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Adding a addition


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OK...so i use the Vile Lair as my player home, and I was attempting to add a storage room onto the bedroom. I created loaded oblivion.esm and vilelair.esp and set no active file. Created a new cell and designed my storage area. I went into the bedroom in the bastion and deleted a corner after which i replaced it with a 3 way hall and a door, linked the doors together and then saved the new esp.


Problem is, when i load the new esp (after vilelair.esp in load order), nothing changes in the bedroom at all. So i used the COC command to teleport into the cell i created and went through the door i created which puts me in a cell with nothing but the 3 way hall and the door. So I went back into the construction set and loaded everything up again and it seems to be creating a duplicate cell of the bastion and placing my changes in there.


How the heck do i get my new esp to override the original viallair.esp? do i need to make the original a parent master to my mod or what? Im totally at a loss on this one, so any kinda of help would be nice.



thanks in advance.

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Yeah, I thought about doing that. But that doesn't leave me the option of sharing the mod on the nexus. So i'd rather do it the right way, plus the knowledge of how to do it is priceless since i may need to know how again in the future.
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Use Wrye Bash to change vilelair.esp to an esm. Load it in the CS, make your changes and save as a new file. Change vilelair back to an esm. There's a better explanation of the process here. I've read a much more involved explanation by Arthmoor I believe but I can't find it now.




I believe Construction Set Extender let's you use an esp as a master.

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