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How to add custom sounds to creatures?


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How do I add custom sounds to creatures? What file format must they be?


Sound files need to be .wav format and mono rather than stereo for creatures. There's a helpful page at the CS Wiki that explains some of the things needed.



If you haven't already got the sound files you need there are a number of sites that offer free sound effects, but often finding good ones isn't that easy. Otherwise, if they are not stated as "free to use" they may be under copyright or have some restrictions for use, so you need to be careful there.


When you have your files setup as described at the Wiki, you then need to add them to your creature. Got to Miscellaneous\Sound in the CS Object Window then right click on the creature sound in the list, for example, NPCBearAware, if it's a normal creature and not a completely custom one.


In the ID field give it a new ID and click OK. You'll be prompted to save a new form, so say yes.


You need to decide beforehand which sound will be used for which action. Taking the bear as an example, NPCBearIdle would be a sound it would make while standing idle and not in combat or Aware. Using the info on the Wiki page, navigate to the directory you made and select the sound file. If necessary adjust the other options like frequency etc. These are explained on the page.

It's a good idea to name the actual files Idle, Aware, Death, Injured for ease of finding the ones you need beforehand.


Note, you can't actually play and preview the vanilla sounds unless you have the Sounds BSA unpacked, but you can play custom sounds within the CS.


Next you need to go to the creatures form and it's sounds tab where you see Foot, Death, Idle, Aware etc. For each of these right click and select Edit. Then choose the sound effect you previously setup. You'll hear the sound as you select it. You may want to adjust the frequency for how often they play for sounds like Idles etc, or you can leave it at default.


There's no need to replace the foot sounds unless you wish to, but keep in mind foot sounds can be a drag on some sound cards. Depending on the creature you don't even need foot sounds as it doesn't effect the game.


I hope this helped somewhat. :) If not you can PM me. I've done custom sounds for most of my animal companions, but it's easier to do than explain.


EDIT: spelling

Edited by Maigrets
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