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My Build Isn't Doing So Well


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I have a gtx 980 ti, i7 4790 4.0ghz and 16gb ram 1600 and when i play fallout with nmcs tex pack (large) dynamo enb and other graphics mods. I also have population mods that make casinos the roads and the freeside and 188 populated but when i ahve all thsoetogether i can sometimesget 20 to 40 fps and 60 in semi populated areas why isnt it at a good 50 to 60 in these areas why so low!


Any help would be most apreciated im really curious about this cause i recently just got this build




thats my mod list


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You might want to adjust your graphic settings some, as well as change to nmc's texture pack medium. Also, run all of this either through a mod manager or mod organizer. Then get, and run, loot and fnvedit.

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