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My First Object, Need some help.


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Hey guys.


I've recently decided to get into the deal of making 3d objects in blender, and eventually importing them to NV. This is all part of a learning schedule, I've made.


Now I've created my first project, a gun, not something amazing, but it was great practice trying to get it look cool. It's way to pointy. Not really detailed, and yet I have almost 7 times as many vertices as the Vanilla Service rifle.


I now want to export it and try it in game.


I've exported as a NIF from blender, and made a Edit on the Editor ID of the service rifle (saved as new Editor ID as well), in Geck with the info on the gun. Dropped it in Doc Mitchells house. Enabled the Mod and started up the game. Now here comes my problem.


I can see the gun, but I can't interact with it. It floats, for lord knows whatever reason. The texture seems to flicker off and on, but that might be because of my not so detailed UV Map.


I've tried to open 2 nifskope, and then copy over the NiTriStripsData/bhkCollisionObject from my Gun to the Service rifle, but for some reason, my gun ends up scaled huge, not alligned to ZXY grid and being upside down, so that wasn't really helpful. I've even tried following the "Creating a Sword for Fallout" tutorial (just the export/import buisness) but to no avail.


Can anyone be able to point me in the right direction?


Thanks in advance.

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Flickering is probably due to wrong texture path or you have the texture path outside of data\textures.

Lack of interactivity is probably due to export settings. I have never messed with weapons much, but looking at a vanilla weapon, did you tick 'use bs fade node root' when you exported from blender. Also, static meshes don't use shadow map I have found, so make sure that is unticked.

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I havent done any guns either but. Anyway guns are more complicated than sword to begin with.


Do all the stuff that quetz said and also your gonna want to apply scale and rotation to object data. I think you can do that in nifskope after exporting but you can do that before exporting in blender also.

I think you can get an error trying to export a skinned object without doing that but im not sure about the static objects.


Oh but maybe it is the wrong size and orientation when you made it to begin with, so import a similar weapon nif that is already working to use as a guide for scaling and rotation of the object.


I think that your non interactive floating situation is because your collision mesh is the wrong type. You want to have a weapon OL on the colision mesh and it will be colored yellow i think.

There are preset buttons across the top of the middle column when exporting and you can select the havok type there.


IT sounds like you will have other problems with your weapon, like having trouble with the animations and stuff. but take everything one at a time i guess.

BTW the weapon animation part you have to deal with by parenting different sections of your weapon geometry to the correct animated nodes on the weapon nif.

That is why i said that guns are more complicated than swords. swords just have this extra blood decal feature on them and thats about it.

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Yeah this was just a "How do I?" really. and I just chose to make a gun because they're interact able.


The flickering, I guess is because I just selected all vertices and did a unwrap, instead of selecting only the "outer" (visible) faces, and that's the correct way to do it, right? :)


The stuff you mentioned, Quetzlsacatanango, worked and I can now pick it up.




I did do a Ctrl+A "Scale & Rotation to ObData" after making my collision mesh.


I also did a scale & Rotation with the Vanilla Service rifle. Imported it, with scale 1.0 and scale correction 100 and exported with scale correction 100. Is that the fault of the scale issues I'm having in Nifskope? Should the scale correction be changed?


I'm not quite sure what Weapon OL is. (Maybe Weapon Overlay?) and I'm not quite sure how to set it up. I did set up some stuff under "Logic" like mentioned in the "Creating a sword for Fallout" Tutorial. Is this what needs to be changed?


I did also change the havok material in the export menu, to weapon.


Animations isn't really my main focus right now, but will be in my next project. I'm gonna try to import the service rifle and convert it to a HK416, or will it be easier just creating it from scratch? The Rifle I'm working on now is not created with any particular rifle in mind. It's just a "handmade", so to speak, by me sitting down and drawing some lines and using some knowledge I have from my time in the army.


Thanks for the awesome help guys! It's really appreciated :)

Edited by Track10
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Ok i am not understanding what the issue is on the scaling problem. I never experienced scaling issues and i havent even messed with changing scale corections or anything.


the OL is called oblivion layer and there are various types of collision in the game that corresponds to each oblivion layer. ol weapon is the one you want and you can select it with the havok presets button.


If you can get the gun working and not worry about the reloading animations then that will be good, you can tackle the reloading animations later on :D

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