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For a new FWE game I'm interested in playing a slaver, but I remember the slavery gameplay being a bit.. simple. I've seen the complete slavery overhaul mod, but it changes a few things too many in my opinion. What I am interested having a few key tools at my disposal to aid the act of enslaving itself. Nothing more.


The only thing I can think of in vanilla Fallout is the Paralyzing Punch perk that stuns people. There may be other tricks I am unaware of, I would like to about hear them nonetheless. Has there been any modded content in that regard? Concussion grenades, throwing nets, paralyzing darts, ground traps like snares, flashmines, etc. 'Ways to capture people other than shooting at them with the deus ex machina gun'. The gun could still be used to induce the mezzed state of effect that allows you to put on the collar thing. My slaver may just happen to be a character that isn't a good shot.

Edited by yunage
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