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Regarding Streamline...


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I want to turn off how streamline turns down the fade bars, or atleast change so it doesn't turn them down that much. How do I do this? I know that there's something in the sl.ini I should change... I just don't know which one or what I should change it too...
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Look for the section 'What can Streamsmooth change' and set those things you don't want Streamline to control to 0 (off) rather than 1 (on).




Turn Streamsmooth off all together. Look for the line:


'set SLv.FPSsmoothing to 1 ; Turn on Streamsmooth? (FPS smoothing)'


and change the 1 to a 0. (It's near the start of the ini)

Edited by wetblanket
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Streamline works by trading visual eye candy in the game for FPS. To get more FPS it cuts down the eye candy (visual effects) automatically to get the FPS you specify. It does this by changing the Oblivion.ini values while you play. Manually changing the ini values without disabling that value in streamline will accomplish nothing as streamline will just change them back again to get the FPS up.


Your choice, more visual effects with less FPS or more FPS with less visual effects. You don't get something for nothing.


Streamline is meant for weaker computers and may actually slow down a fast system with it's constant changes.


When I was using it on an older computer I got the best FPS/visual performance with my FPS max at 28 and minimum at 18. Plus some of the visuals - such as shadows disabled in streamline and turned all the way down in the ini. You will still have some places such as Imperial City Market district during the day that will fade quite a bit and still run slow.


If you are unsure about what some of the visual settings actually do, This site has the best explanation. http://www.tweakguides.com/

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This is strange, I've tried turning off the functions under the "What can streamsmooth change" section, with other words changing it from 1 to 0, but no effect in game... Tried shutting down streamsmooth, no effect...


With no effect, I mean that after I save the changes to the streamline.ini file and go into the game, and change the fade levels in the video menu part, they just reset... It's so strange, I see the effects take place for a 1/10th second, and then reset to the old setting... I check the menu and the bars is back to what they were before I changed anything...


The si.ini is in: data/streamline/INI files... is it at the wrong place?

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I just de-activated the streamline.esp, and everything works... no resetting or anything.. But I want to be able to use streamline and still have the fade-bars where I want them... :L
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I'm having a read through the doc's. I was hoping for a console alternative to the in-game menu but no luck so far.


However, from the doc's:


If you think your installation got messed up somehow, you can

easily fix it: Disable the mod first, then load a savegame and

re-save it. This creates what people call a "clean save" that

has no mod info in it regarding Streamline. Then delete the

Streamline ESP and \Streamline folders, and re-copy those that

came with the package. Re-do any configuration edits to the

sl.ini file you made, and restart the game. The mod will

initialize itself automatically and you can just start over

using it.




If you make changes to the sl.ini file after you have

installed and played with Streamline active, you will

need to initalize the mod with the new sl.ini values for

them to take effect. You can do this in the SL Main Menu

by choosing the "Special Actions" button, and choosing

the Re-Initialize option.


If you follow this then Streamline will reinitialise with your ini edits. You probably don't have to do the whole procedure, clean-saving is probably enough.

Edited by wetblanket
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