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Mod explanation


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Hey, I wonder if someone could give me an explanation of how i should mod my game. It's all very overwhelming to me.

So far I've downloaded Fallout3 mod manager and archiveinvalidation. I understand what mod manager is for, it allows me to pick the load order of my mods. I dont understand Archiveinvalidation at all. And there might be some other things I might not know about.

So far I have tried to use the MMM and ironsight mods but both seemed to have failed. Ironsight didnt do anything besides giving one of my weapons a strange color, after I turned it off I was suddenly able to use ironsights but with the original weapons which basically blocks your entire vision. MMM showed creators with strange colors and im not sure weather the other features worked or not, some cockroaches suddenly fled for me though.


Second question:

Is there a patch that pretty much all mods use?


Third question:

Are there any mods you would recommend? I mostly want mods that improve the gameplay and the ambience/beaty of the game.

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You don't need ArchiveInvalidation if you have the mod manager, as it is included in the manager.


A large number of mods will require "Fallout Script Extender" (FOSE) so installing that is probably your next step.


The funky colors are due to Archive Invalidation not being applied properly, so open up FOMM, then in the "Tools" menu there should be a tick next to "Archive Invalidation" at the bottom of the menu. If there isn't, select it, and that should activate invalidation for you.


I'm not sure about ironsights, but I think it requires FOSE, so installing that should fix up all the problems there.

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