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How about a return to Pale Pass?


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What i'm suggesting for a mod idea, in case it was unclear, is a mod that allows one to return to "Pale Pass." Maybe with a quest and some Akaviri artifacts/lore.


Frankly I'm surprised that there are no mods allowing you to return to Pale Pass, the location from Oblivion, considering it is in Skyrim. The only info regarding it in the game is (i believe) one obscure note that mentions there was a blockage, preventing anyone from entering the pass.


I personally am not super invested in this, but I think it'd be nice to see. It's a fairly realistic request, nothing like the "PUT CARZ AND GUNZ IN SKYRIM LAWLZ" or "please make [insert stupid slutty outfit here] for my character" requests i often see on here.


Not sure how many mod makers actaully check this thread, but I think the community as whole, especially fans of Oblivion like myself, would appreciate a mod that allows you to return to an area from the game that logically should have been in the game.

Edited by ddavies10693
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While I personally love the idea, it is actually closed -during- the civil war because of avalanche. Otherwise I am totally down with this idea as there is a surprising lack of artifacts of any type of Skyrim it seems. Akivari, Ayleid , or otherwise. Especially now that we have a better idea of what has occurred in the province during history.

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While I personally love the idea, it is actually closed -during- the civil war because of avalanche. Otherwise I am totally down with this idea as there is a surprising lack of artifacts of any type of Skyrim it seems. Akivari, Ayleid , or otherwise. Especially now that we have a better idea of what has occurred in the province during history.


Well the only place in the game that it says that it Pale Pass is closed, (according to the elder scrolls wiki) are 2, very small notes that only appear in 2 forts at certain times. It would be incredibly easy to ret-con. Or the fact that it is buried could be part of the quest, similar to the quest in Dragonborn where you hire guys to dig out the tomb.

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Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm personally for the idea. Just wanted to point it out for the sake of people knowing this going in sort of thing. Heck, I'd be willing to help with such a mod. xD The lack of artifacts and such in Skyrim of all places that seems to have them like crazy when spoken of in other sources has always bugged me. That and we need things for rich people to have and people to steal. :p

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