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today I installed several mods, I noticed after installing them my textures started to mess up, I uninstalled them. I played with no problems after but now ANY mod I try to install after a while ingame All textures start to mess up this is a very big problem as I can't use any mods that I dont already have... help please
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The textures that are parts of the mods you installed?


The textures that are parts of the vanilla game?




Have you heard of Archive Invalidation Invalidated? For example the version that is built into FOMM.

Though for FNV you have to view the Fallout.ini, to check the archive loading list to make sure it's correctly set up.

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Since it's common ground. Let's start with invalidation.

Which method of archive invalidation are you using if any?


When you install the game it installs archives which hold things like textures.

Inside the archives it's just a great big large folder structure.

Folders in folders an sub-folders with sub-folders an more FOLDERS! WOO HOO FOLDERS!

Then you know in some of the folders are content, like meshes, textures, or even just data.


Modders don't really use these archives most of the time everything is just kept in loose folders.

rather than have our textures in the Textures.BSA or a new .bsa we created, they are just placed

in folders that match the archive's folder structure when it's something that maybe replaces



So when the game loads up it's building a folder structure of what's in the archive then also

Any loose folders it's also building, so that both get merged. This is great, but you need to have

something to tell it to make certian things invalid when they have been replaced otherwise there

are two exact folder paths which have the same file an the game doesn't know which to use


Archive Invalidation .txt is the first method which involves having a notepad file which you add

the new files that are replacing to. Which I hear it even will save data in you save games

thus allowing you to not end up with a .txt file that is as big as Texas TEXAS I SAY!

The old school TES players mostly use this method so you would have to ask one of them.


Archive Invalidation Invalidated would be the other method. It invalidates the method mentioned above.

Get it? invalidation has been invalidated, as it's no longer needed. I LOOVE SAYING THAT...

Idk maybe it's because it's a funny pair of words. However it could be that by using this method

you avoid having to do something else. So it's like skiping out on work, or getting something for free.


The version of Archive invalidation I currently use is the one built into FOMM or NVMM because it's less work

Fallout Mod Manager FOMM New Vegas Mod Manager NVMM which these are the same program now

In the tools tab at the top of the window it has a listing for archive invalidation which will prompt you to toggle invalidation on.

The idea is toggle it once an forget about it but, the first time you apply it you should check to make sure that it is installed correctly.


To check that it's installed correctly. You would first go to your games data folder an look for a AI!.BSA short for ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated.BSA

Then also for new vegas you would look in the FalloutDefault.ini, Fallout.ini, FalloutPrefs.ini notepad config files, down at the bottom

There is a group an line which handles validation of the archives. If Invalidation invalidated worked correctly then the AI!.BSA would have been added as the

first .BSA to load in the archive loading list, an the invalidation file above, listed as SInvalidationFile=Invalidation.txt should have been changed to blank or SInvalidationFile=

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I have it on Fomm and Ive been playing for a long time this just happened day before my OP but one of the mods I downloaded said it replaced something along the lines of what you said how would I fix/replace Archives? I tried turning on and off the archive invalidated in Fomm but nothing happened...
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Well if it's toggled on then you forget about it an shouldn't have to worry about it.

The first time you set it up though it's good to check the three .ini files in notepad an see that the correct changes were made

as well as checking that you have a .BSA in the data folder named Fallout - AI!.BSA


If you still have the problem then maybe start a new game an see if it's there or take a picture of it for the folks here to figure out why it's happening.

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