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Help with Savegame related thing.


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Hello Forum! It's been a long time since i've been on this forum, used to be a regular but i've kinda rusted on the trade of New vegas modding and all, so i've come across a old and probably a classic problem.

I've got this save that i've grown very fond of but i've recently changed computer to a new one and i kinda lost track of the mods i've used on it, i remember i had a type of Save Editor or viewer that allowed me to look at the Save and see the active mods within it.

Could some of you Forum Vigilantes help me find this software that can View my save and see the active mods it used so i can re-search the names of mods and reinstall them.

Also i'm not 100% sure if this is the correct spot to ask this, so i'm deeply sorry for wasting your time!

[EDIT] Nevermind, Forget about this post, seemingly my brain kickstarted and i just missed Fallout Mod Manager, The nexus one can't check like that one can.

Edited by Helldrone
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