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Paperdoll Lighting


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Anyone who loves graphics as much as I do, would have noticed that the lighting in the Paperdoll (TAB Screen) is non existant, its just a plan paperdoll and it looks considerably ugly in comparison to the character model in the game and the Race Menu screen.


Has anyone seen or thought about making a mod that copies the lightng currently in the game on the character to match the paperdoll?

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Anyone who loves graphics as much as I do, would have noticed that the lighting in the Paperdoll (TAB Screen) is non existant, its just a plan paperdoll and it looks considerably ugly in comparison to the character model in the game and the Race Menu screen.


Has anyone seen or thought about making a mod that copies the lightng currently in the game on the character to match the paperdoll?

I believe that it is hard coded to use either no lighting, or a specific set of lights. Either way, you can't get anything so useful as current light intensity via scripts, and cannot alter the intensity of lights via scripts. Essentially, there isn't any way to do it where it would reflect what is actually present in game. You might, after some digging, be able to figure out a way to tone it down some, but this may have a negative effect on some of the menus.

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