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Anisotropic Filtering causes a graphical crash after loading a game


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Hello !


Recently, whenever i activate Anisotropic Filtering in NV or in my graphics card, i can't load a game, it'll result in the last screen of the loading screen to flicker permanently, rendering nothing of the actual game.

Any hints ?

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You don't need AA at all to run FO3 or FNV, so there's a big chunk of performance. Then you always set the FO3 or FNV to use zero AA an AF (performance) then setting what you need or want inside the actual grapics card control panel which most of the time results in either higher quality or higher performance AA or AF (sometimes both)


You don't actually need AF, but it will make the FO3 an FNV world seem more real. FO3 runs well on 4X an FNV runs well on 2X. Nvidia users though get the option to set the quality of AF, For example high quality, quality, performance, high performance. FO3 doesn't really care, but FNV seems to like the low setting of 2X AF also with the High performance texture filtering setting.

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