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Changing Recharger Pistol Glow.


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This should actually be fairly easy seeing as you're editing a glow map, rather than adding one to a weapon that never had one. If you're editing the vanilla texture, you're going to want to extract the vanilla Fallout New Vegas textures from their respective .bsa files, and find the textures for the recharger pistol (should be something like data\textures\weapons\1handpistol\rechargerpistol.dds). Inside the folder should be two textures that are called rechargerpistol_g.dds, and 1stpersonrechargerpistol_g.dds. These are your glow maps for the world and first person models of the weapon, so you'll need to edit each identically if you want the weapon to look the same in first and third person. All you have to do is change the color of the piece that you want to edit (some toying around with different locations on the texture should give you an idea of what parts of the flat image correspond to which pieces of the 3D model) and then save it and it should work fine.

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