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new heavy armor perk idea use your armor to hurt enemies


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Hey there I had some ideas for making heavy armor more different and interesting then light armor. My idea is with heavy armor your body is a solid fortress and enemies run the risk of being hurt. here's the ideas

New perk: solid wall enemies that attack you in melee while you are wearing heavy armor run the risk of hurting themselves. Animals and unarmed fighters have higher chance of being hurt.When they attack there is a chance that the attack critically fails and 1 of a few effects happens

  1. They injure themselves for 1.5x the amount of damage they would have caused you, so if someone would have done 5 damage they suffer 10 damage to their self, animals and unarmed take 2x damage

  2. They are drained of a fair bit of stamina from the shock of the solidness of the armor

  3. If using melee weapons the weapon they were using is dropped on the ground from them being stunned

  4. The melee weapon breaks from the failure and is destroyed

  5. The enemy is jarred from the resistance and falls to the ground stunned from the failed attack

  6. The target injures themself and attacks more slowly and with less power for a few seconds

this would be different from reflect blows because even if you don't take damage the possible effects and damage will still affect the enemy so if your armor would protect from 5 damage the target would still take damage it would have otherwise caused you

anyone here interested in trying this mod idea?

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