never come out of the final quests feeling like I should be the head of the guild, or that I'm the best thief/warrior/assassin/mage out there, and just in general it breaks the immersion for me that you can effectively join a guild, be in it for maybe 24 in game hours, and be the leader of it when you come out.


Any thoughts?

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So if you were a modder, would you rather change the College questline, or leave it as it is and add an expansion pack, in which shortly after being named Archmage in place of late Savos Aren, the player character is mistaken for him and invited to help with some really lengthy magic-related problem?

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If it was me, I would change the questline. I feel like it's a combination of being too short in terms of game-time, and also just not being challenging from a skill perspective. I mean, you can become a Arch-Mage with only knowing the basic spells + lesser ward and firebolt, which is just ridiculous to me.


It's the equivalent of someone becoming the chief economic adviser of a country, because they once used a coupon at the local convenience store.

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It looks like something along the lines of what I want, but not hardcore enough. Probably gonna start learning to mod and give a crack at it myself. It's a big project, but not like I'm in a rush.


Thank you for your help in suggesting that, though.

Edited by Archgaull
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- Cutting Room Floor restore few quests removed by Bethesda (between 2 and 4)

- Summerset Isle by yourenotsupposedtobeinhere, many quests (60+) but its after you become Archmage

- Immersive College of Winterhold by Grantyboy050, for have a true college of magic

- I know the modder Giskard create 2 mods for mage guild (40+ quests) but not on the nexus so for have these mods it's very complicated

You complain but in fact, the Mages Guild is the guild that has the most quests



- The Dark Brotherhood Resurrection Part 1 (20+ quests)

- Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary, for a good sanctuary

- Sons of Sithis - Dark Brotherhood Recruitment, for recruit more member

- Save the Dark Brotherhood



- Thieves Guild Requirements - No Auto Quest Start Brynjolf

- The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal by MannyGT (you will need all your thief skill)

- Following Mercer - A Thieves Guild Quest



- Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild

Edited by TheFirstEnD
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Here's the problems with the mods you suggested: literally none of them apply to what I was talking about. What I was talking about is the fact that the MAIN questline for all of the guilds are sadly lacking. It makes no sense that a complete newbie can come in, spend 24 hours, and come out as the head of a guild. It makes even less sense if you can completely the guild questlines and become head of a guild with less than 40 in the skill (sneak for thieves guild etc).


The mods you suggested are great for if you want side quests after the fact, but none of them tweak the main questline, which is where most of the issues come up IMO.

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- Thieves Guild Requirements - No Auto Quest Start Brynjolf add requirement

- Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild add requirement

- the combo "Not So Fast - Mage Guild", "College of Winterhold Entry Requirements", "College Days - Winterhold" add requirements


You take the time to complain before taking the time to look for mods to enhance your game experience

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  On 8/19/2015 at 10:59 PM, TheFirstEnD said:


- Cutting Room Floor restore few quests removed by Bethesda (between 2 and 4)

- Summerset Isle by yourenotsupposedtobeinhere, many quests (60+) but its after you become Archmage

- Immersive College of Winterhold by Grantyboy050, for have a true college of magic

- I know the modder Giskard create 2 mods for mage guild (40+ quests) but not on the nexus so for have these mods it's very complicated

You complain but in fact, the Mages Guild is the guild that has the most quests



- The Dark Brotherhood Resurrection Part 1 (20+ quests)

- Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary, for a good sanctuary

- Sons of Sithis - Dark Brotherhood Recruitment, for recruit more member

- Save the Dark Brotherhood



- Thieves Guild Requirements - No Auto Quest Start Brynjolf

- The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal by MannyGT (you will need all your thief skill)

- Following Mercer - A Thieves Guild Quest



- Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild



  On 8/20/2015 at 4:06 PM, TheFirstEnD said:

- Thieves Guild Requirements - No Auto Quest Start Brynjolf add requirement

- Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild add requirement

- the combo "Not So Fast - Mage Guild", "College of Winterhold Entry Requirements", "College Days - Winterhold" add requirements


You take the time to complain before taking the time to look for mods to enhance your game experience

He is not complaining. He is just stating that the questlines go to fast.


I wholeheartily agree. In fact all the questlines go to fast, even the main quest line. Their over before you can blink.

Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild, and College Days, do expand on the bulk of the questlines of the companions and the college of winterhold, making the quest line feel longer. By the way, the quests that the Cutting Room Floor adds back in to the game are side quests, which you can do at any time during your progress on the guild's main quest.


I still recommend getting the immersive college of winterhold mod. It does make the college 'feel' like a true college.


Unfortunately, there are no current mods to extend out the quest lines for the thieves guild or the dark brotherhood.

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