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Weapon idea, not sure how to make the effect look right


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So what do you get when you cross a minigun with a flamethrower?


A terrible idea, probably, but it needs to happen anyway!


I tried making a standard minigun shoot like a flamethrower, but after adjusting the spread and number of projectiles, I realized it would never be right. The flames always shoot from the top barrel. What I'm really looking for is for all the 'barrels' to be constantly shooting flame, so that you'd end up with this swirling vortex of fire. Then, add to that a knockdown ragdoll effect and reduce the base damage considerably so the target doesn't die too quickly. Compensate for low base damage with a higher crit damage and a very high crit rate so that the gun crits often, and therefore applies the knockdown effect often, and you have a recipe for fiery ragdoll flinging lulz!


I have no idea how to go about making the swirling fire effect look good, though. Thoughts?

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