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Pip boy alarm clock for realistic sleeping


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Just a simple idea that came too my mind at lunch.


So, you might have realised that the sleeping system in Fallout NV is kinda like magic: you find a bed, set the time you want to sleep, say 5 hours for example, and you sleep for 5 hours, no alarms, no visuals for getting up after sleeping...


This mod would change the shown gui after you activate a bed to sleep and replace it with a pip boy style gui where you set a specfic time, minutes included, set the alarm and then sleep, it would improve realism in that matter.


Also, i thought that, to add a bit of fun to the mod, characters with low intelligence would interact with the alarm in a different way: when trying to set the alarm a message would pop up:


"You try to set the alarm, but these buttons look too complicated for you, so you start mashing them"


Then, the player would have the option either to cancel and dont sleep or to sleep, with low intelligence the alarm would be set to a random time, so you wouldn't know when you would wake up.

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