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Follower and Quest mod that involves merging our world with the World of Tamriel........


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I have a REALLY good idea for a follower mod thay also involves a quest. If any of you know how to make stuff like that with the mod kit let me know because ill write and do the voice acting while you program and edit the npc.

This mod is an original idea and it kinda involves breaking the 3rd wall. While a DragonBorm is exploring a Nordic ruin he comes across a dazed and confused man dressed in what looks like MODERN clothing from OUR world. The man, confused and dazed demands the dragonborn to know what is going on and where he is. When the dragonborn explains that he Is in Skyrim the man laughs as if someone was playing an elaborate prank on him and points out that the armor looks "really convincing". The dragonborn helps him up and walks him outside the ruin. They continue to travel through skyrim, the man still believing this is all a joke but wondering how he got to this location and demands to know where he is. Finally after some exploring, that come across. Dragon and a Giant in a fight to the death. The man freaks out because he has finally come to the realization that he has somehow been transported to the elder scrolls universe and tries to unsuccessfully explain that the dragonborn and all of tamriel is just a universe within a recreational program called a "video game". Being that, obviously, the Dragonborn has know idea what a video game is, he takes the man to the college of winterhold to get some explanations which sets them on a quest that ties our two worlds together.

This is just a sample of the story but I feel this could really work. Think of all the times you thought to yourself how you would like to go and explore tamriel, this mod is for those people, because the "man" in this mod represents all gamers and their fscination with getting lost in our little 3d worlds. Tell me what you think guys!


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