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Ancient World Armors/Weapons


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Playing Oblivion, it isn't hard to see the influence of ancient Greece and Rome in the aesthetics of the game. Something which I find really cool.


I think it would be ever greater if there were some "real" armors of this type. Similar to the arena armor, I hope you know what I'm getting at.


So anyway, just throwing it out there, would be cool to see, and an instant download for me.

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Armor of Mythologi Greek Corinthian

Greek Hero Armors and Weapons

Greek Hero Armors - Madness Edition

Custom Romanesque Armors

Imperial Roman Helmet

Playable Roman Helmet

Roman Armor for Imperial Watch

Roman Effort 1

Roman Helmet

Roman Scutum


I'm gonna stop there because, you know, give a man a fish as opposed to teaching him how... I found all those in 60 seconds flat by searching "Greek" and then "Roman" on the main Nexus site. If you want ancient Egyptian stuff, search for Egyptian. I'd also advise searching "gladiator" which I bet will return even more results than Roman did.

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