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More races in Skyrim

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Some of you may remember when I made the Time Lords in Skyrim mod. I had mixed reviews about it- some people loved it, others said nothing worked in it. Recently, I have had a ton of free time on my hands and have decided to make a followup to that mod, but this time it would contain races from more than just Doctor Who. Some of my ideas for this include but are not limited to: Time Lords (Doctor Who, would rebuild the regeneration aspect from scratch); Fish Men (One Piece, would be able to breathe and maybe attack underwater, would be significantly stronger in hand to hand combat); and Titan (Attack on Titan, will have an ability that changes them into a titan the size of a giant, would be significantly weaker in human form). If anyone has ideas they should reply to this thread. I will probably have at least these three done by the mid to late September. It would take an average of a week to do any races beyond that. To those who contribute, thank you.

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