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Mod Request: Superhero armor/clothing?


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Actually Jetacon has done quite a few of the outfits check his NV Profile HERE

Yep they are pretty good, I'm using them at the moment and will have to ask him later if I can use the ones I need in my mod when I'm ready to release it, unless there's a way to use my mod detecting his mods outfits being worn somehow.

Edited by ozziefire
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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree Jetacon is skilled...those costumes are difficult, especially the muscle meshes. Sadly, I find that the chosen color palette makes them unusable to me. In the wasteland, such bright hues look garish...I'd be too distracted by my own character's flamboyance to appreciate the game anymore.


And, as my handle indicates, I'm a stickler for details. Superheroes would only work for me if there was a plausible way to shunt them (or a doppelganger) into the my beloved Fallout mythos.


(That's why I so ruthlessly campaign for a WWII and EARTH X Captain America.)


Rorscach works, though. So does Deadpool, kinda. We've seen what happens to the mental state of most ghouls.

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  • 1 month later...

is there a Deadpool costume out there?

I remember seeing a couple of pictures around, but no links to the mod.

I could be wrong but I thought there was a Deadpool in one of the Superhero costume packs

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Who needs boring real-life superheroes when you have ... WASTELAND HEROES!!!




Featuring Argyle and Daring Dashwood, Captain Cod, Kenny the Behemoth, Satellite, Bolt (fastest kid in the wastes), Captain Falcon, The Nuka Avenger and ToxicMan!

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hahah! that's brilliant!

The Nuka Avenger actually -looks- like a superhero. I think its the colours and the huge shoulder pads :P

he looks like he should be holding a helmet under his arm.


man...we should totally have a "superhero week" in which people make superhero characters (and mod up new armor and outfits for them) and post up pics....

that'd be epic.




now that I think about it, the whole style of The Nuka Avenger reminds me of Captain America. he's also I note, visibly carrying a large weapon :P

one imagines he fights for "truth, justice and the nuka cola way"

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man...we should totally have a "superhero week" in which people make superhero characters (and mod up new armor and outfits for them) and post up pics....

that'd be epic.

Yes! So much yes..


now that I think about it, the whole style of The Nuka Avenger reminds me of Captain America. he's also I note, visibly carrying a large weapon :P

one imagines he fights for "truth, justice and the nuka cola way"

Actually his story is a bit tradgic, he drank a bottle of unfiltered Isotope 97 (the stuff they made the quantum prototype out of) and lost his mind. He made some new armour and renamed himself The Nuka Basturd. Now he terrorizes the Wastes trying to adict people to nuka cola. :tongue:


I actually began making this as a mod at one point but it was when I first started modding so I bit off more than I could chew. Now it's in the pile of unfinished mods I'd like to do but know I never will :unsure:

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heh, if you're like me, you'll occasionally reach into that "junked mods" bin and pull out bits and pieces that are worth keeping...


basturd as in inglorious?



I'd start us off on the whole "Superhero" thing right here and now, but I wouldn't want to switch tracks on the topic :P

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