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Bad Mods vs. True Tech Support

Guest Tessera

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Thanks for the advice. But what about:


Also having a pinned list of just what mods have given trouble? Perhaps this list could be checked by those in charge with good computers before being posted on the list for good? Not only would this help troubleshoot what mods 'may' be causing your current problems, but show what mods need work for those looking to help.


I've been going through the mods for a week now, just haven't posted much in the forums. I've noticed quite a few, due to my age and experience with bad downloads, that just SCREAM "I'll cause problems!" or "This will stink!" or "What use is this anyways, so don't bother dling me".


But some look great and make even me want to ignore common sense before downloading. By great, I mean mods that fix/change something I wondered about while I was playing before I even thought to dl any mods.


Another possible failsafe for players to use before beginning their downloads for the day is to make a system restore point on your computer so that you can return here if the day's mod downloads result in trouble.


Hope I can help.

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  • 2 months later...
I recently installed tessara's (eshme 3.0) mod as per her README (you really ought to go see tessmage.com) and didn't, and still haven't, encounter any problems at all. On the point of installation order, this last weekend I totally wiped and re-installed Oblivion. This time I (experimentally) installed the DLC numerically - apart from The Fighters Stronghold, which is not on the disk - and all former glitches like locked mystic emporium doors etc. have gone away. Now , there's food for thought. Incidentally, I always install DLC after my own little tweaks and, really quite far reaching, bigger mods like tessara's immediately after Shivering Isles and KOTN. In short, what I am saying is, a lot of problems can be prevented by actually reading the readme.txt even if you are fully conversant with the directory structure of the game. Happy gaming everyone. BTW - I LOVE my new look mystic Elf thank you tess, Er ... what's with the pumpkins? LOL.
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lol well dunno what to say... i totally disagree...

mods were never as good as they are today... just compare mods from a year ago with those out now... and honestly to blame a modder for making a mod thats incompatible with another is retarded... thats like buying a piece of land builing a house just to realize that its in the same spot as the one thats there yet... YOUR FAULT!

most mods that conflict out of common sense aka dont install 2 body replacers for example...

as to badly writing... well its still mods... theyre free, take devotaion and time and are sometimes not easy yet most mods work like a charm...

and of course some mods are so complicated that youll need a really good pc to run em

so instead of saying mods should only be used by pros lol rather give those with trouble help...

just my opinion :(

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  • 1 month later...
  jaysus said:
lol well dunno what to say... i totally disagree...

mods were never as good as they are today... just compare mods from a year ago with those out now... and honestly to blame a modder for making a mod thats incompatible with another is retarded... thats like buying a piece of land builing a house just to realize that its in the same spot as the one thats there yet... YOUR FAULT!

most mods that conflict out of common sense aka dont install 2 body replacers for example...

as to badly writing... well its still mods... theyre free, take devotaion and time and are sometimes not easy yet most mods work like a charm...

and of course some mods are so complicated that youll need a really good pc to run em

so instead of saying mods should only be used by pros lol rather give those with trouble help...

just my opinion :(


I agree with jaysus.


It's up to the user to research the mod they may want to use and there is no shortage of pinned information to do just that. However, a lot of people seem to miss these helpful topics.


How many actually read the Readme even if they have a problem? A lot don't.

Common sense is a fleeting thing these days or maybe it always was, it just seems more so as I get older. :blink:


Most people creating mods don't do it with the intention of breaking something in the game, myself included, and responsible modders will try to correct any mistakes they make.

Otherwise how would the people who DON"T post asking for help and use near the limited number of mods manage?

They do their research and even help out those who do need assistance. :sweat:


It's a bit unrealistic to think there's enough space in Cyrodiil that some mods won't overlap. You just have to either choose which to use or use compatibility patches if available.


So called "conflicts" in OBMM are usually mod overlaps which doesn't mean they will break anything. Early on the word "conflict" and anything written in red sent people into a panic, but now it's realized they are more likely overlaps and most often nothing to worry about.


So, I disagree with the original post entirely.

Back when Oblivion was first released and the CS became available maybe some of it was true, but now mods have evolved into quite a different species. They can enrich the game no end and hopefully will continue to do so like the Morrowind modders community after all these years.

I can't remember the Latin for Buyer Beware, without looking it up, but this is the same. User Beware! Find out what you're using first and what it does etc etc then look for help if you have a problem.


If you just stick a heap of mods in the game and expect miracles without checking first, you're asking for trouble. Unfortunately, I know people who do just that and then complain about it. I have little sympathy for people who do silly things. :wacko:


Disclaimer: This is my opinion and is not meant to reflect those of others. :biggrin:

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  • 10 months later...

I really miss the old rating system. I liked the 1 to 10. I rated most good mods around 9. The effect of the new system is that no one votes anymore. A file can get hundreds of downloads without a single endorsement or thumbs down. I used to look at a mod's rating before I decided whether or not to download. But I can't really do that anymore since a perfectly astounding mod might have two endorsements and a piece of junk that crashes would have zero endorsements and zero thumbs downs.


There are a lot of really bad mods out there. They don't work, don't look nice, and don't make sense. But now I don't know how to find them without downloading them and being unhappy about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OBMM will report the suspicious conflicting files when trying to install a new OMOD.


And while we're at it OMOD is the way to go, it is the cleanest, most headache-free way to install a mod and especially to UNINSTALL one.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  I am the orc said:
I'm kind of new to the whole modding thing and i'm not sure if this is the right thread to be posting this on, but everytime i try finding the item that the mod added, i instead find bunch of giant yellow and blue cubes where that item or creature should be. Please help.

Either you installed the files wrong, or the files are missing important meshes/textures/whatever. You should put this in mod troubleshooting, not in game troubleshooting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think you overreact Guest_Tessera. I have now played Oblivion 7 or 8 times nearly with all possibly mods, and I only had a few crashes, and none I could not deal with. If we should really only install "safe" mods, we would not have any at all.
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Please, gentlemen, while you add something to the topic by your posts and thus avoid thread necromancy, note that posts you answer were left here 1-2 years ago, and the topic's author is long banned. Not that I mind, but is there a point in a one-sided conversation?
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