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Fallout 3 CTD (diffirent mods)


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Have tried to create a merged patch again. With a little rearranging and twiddling, things should work now and merged patch and MasterUpdate really do help when you run that a number of mods.




ps, I just unticked the anchorach.ESM in the list that apears after starting FO3Edit.


the thing works fine now.....


I need anchorage activated... otherwise my armor is useless :(


anyway, it seems that Anchorach thing is cousing a mess. atleast, as soon as I untick it, Fo3edit works fine.


[added later:]

some more testing:



the list doesn't show all mods, only the DLC's.

and for every thing else, it seems working.

Edited by Titantnt
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oke, so like this (man what a work...):


this is that odd list I told you about:



this is what happens when I loaded with anchorach ticked on:



this is what happens when I loaded with anchorach thicked off:



everything should be fine now.

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I see that Anchorage is still tried to get loaded first. It is absolutely necessary that it gets loaded after Fallout.esm or else the merged patch can screw with things even more.

How is the loadorder on FOMM? At best you just open the programm and make a screenshot, to let us look, because if the loadorder in FOMM seems correct and is not showing up as such in FO3Edit, I sense a strange problem ahead ...

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I'll tell you one thing:


that load order is fine, I just have to proof it.... eh, anyawy that would sounded great if we talked...


back on track:


this is FOMM.



srry for the late rply... dinner...



[added later:]


I forgot to say that I usually have odd problems...

so count for a really strange problem.

Edited by Titantnt
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Well, any sorts of things tend to come to live and do everything they can to mess with me too, so I am somewhat attuned to strange problems and seeing how your loadorder looks fine I have actually little clues what could be wrong.


The only thing I could tell you to try would be to either check all those mods as active, or delete all those you don't use (former is probably the better if you want to use the others later on) and then try FO3Edit again. Given how this would be one of the more illogical reason for things to go amiss, chances are good this is the exact reason why.


If it still doesn't work, I am out of ideas, the only thing that could help then would be modders that can actually mod unlike me and/or the Manual/Troubleshooting.


I will check the latter myself once I downloaded it ( FO3Edit Manual on Nexus.com ) and see if there is anything I fond that could help, if not I am out of option and you'd have to wait for more competent help.



Just checked the Manual and there is no option to change the load order beforehand the loading, hence if Anchorage persists on loading first, at least in FO3Edit you can't change it, rendering the programm mostly useless as far as I can tell.

I have officially run out of ideas. Sorry I couldn't help.

Edited by NeofelisNebulosa
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first. what did I have to look for? 'former'?


second. I can't thank you enough for that training's manual. oke, sounds odd but just like with wrye mash you need a tutorial. now I can learn byond the error's of antorach thingy. so no more reversted engineering either! (cheers load for speared time). really a huge thanks for that.


Third. it's a shame that you couldn't help more. but one/two things, 1. don't blame yourself... (long speech about how great you helped anyway). second... great, my mind just went blank...


anyway, thanks for the help anyway. now that I have access to better tools (Fo3edit looks like wrye mash, which was a great tool for morrowind) I can do much more. and I can do much more. now I don't have to open pesky GECK with it's multiple-ESMs-loading-error to find item ID's.


(some more praising)


thanks anyway. and if you get any idea's in your head, just sent a repley.

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