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Problem in a quest


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I have a little problem with a quest. I need to activate next stage when player will close to some object in exterior. I tried to do something with a trig zone, but it still doesn't work. Is there any function that will set stage when player will stand on some marker or walk in specific cell in exterior?
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Trigger zones are a good way to do it, but it sounds like you are having trouble. It is best to write a custom script for a custom trigger zone. If you tinker with this some more and post details on your setup and post your script, someone can probably help you get it running.


Another option is to take a miscellaneous item like a skull, give it a custom form ID, put a custom script on it, and hide it under a rock or inside a wall where the player can't see it. Use a script like this:


SCN AASetstage20Skull

; Object script applied to a skull under a rock by the door.

Begin Gamemode
   If Getstage AAQuest01 == 10
         If Getdistance Player <= 1000
              Setstage AAQuest01 20

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