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Age control?


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Why would the game get banned just because there are killable kids in it, at most it'd get slapped with a PEGI 18 rating.

You never know, GTA 3 was banned cause you could kill old women. But i want kids to be killable more because then they can kill you than you actually killing them. Nothing more interesting than a kid goin crazy and killing the whole town lol.

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Why would the game get banned just because there are killable kids in it, at most it'd get slapped with a PEGI 18 rating.

You never know, GTA 3 was banned cause you could kill old women. But i want kids to be killable more because then they can kill you than you actually killing them. Nothing more interesting than a kid goin crazy and killing the whole town lol.


If you're referring to the banning of GTA 3 in Australia, everything I've read claims it was because you could pick up prostitutes in the game.


Which is kind of funny, apparently prostitution is worse than murdering people and stealing their cars. :P

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I'm not interested of killing children but it can be annoying if they are unkillable when dragon invasion is happening in the town. There will be definitely the mods for sure, but I rather prefer watching kids run into shelters and cry mommy and daddy throughout, Total Anarchy! :biggrin:
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I'm not interested of killing children but it can be annoying if they are unkillable when dragon invasion is happening in the town. There will be definitely the mods for sure, but I rather prefer watching kids run into shelters and cry mommy and daddy throughout, Total Anarchy!
I don't have a problem with kids being unkillable as long as the dev's don't make them INSANELY ANNOYING like in little lamplight. I mean there wasn't a single kid in that place that i didn't want to super sledge. Edited by semibutcher
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In regards to killing children; it puts a huge dent in my sense of immersion whenever I'm involved in a firefight in FO3 or NV and a stray grenade or mini nuke lands at some kid's feet and all the game does is say "terribly sorry, but we've decided against having killable kids in this game so we'll just knock this kid unconscious for a few seconds and then let him walk away as if nothing happened".


I don't want to kill children, but I think the option should at least exist. Also there should be some sort of repercussions if you choose to, maybe something similar to the Childkiller perk in Fallout 1 and 2.

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Yeah, you never know about it getting banned anymore. If not banned, there will likely be negative media, and overprotective mothers everywhere will go bat-hell insane. Granted kids aren't exactly the main audience, but sales will drop a little regardless. I know my little brother and sister love TES (they bug me every day with "Can I ppplllaaaayyyy???!"). But, a lot of kids' parents probably wouldn't get it for them with negative reviews like that. Especially if they aren't gamers themselves. We all pretty much know how blown out of proportion the ratings are in these games, because we;ve played a lot of these so called mature games (Granted, you could do some screwed up things in oblivion, my brother goes off massacring towns, but my sister gets upset with someone she's fighting with dies, which is just cute.). My dad let me play mature games before I was even interested in anything "mature".


I'm going to end this short before I go off topic completely. Basically, I'm trying to say, even if it shouldn't be a problem, it'll have to be an issue as long as people make things complicated and pick fights.

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you wont be able to play as a child in the vanilla game. thank god because from what ive seen in fallout image share. i think all child mods should be banned from nexus its pretty disgusting.


I agree with you but there is always the age old "it's not a child it's just an anime stye character" argument gets pulled. Personally, if it looks like an orange, and smells like an orange...

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I'm not interested of killing children but it can be annoying if they are unkillable when dragon invasion is happening in the town. There will be definitely the mods for sure, but I rather prefer watching kids run into shelters and cry mommy and daddy throughout, Total Anarchy!
I don't have a problem with kids being unkillable as long as the dev's don't make them INSANELY ANNOYING like in little lamplight. I mean there wasn't a single kid in that place that i didn't want to super sledge.


Same here. That crier in New Vegas for the Mick and Ralph shop or whatever it was... I actually tried to kill him. All I succeeded in was killing everyone else with my Fat Man -.- That kid was ANNOYING.


Also, PEGI 18 would be A (Adult 18+) in America for those who don't know. Oblivion was originally rated T, but someone, most likely a parent, reported a naked woman texture in the .bsa their kid (most likely) unpacked and got Oblivion rated M. The only way to get it in the game, first of all, was to mod it in, too.


ANYWAYS, before I get too sidetracked, it probably won't be too hard to mod in playing as a kid. Although from what I've read, you can modify your character's body, make them muscular or fat, weak or skinny, that sort of thing. We may be able to adjust height as well.

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There are already killable children in recent game, actually infected children, appeared in Dead Space 2. But killing innocent children are somewhat different. I can hardly expect it will be able to release even in the name of 18+. Playing a killing child/making a child killable will still be up to modders, considering Bethesda's atomsphere. :pirate: Edited by midtek
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