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List of working mods?


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I've finally gotten into DAI modding, but i seem to have come at a bad time. There seems to be a great deal of confusion and broken mods right now. Most of the info i dig up seem to be about Patch 9 but for some reason in the Mod Tools, it lists my patch as 10? I am using Manager Ver. 57 Alpha and pretty much the only mod that seems to work is the font changer. None of my mesh mods or script mods seem to work (yes, I have stuff set to Ultra)


So im wondering if there is a list anywhere that shows currently what mods do work.

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I don't think there is some sort of master list of working mods out there, if there is I have not come across it. Mostly what you have to do is check the comments on the mod if there are any to see if the mod has reports of it being broken. Some mods that work with Patch 9 don't work with the new Descent DLC and sometimes people have errors with mods that are known to be working. Perhaps some of your mods are in conflict with each other. You could try submitting questions about the mods in question here: http://daimodder.tumblr.com/ and seeing if it is a known issue or not. I have also seen them help people solve problems. Out of curiosity, what mods are you running? As someone who runs a lot of mods perhaps I could try and help.

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This seems like its going to be one of those games, where after the last DLC and Patch, modding will come into full speed.


There seems like alot of issues, with scripted mods, though i cant figure why the only mods that seem to work is The Font change one, and the War Table timers. I've tried the Skyhold PJs mods and some hair and skin mods and it seems 50/50. The game either loads but i cant see any changes (and my settings are on ultra) but Black Emporium will crash the game, or attempting to load a saved game makes the screen turn blank and my PC stop responding.


But the game works fine with no problems when i delete mods and run it straight.

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Yeah the Black Emporium will crash the game or, at the very least, the mirror will not work if you have anything on that changes the appearance of your inquisitor. Every PJ mod I have tried has worked but you have to make sure you only have one on at a time and that you have the right file for your race. Some will only be for certain races since the bodies are so different.


Skin and hair mods will have the same issue as each other - what they do is overwrite a mesh already in the game instead of adding a new hairstyle as seen in the previous Dragon Age games when you modded them. So if one hair overwrites mesh A and another hair overwrites mesh A you will have a problem. Sometimes you will only get one hair and sometimes nothing will work. the link I put in my previous post has a Hair compendium which lists all of the hair mods underneath the hair they will replace. If you have more than one hair on that slot it could be your issue. Also I have found that sometimes they don't work unless you start a new game - people around you will have the new hair but you won't. I've only seen this once or twice but it is something to think about. The hair might be working but just not on your inquisitor.


With script mods it really does depend if the patch broke the mod or not. I know that a lot of them are being repaired or new versions are coming out. The tumblr link posts up a lot of the repaired or new versions of them when they come out, such as the new inventory mod. The old one doesn't work anymore as of patch 9 so someone made it so that it does. Certain mods have conditions as well. Using the inventory mod again you have to NOT have the inventory perks in your game to get it to work. If you do have them then your inventory size will not be adjusted.


When you are installing the mods are you clicking the box that says something like 'force rescan of patch'? I know that you need to make sure that is checked off or the modding will not work. Some script mods also have to be configured for them to do anything so make sure you are doing that. Without knowing the mods in question specifically that is all I can tell you, unless you would like to know the mods I have? They all work in my game just fine and I switch between them all the time.

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