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Far Cry

BIG BIG THX to all Modders


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i dont know where i have to start it so please move it where it belongs

I make this just to thank all you modders who make all the work for guys like me who dosnt get a single mod done you all are the ones that make ouer games just perfekt

you give us all that we are Dreaming of

without you a game will be just one among many

but with your sweat an blood that you suffer in hours of hard work you will make it to a real expierience that means something to gamers like me (see Mass Effect ending mods)

i just want to thank you all for jour work keep it up and ignore the ones that try to make your work bad they just jealous

every mod is nice and every one has to start some where

you make gaming a true thing

P.S: sry for bad english

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