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Fallout 1, 2 and tactics mods?


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So I recently have been getting into Fallout again because of the new phone game and I wanted to go back and replay the older games. My laptop isn't very good but do any of you know what good mods I can download for Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics? I run them all off GOG and I need to somehow fix it so I can tab out and not crash my system. As well something that may be able to help in combat? the first gun I get in Fallout 2 can only get a 18% to hit at point blank.


If not I just seem to be crap I have 50% on small guns.

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Honestly, there aren't any mods that make the combat any easier, but I do have some I tend to use and should fix your system, you might already have these from the GOG forums but just in case. The Unoffical Fallout 2 Patch (Does what it say pretty much and fixes the bugs that the devs left out.), Fallout 2 High Res patch pretty much allows for you to play in high res on most systems, and last but not least is Sfall which is pretty much the only one you'd want if you don't care about the other thing it is vital to play it on most systems today it also makes combat much faster, and for your problem with combat being hard just save often and repeat n wince it sounds boring but as you advance in the game becomes easier and more fun.

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